Say no to condoms in schools

EDITOR, The Tribune.

For quite some time now, we have been brainwashed to believe that education would be the golden path for enlightenment and a panacea for all mankind’s problems. Although education has its place, I would like to argue that the world does not need more “educated people”. 

In our specific context I mean, more people who “go off to school” and come back home spewing the philosophies they learnt abroad as the obvious and best choice for both common and complex problems. 

I say this because the state of this country morally and socially has degenerated in the hands of the educated.

Those men and women who use their education to advance their own personal agendas or attempt to create a culture in which the expression of their personal desires would flourish.

More specifically, I take issue with an article published in The Tribune in which the writer admonished ensuring the availability of condoms in schools. 

The author rightly notes that there seems to be an increase in sexual activity in school aged children and as a result, an increase in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Condoms in schools would solve this problem, apparently.

Why not provide beds and air conditioned rooms as well? At least they won’t be psychologically scarred or traumatised from the stresses incurred from trying to indulge in the lusts of the flesh while they should be trying to get an education.

After 35 hours in school weekly, the national grade average is Deplorable.

To this mess we consider adding condoms? The promotion of this kind of permissiveness is unconscionable.

This reasoning follows trends that occur in what are called developed countries. We must note that developed countries have that name not because they are morally or socially superior, in fact quite the opposite, but primarily because of their industrial and financial strength which correlates into improved standards of living.

In this writer’s opinion many of these countries are moral cesspools that have elevated the rights of individual self expression, under the guise of human rights, above communal rights to the national detriment.

As they have done this, we are watching their countries fall apart. One only has to walk the streets of Paris, London or even Miami and Toronto to see the perverse displays of the “new normal”.

If we want to offer a solution to a problem, why not start with the causes first.

In my opinion, and I believe good research bears out that, all of our current societal problems can be traced to the disintegration of the nuclear family, and time will show that no other family model can substitute.

The alarming rise in single parent homes in this country correlates with the rise in violent crime, addictions and promiscuity (both teenage and adult).

Too many children are the products of lustful, unstable relationships and have not experienced the love parents ought give to their children. They do not feel as though they are a part of something that matters.

Peer pressure, television and social media offer a “solution” to the emotional pain and emptiness they feel. These children fail to learn proper boundaries, how to respond to compliments and various urges that will arise with puberty, etc. They are in pursuit of what they believe love looks like. 

These children become adults who create offspring that perpetuates the cycle. 

Having learnt nothing, these adult parents now have nothing to teach. It is that simple.

Condoms or other permissive social programmes cannot undo the cycle just described.

At some point, we must realise that education alone cannot get us out of the myriad of social problems that plagues us.

More police cars, CCTV surveillance, etc, will not curb crime, teenage and adult sexual promiscuity, etc.

We have followed the ways of the first world, trying to spend our problems away and we get fewer results and more problems.

We need wisdom now more than ever, the wisdom to do what is right and what has worked. The wisdom to promote the God ordained institution of the family. The wisdom to teach those who may not have learned how to be responsible men, women and parents. When our less educated forefathers did it, it worked for them. I know we have the education, but do we have the wisdom to try?



March 14, 2015.


Solomon says...

Whoever you are are . . . I can easily tell you are both knowledgeable and wise since you understand the times so well.

Many of or *“educated”* folk have already been tainted with many different philosophies that they believe will bring in this great panacea thereby solving all of our problems. However, these so called *“educated”* approaches only serve to multiply further moral and social degeneration, especially when considering the long term results.

You make an *excellent distinction* between what makes a country a “developed country”. It is not moral superiority or social superiority but, financial superiority. Many of our students who go abroad fail to have this basic knowledge, or remember this vital fact. They pick up many new and strange ideas, wrongly attributing that this idea is what makes the country successful.


What you *state* as opinion, I *propose* are facts. These developed countries are moral cesspools, elevating degeneration through misrepresentation of the idea and intent of human rights. I am currently seeking a degree in one of them and believe me, the moral decay is frightening.


The *elemental difference* between The Bahamas and these developed countries is *financial stability*. These developed countries can still operate even under gross moral and social degeneration because they have the financial resources to mask the problem, very similar to how our author proposes the use of condoms in schools.


We *do not have* the money to prop up the problem and we surely do not have the monetary backing to compensate for moral and social degeneration.


Here is a fact that most people do not like to hear; *It was not intelligence that built your country,* it was the wisdom of the nuclear family. **Intelligence is simply the result of a successful society and not the solution that leads to a successful society**.


For further reading, consider searching for an essay written by Sir John Glubb called “The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival”. This essay emulates many of your concerns as seen in many of the failed empires throughout history. What you question is just but one element.

Posted 17 March 2015, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Bernard J. Nottage, Minister of National Security, was over heard saying that the headline to this letter to the Editor of The Tribune should read: "Say Yes to Condoms in Parliament Because My Fellow Parliamentarians Need Protection!"

Posted 17 March 2015, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Adrian Gibson wrote a provocative letter .................. but homosexuality and bisexuality is a far greater challenge to the Bahamian teenagers than just old school fornication/pre-marital sex.

That is the 800 pound gorilla in the classroom. Who is addressing that??????????

Posted 18 March 2015, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

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