DNA blasts PM for dodging BAMSI in favour of Heat game


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney has criticised Prime Minister Perry Christie for opting to attend a basketball game in Florida rather than seeking to rectify the controversy surrounding the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute.

Mr McCartney claimed Mr Christie, following parliamentary proceedings on Wednesday night, left the country to attend a Miami Heat National Basketball Association game amidst a controversy surrounding the lack of an insurance policy for the fire-damaged dormitory at BAMSI on North Andros.

In a statement on Friday Mr McCartney said the trip “could not come at a worse time,” and asked whether a basketball game was “really more important to him than dealing with the BAMSI crime scene?”

He said as minister of finance, it is Mr Christie’s “ultimate responsibility to ensure that any and all payouts from the Treasury are done so in accordance with the law”.

“Even as the electorate is left to wonder where the government intends to find the money to reconstruct that building, Mr Christie left the country following parliamentary proceedings on Wednesday night to attend a Miami Heat game in Florida,” Mr McCartney said.

The Ministry of Tourism held a promotional event at the game publicising the Bahamas, the IAAF World Relays and the imminent opening of Baha Mar.

“This trip could not come at a worse time. Where are Mr Christie’s priorities and who funded this trip? Were taxpayer funds again misappropriated for the personal exploits of government officials? Was a basketball game really more important to him than dealing with the BAMSI crime scene?

“Clearly this administration has lost its way,” he added. “The leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party has failed this country. They must all go. Now.”

Mr McCartney also called for Mr Christie’s resignation as minister of finance and questioned how he could not have known something was amiss, considering that BAMSI is a key project the prime minister has been promoting over the past few months.

“For months now, the (prime minister) has touted the benefits of BAMSI, spreading the message of its potential across the archipelago; recounting again and again the very personal attachment he had to this idea,” he said. “It is hard to believe then that the (prime minister) was not intimately knowledgeable about the facility’s inner workings, its progress and exactly how much money was paid out, when, and to whom.”

Mr McCartney’s comments came two days after Minister of Works Philip “Brave” Davis backtracked from his initial comments about the validity of the insurance policy of the fire-damaged dormitory at BAMSI.

Last month, Mr Davis said the insurance policy had lapsed at the time of the fire on January 15, due to contractor negligence. However, on Wednesday, he revealed that the $2.6m structure never had all-risk insurance coverage, as was mandated, and that the contractor only provided a quote from an insurance company before receiving payments.

He said the oversight was due to an “administrative error.”

Former Works Minister Neko Grant has called for police to investigate the matter and said Mr Davis “misled” the House of Assembly when he spoke on the matter on February 25. He said Mr Davis should now “do the honourable thing”.

Mr Hanna has said he is willing to rebuild the dorm from scratch, at no expense to taxpayers, but that he did not know where he would get the money.

“If it means I have to put the building back to the way it was, I’ll do that but that ain’t my call, that’s the government’s call,” Mr Hanna told The Tribune.

It will cost more than $5m to rebuild the dorm, Mr Davis has said.


asiseeit says...

They busy giving a former PLP senator another hand up while the rest of the Bahamas is going to the dogs. These guys do not care about the nation, they care about empowering their people, people in their party, that very elite group of PLP's. The rest of us are just here to pay taxes and get ripped off, we do not count! Bahamians better come to and realize that this government is about doing what is right for it's members and to hell with the Bahamian people that are not stalwart councilors in the PLP. This government is corrupt and once again "ALL FOR ME".

Posted 16 March 2015, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

You sure Perry wasn't in Atlanta with Queen Bernie??????????????? Oh, I forget........... he een gat no balls!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 16 March 2015, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Let's see whats the flying time to watch a football game in Florida versus say South Africa?
Comrades I forget now but wasn't Bran still a member of the red cabinet when former PM Papa Hubert flew off to watch some football game over in South Africa, leaving behind a crisis at
home? I too forgets if Papa took some red cabinet ministers along with him to keep he company. cuz it's so easy get homesick being so damn far traveled from Nassau Town? By the way Bran, did you heard about your bosom buddy "BIAC's former Chairman" Edision's decision to leave politics?

Posted 16 March 2015, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

What has this got to do with the fact that Our Prime Minister wasn't here, once again, when he should have been. I think he was in Las Vegas last time. And does anyone care where all this money for the Miami Heat & the Miami Dolphins is coming from? Do we really think it is all for the love of the Bahamas that all this advertising is happening.

Posted 16 March 2015, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is my hope that Mr: Christie enjoyed the game. According to some. He is dammed if he do and dammed if he don't No one can please Pap's children.

Posted 16 March 2015, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I'm not sure if the game coincided with the blackout or not, but the PM does appear to live in an alternate universe "generally". With all the catching up he has to do to learn exactly what is going on in this country (he never knows anything), he seems to have exceedingly high bookings for trifling social events on his calendar. Why is his presence necessary for a sports tourism promotion? It LOOKS SILLY. I'm guessing the event was used as another free promotion for the Brazilian parrot.

Posted 17 March 2015, 3:16 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Thisisours, why not equally give guidance to enlighten Tribune readers, what was going on in Bahamaland, at the very moment Papa Hubert flew off like a pigeon to watch the football game in South Africa and did he go alone, without accompany government officials? If the greatness of a PM is to be judged on these hereto Tribune blog pages, as to when did they stay put at home during a time when a greater crisis were in play at home, than over da other PM's hop next door flight game enjoyment, I think the record leans towards giving the former, trusted law partner's Heat game, does win-out over the South African football game, with or without accompany government officials on-board, the overseas flight.?

Posted 17 March 2015, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I am no saying the PM doesn't deserve a vacation or just a quick getaway. That is healthy, what bugs me about this PM is it seems he is always "taking a break" and "getting away" and he never know anything. He would have made an excellent GG. Ceremonial appearances,lavish parties, afternoon teas, ribbon cuttings...he would have excelled.

Posted 17 March 2015, 11:45 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

See Birdie, you seem to think that if someone is critical of you beloved P.M. they are pap's children. You may be surprised to learn there are many people in this country that are not shackled to a political party's bosom. There are actually people who just want fair and balanced government. Government that works for ALL Bahamians. Government that is moral, ethical, and honest. See Birdie, there are some who want what is best for the Bahamas as a whole because they want their children to have a future in the Bahamas. I know you can not fathom this sort of thinking but there are those that actually put the nation before a political party. Strange hey?

Posted 17 March 2015, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade don't you think how one sees the history of two political parties will also vary somewhat on the degree of how red the historian leans?

Posted 17 March 2015, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Tal, why can Bahamians not understand that there are people that do not think EITHER political party is good for the nation. There are Bahamians that just want fair and balanced governance for the sake of the Nation. There are people that are fed up with corruption, croneyism, and the general decline of The Bahamas. Right now I will vote for anyone NOT aligned with the two corrupt political party's that have destroyed our nation over the last 40 odd years. That any Bahamian excuses ANY corrupt behavior by a politician is astounding. I mean to what end? I just can not fathom the thinking. At this point I see no future that is tenable under either the PLP or FNM.

Posted 17 March 2015, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

For the love of God, Birdie, please come off your Gold Rush mountain and come down to the level where all of us reside. Your PM is spineless and never has a word to say when controversy and slackness are revealed about his ministers or party. The same thing happened with VAT -- instead of being a man and participating in the debate and vote for VAT, he was in Las Vegas celebrating his birthday. Don't you see a pattern here??? It's people like you that have the rest of this country suffering because you blindly keep these idiots in power to try and run this country and have failed miserably. By the way, have you paid your BOB loan yet??

Posted 17 March 2015, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I sure did pay my BOB loan, and I got my deeds in my hand. God and God alone helped me. The BOB told me I could pay them $100.00 for them to give me a letter saying there was no lean on my home. It made no sense to me. because why give me the deeds if you have a lean.?

Posted 17 March 2015, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

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