Remaining BAMSI contracts being vetted by officials


Tribune Staff Reporter

STATE Minister of Works Arnold Forbes yesterday confirmed that officials were in the process of reviewing the 13 remaining Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute contracts but he could not say with certainty that all of the buildings under construction were insured.

Mr Forbes said when the review is done, the aim of the government is to ensure that every structure is fully covered by insurance.

In cases where insurance polices are reaching expiration, Mr Forbes said the government will insist on a renewal.

His comments came the same day that Agriculture Minister V Alfred Gray said the government would seek legal recourse over the BAMSI dorm that was damaged by fire on January 15. Minister of Works Philip Davis has said it will cost $5.5m to rebuild the fire-damaged dorm and reconfigure it to double occupancy from single.

This comes in the aftermath of the revelation that the $2.6m structure never had contractor’s all-risk insurance, contrary to what Mr Davis had initially told the House of Assembly on February 25.

“What we are doing is this: We are checking our records to ensure that every contract has insurance,” Mr Forbes said before heading into a Cabinet meeting. “Those contracts that have insurance that will expire very soon we want to ensure (or) even insist that they have insurance.

“We are guaranteeing that we will ensure that there are no individuals on that site who has an expired insurance or that it will expire in the near future.”

When asked if he could confirm that all of the buildings were covered by all-risk insurance, Mr Forbes said he was not sure.

“I will know when my checks are complete but from all indications we believe that there are some that are close to expiring. But again I cannot speak with surety that there are any that are not insured or close to expiring.

“Once I finish the process I will know who is who and what is what and insist that we have full insurance on every aspect of this construction to ensure that there are no incidents like the one that happened the other day.”

Meanwhile, Mr Gray said the fact that there was no insurance on the male dorm gave the government the right to take legal action.

“If there wasn’t insurance there are some legal consequences and I feel sure that that is what will happen,” he said.

“I wanted to ensure that the incident that took place would never happen again.

“I am not sure who will build it at the moment but whether or not the government has to rebuild it and take it out what is due to it from the contract is a matter for those who are negotiating to see how it works out.”

Mr Davis continues to face a firestorm of criticism over the information that he provided to the House last month.

At the time he said the building was not insured because the policy had lapsed due to negligence on the part of the contractor, Paradigm Construction President Audley Hanna.

However, last week he told Parliament that he became aware of the true situation on March 2 when he received the contractor’s file. The file proved that Mr Hanna had never provided the ministry with an insurance certificate, but instead he submitted an insurance quote from RoyalStar Assurance for six months of coverage.

This led the Free National Movement to call for Mr Davis’ resignation as minister of works. The party said Mr Davis has “misled” the House over the matter.

Meanwhile, Mr Hanna has said he will rebuild the dorm, which was set on fire by an arsonist, at no cost to the government. However he could not say where he would find the money to finance the project.


ThisIsOurs says...

THIS IS ABSOLUTE FOOLISHNESS. Arnold Forbes is a waste of time. Perry Christie is a further waste of time. Minister Gray is a waste of letters to type his name. Between the three of them they can open a file and look for "contract", and "expiration date"? They can't ask the contractors "who are you insured with"? They can't call the insurance company to verify coverage?

Posted 18 March 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

This is so simple. Email all contractors, tell them to provide proof of insurance in 24 hours or they lose their contract. Anyone that does not reply you suspend until they provide the proof...

PLP. Liars and amateurs....

Posted 18 March 2015, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

but doing that would require thought and planning skills, which none of our politician's possess.....

Posted 18 March 2015, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

These people are LIARS. It takes 10 minutes to pull these files and see if there is a valid insurance certificate attached.

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I get it now....after listening to the afternoon news and Prime Minister Christie's response to Neko Grant. I'm thinking they already know whether insurance policies were or were not enforced when the BAMSI contracts were awarded...most likely, some if not all, did not exist. What is actually taking the time, is the effort required to go through **OTHER** files to dig up dirt on FNM contracts so when they tell the Bahamian people how many of the 13 BAMSI contractors did not have insurance, they can say at the same time *but look what they do*...

That bad word Paul Maynard used

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

you right it shouldn't take more than ten minutes to find out but it takes a lot more time to "fix" the books to make every thing look good

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Does "vetted" mean conveniently misplace or create a dummy file for the PAC ?????????? .......... code word "I can't recall" ........................ 1984 all over again!!!!!!!

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

What is it exactly that the Government and some members of the public are expecting from BAMSI?
How short memories are. Look up in your history books the fate of the once-thriving Hatchet Bay Plantation that existed on Eleuthera and now is a pale memory of tall grass and collapsing silos stretched out along miles of desolate roadway. That old building on Bay Street with the tree roots growing up its eastern wall was, if memory serves me correctly, the so-called "milk stand" where the mail boat the "52 Mile" unloaded the various products from Hatchet Bay for sale to the public. BAMSI appears to be destined to deliver a different kind of product to a very select customer base if you can read between the lines.

Posted 18 March 2015, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

checking the hen house after the hens have already left...haha....And yes, let remember the fiasco of Hatchet Bay Plantation! And who was in charge of that fiasco too?! Hmmm, let me guess!

Posted 18 March 2015, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Hatchet Bay and BARTAD ................. Perry G!!!!!!!!!!!! He is now completing the trifecta .................... BAMSI

Posted 18 March 2015, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

and ur the general of them all ................ BOL

Posted 18 March 2015, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

observer2 says...

even more insurance money for Franki's insurance company

Posted 18 March 2015, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Are you going to the treasure hunt they are having at BAMSI on the Easter holiday? They ga be trying to find where $100 million of da people money gone!

Posted 19 March 2015, 3:12 a.m. Suggest removal

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