Ruined reputation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

How much of this country’s tourism marketing and advertising budget is negated is anybody’s guess, when we have a full page story (with photos) in the New York Post today of Peter Nygard and Louis Bacon, with the latter stating that “he is afraid for his life and that of his family”. These are not two guys from Hospital Lane now, but billionaires from Lyford Cay.

Unfortunately it has gotten to this state of affairs, because it would appear— and has been publicly suggested — that one of these men has the government in his pocket, and has been allowed to do and say whatever the hell he wants with absolute impunity.

This country is truly, as the Jamaicans say, a POPPY SHOW !!!

Money can buy stupidity I guess.



March 5, 2015.


EasternGate says...

Yup! Dorian Gray gat them corrupt bastards in his ass pocket!

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

As they say, "the scum always floats to the top".

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

I am in the states and everyone I talk to knows of the murders and corrupt government and the HIGH taxes charged to tourists. What I don't get is how the people and government don't get that by creating a PARADISE for us tourists, we will save up our money all year long from our jobs and GIVE IT ALL TO YOU in that one week vacation spent there. Don't you want our hard earned money that we've been saving?????? We GLADLY will give it to you if you provide us with a week of paradise from our normal, mundane, working lives.

We tourists will spend twice as much for that hamburger that we eat here. Pay outrageous fees for a ONE HOUR jet ski ride, fork over cash just to catch a fish on vacation even thou we know these things are overpriced, we are WILLING to pay for them. The people of the Bahamas should be creating a beautiful place and the people should also be living a beautiful life and have a life that other people dream of. But, are pushing our money to another country that wants and works for it while you are creating a nightmare of a life that brings PITTY, not envy, from tourists. Get. Your. Act.Together, Mon'

Posted 11 March 2015, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

brandon_levin says...

Tourism has to be the answer, not the problem, no wonder its reputation is going down the drain in general. <a href="" class="new ui-datepicker help">e-reputation switzerland</a> Brandon

Posted 20 March 2015, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

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