Symonette: Ingraham would have demanded a resignation


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette yesterday said had he been in the position of Works Minister Philip Davis, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham would have already demanded a resignation.

Mr Davis, the current deputy prime minister, gave misinformation in the House of Assembly last month when he said the dorm that was gutted by fire at the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) in January had a lapsed insurance policy.

Mr Davis sought to clear the matter up on Wednesday, when he told the House that the contractor had never secured an insurance policy for the $2.6m structure, but received payments from the Ministry of Works for nearly a year in spite of this “breach”.

Mr Symonette questioned whether the government ensured a bond was in place for the construction of the male dorm, as is the practice for projects of BAMSI’s magnitude. Estimates provided to the government have projected a $5.5m reconstruction cost for the structure, which will be redesigned, Mr Davis said on Wednesday.

“He should resign,” Mr Symonette said. “Someone has to be made accountable. The government should not have made the first payment to the contractor without the insurance certificate in their possession. And don’t think for a minute that the Ministry of Finance isn’t at fault either.

“The basis of Mr Davis’ resignation should be two-fold. The reasons being, he not only misled the House but he allowed the construction of this dorm without the insurance being in place.

“It is not sufficient for him to say he provided the wrong information to the House when he spoke on it two weeks ago. He should resign.”

This comes in the aftermath of Mr Davis’ revelation in Parliament on Wednesday that he presented the wrong information in the House on February 25. He said he did not receive the contractor’s file until March 2, which was when he said he learned the facts of the matter.

Initially, he said the building did not have insurance coverage because of “negligence” on the part of the contractor, Audley Hanna, who had allowed the policy to lapse.

However, this week Mr Davis admitted that Mr Hanna submitted every required document to the government – except an insurance policy certificate.

In its place was an insurance policy quote from RoyalStar Assurance for all-risk insurance for a six-month period from the commencement of the project.

Mr Symonette said the government should also be held accountable for the handling of the contract’s tendering process.

“These guys do what they want to do and it should not happen. They must be made to answer, who were the bidders for the BAMSI project and how exactly were they selected? They should also tell us what were the bid prices.

“The Bahamian people also need to know whether there was a bond because most government jobs of that size require a bond and does this man have the money to pay it back?”

Mr Symonette also raised concerns over the government’s decision to change the structure’s initial layout of single occupancy to double.

“I suspect that now that they are changing the orders for the place to double occupancy it is the Christie administration’s way of giving him (the contractor) an opportunity to recoup what was lost. It is a manipulation of the system.”

Mr Davis has said the contractor stands fully liable for the construction outlay to date totalling $2,550,864.15.

Former Works Minister Neko Grant has called for a police investigation to probe apparent “fraudulent acts” allegedly committed during the construction of the dorm.

Last month, Mr Hanna told a reporter that he thought the dorm was insured at the time of the fire by a company called Southern Alliance. However, there is no listing for this company in the phone book, nor is it listed on the Insurance Commission of The Bahamas’ website.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Perry has been wishing all of his political career that he had been endowed with balls as big as Hubert's eyes! Age has shriveled up what little poor Perry was endowed with at birth, and Brave knows it as does the Lady Smacker Miller and many others!!!

Posted 13 March 2015, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Mr Ingraham has big eyes, I'm afraid this particular feat would be impossible

Posted 13 March 2015, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Brent, why is it that it's only when politicians are out of power that they get around to demanding that: “Someone in government, but never their colleagues, have to be made accountable to taxpayers?"
Has the former DPM spoken out as vocally to call for exposing the red shirt appointed BEC board member a US court was told, did in fact pocket a cool 1/4 million dollars by reason of their political appointment? If not, why not?

Posted 13 March 2015, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

The reference to the BEC board member continues, but the Cabinet Minister responsible for BEC has stated publicly that it was a Cabinet decision to overrule the Board.

Posted 13 March 2015, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade I can only go by what is recorded in official US court documents. Maybe you should
be asking certain media houses, if they have reported all they know about the true identity of the
1/4 millon dollars under the table red shirt? And if not, whom is it they are protecting?

Posted 13 March 2015, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

This is the same Brent Symonett, who awarded his own company a contract. His Delivery Boy only put him aside to save face, there was nothing to that just a farce. Then him came back to become Deputy PM . How dumb do they think we are..?? "Lest to forget"

Posted 13 March 2015, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

You're obviously either very dumb, or very bias for failing to address the fact that Hubert Ingraham made Brent Symonette either relinquish that contract or hand in his resignation! You convieniently left out that little nugget of information huh?

That's the difference between Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie! Ones a leader and the other is not!

Your post are always littered with nonsense, hearsay, and propaganda! Stop telling half truths to support your partisan, idiotic point of view! If you are going to draw an illustration on something, draw the complete illustration and be forthcoming with all events related to the matter so that readers can make a critical and prudent assesment of your claims. People like you make me sick. You're the epitome of a sensless Bahamian PLP always talking nonsense. Just shout your mouth and go and sit to the back of the class next to that other mental defective generalcrazy!

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Everyone knows that this type of nonsense that transpired under the PLP government could never have happened under the FNM without someone being fired. Everyone knows that HAI is a stern leader who demands accountability, or else head will roll.

The problem with Hubert Ingraham is that he appeared insensitive and care-less about the immediate concerns of Bahamian citizens. While it maybe true that the FNM government is responsible for the initiation and completion of most of the infrastructural projects within the Bahamas; they failed at creating jobs for Bahamians, failed at addressing our illegal immigration problem, and only seems to cater to foreign endeavors. The FNM treated Bahamians like second class citizens and ignored issues that we felt were important at the time. HAI was ultimately responsible for his party being voted out of power.
As a result.... we now have Perry, Brave Davis, and the rest of sicky finger cohorts of the PLP to contend with. (Talk about jumping out of the pot into the fire).

Posted 13 March 2015, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

I agree with you completely. I have voted for 3 different parties the last 3 elections, simply to get the last bastards out. Our only options are voting for a terrible arrogant FNM or a really terrible corrupt PLP party. In this country we do not vote for a party, more so we vote against the terrible incumbent party. At least we have the sense to rotate them now every 5 years.

Posted 13 March 2015, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ooh my dear Comrade DonAnothony, I think you're getting; yes theres a need for rotation alright, all mixed up with - here comes more wasted tax dollars to indulge the new boys in power.

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I heard the best assessment of PLP/FNM dynamics today on Carlton Smith's show, "the FNM is better at how they manage their *subjectivity*". And it hits the nail on the head, some of the same abuses happened under the FNM, the public face was just handled better. If there was no public outcry would Symonette have stayed in place?

Posted 13 March 2015, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

To compel the golden boy of the UBP to resign was no small feat. As powerful as Brent Symonette was, Ingraham made him step down. Ingraham don't pay that.

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The TRUTH Brent Symonett completed the project. stepped aside, then came back as Deputy PM. It was a farce, to make them all look good.. Now you all should know that you all Papa loves to look tough . But he is a nervous person who just grins and grins. He is mean spirited. Now remember he said he missed being a friend of PM Christie. Mr. Christie never said he missed him how about that?

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Stop making yourself look like a idiot with these grade school post's. Your beloved PLP is a corrupt organization, period.

Posted 13 March 2015, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Must have been pretty damn hard keep such a 'family secret' out of the reach of the cabinet room.
I want make sure I get this right. Comrades are you saying Brent's at the time admission, that his family had an interest in a company awarded a government contract - was sprung on PM Hubert, like it was some closely-guarded "Symonette family" secret, kept well hidden from his red shirts cabinet colleagues, who "voted" to grant the contract? If so, I want no part in your silly season games.
This is all the proof needed that political blame finger-pointing at those other fellows over there seated on that side of the Honourable House of Assembly, can have some serious backfiring repercussion.

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Something must be done to stop this constant wastage/ mismanagement of public funds. Else when the PLP is ready to demit office in 2017 the VAT rate will have to be trippled just to keep the country going.

Posted 13 March 2015, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Yep, the Bahamian people need to grow up and wake up. What a bunch of fools! That we accept the corrupt governance we have had over the years speaks volumes as to what sort of people we really are. Sheep to the slaughter, not a peep, right! Losers!

Posted 13 March 2015, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................................................... STFU Brent Symonett ...........................................**

PLP and FNM seems to have selective alzheimers' when convenient for both pirate ships.

How come no one heard a peep from Brent Symonett or Hubert Ingraham demanding the resignation or accountability from their Cabinet Minister Of Tourism that made $5M disappear through his shell company?

What about the FNM state of the art $350,000.00 **TERLITS** at Saunders Beach?

Even more pondering provoking, how come the PLP never said a peep about the missing $5M from the peoples Treasury or Saunders Beach terlits after winning the government?

Both goose and gander are obviously feeding from the same source and are unable to point the finger at each other for fear of "more feedings" being divulged.

Posted 13 March 2015, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Sad state of affairs is the Bahamas.
So the truth of the matter is....... the people's only option is to choose between a rotten apple, or a rotten pear. Either way, both parties are rotten.

Posted 14 March 2015, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Go to the head of the class.

Posted 14 March 2015, 2:14 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

In historical terms, HAI cannot ever be compared with the corrupt Cabinet abuses of Pindling and Perry. Can anyone remember the issues leading up to the 1992 election???

The reason why we are switching parties every 5 years says more about our wishful thinking for party favours rather than seeking to improve governance.

What has transpired since 2002 is directly related to our growing national debt ....... government fiscal mismanagement and corruption under old Ping-style politicians


Posted 14 March 2015, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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