PLP Chairman hits back at Brent Symonette

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts has shot back at former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette for his recent criticism of the government, calling the former St Anne’s MP “confused and intellectually dishonest” about his party’s last term in office.

Mr Roberts defended the Christie administration’s record while outlining FNM policies that he said still have “ill effects” on the country.

“The record will show that during our last term in office, the PLP government was able to overcome the reckless spending, borrowing and mismanagement by the FNM and grew public revenue by 51 per cent, added more than $1 billion to the economy and recorded a budget surplus in just five short years,” Mr Roberts said. “Those are the facts.

“In our current term, the PLP government is projected to add some $600 million to the Bahamian economy after inheriting an economy that the FNM admitted was sick and ‘in a wheel chair’ as a result of their excessive borrowing, spending and general incompetence. In 30 short months the PLP has successfully cut the deficit in half and by some $160 million in the current fiscal year.”

He added that under the last administration, the economy contracted and the national debt ballooned by 40 per cent in five years.

“I daresay that had it not been for the waste of the FNM, the urgent implementation of VAT to save this economy would not have been necessary.”

His comments were in response to statements Mr Symonette made to The Tribune this week.

Among other things, the former minister of foreign affairs and immigration said the government could not be trusted with VAT revenues.

Mr Symonette, who left frontline politics in 2012, also said breaking his retirement is not off the table as the country’s “economic and social wellbeing continues to suffer” under the Christie administration. He added that he was “incredibly concerned” about the state of the country.

However, Mr Roberts took issue with these statements and accused the former MP of being caught up in conflicts of interest during his time in public office. It is a claim the PLP repeatedly made while Mr Symonette was last in office and is something the former St Anne’s MP has strongly denied.

“So the last party to talk about trust with the people’s money is the FNM and of all people, Brent Symonette,” Mr Roberts said. “There is absolutely no nexus between the drivel of Brent Symonette and reality, the facts and the empirical data surrounding the fiscal stewardship of the PLP government. Brent suffers from diarrhoea of the mouth and should keep quiet if he knows what is good for him.”


John says...

So is Bradley Roberts also coming out of retirement? Where is Hubert Ingraham? The fact is the Bahamian economy is still in the dumps. And while there are signs of life in tourism and while regulating and taxing the gaming industry will help stop some of the cash leaking out of the economy there has to be some healthy growth across the entire economy before the world slips into another recession. VAT is a greedy parasite and if there is no substantial growth it will consume all the funds from what cash activities that are going on. There is a real threat that the economy can dry up.

Posted 20 March 2015, 2:07 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

No - it is not going to consume all the cash. Health Minister is talking about a massive multi-million dollar expansion to the Haitian Ward at PMH. Where is that money coming from?

Posted 20 March 2015, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Oh please you are ALL intellectually dishonest. Much of the economic recovery you tout began during the FNM administration. (Some might argue that you have slowed the rate of its impact with your foot dragging). And that's the way it should be, the goal for the country should supersede any administration. Your speech tells me your rushed 20-yr "development plan" (with 2 months for analysis, feasibility study, consultation AND compilation...what a farce) is nothing but a sham

Posted 20 March 2015, 7:15 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Lord, how many more of these old, hardback, antiquated, corrupt politicians are going to come dragging out of the woodworks?????? Do they smell the next election??? Do they see that with VAT there's more money now in the cookie jar??? Are they making a new ' dis the tiefin' line?????

Posted 20 March 2015, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I will suggest that the words in this article are highly vulnerable to accusations of plagiarism and to do the right thing, by adding Papa Hubert's name alongside "Big Bad" Brad's, as co-author.
The summarizing of the article while not visible in text form, is how Brent is too damn white to aspire to become only the 4th Bahamalander, to sit in the PM's chair.
I would challenge both Brad and Papa, come the 2017 General Elections to put their political reputations to a true test. Run as the constituency candidates, against Brent. Good luck, the two of you will need it.
They just might get their earlier chance, if Brent decides contest one of the 3 for certain by-elections all but certain and real soon.
PM Christie may soon be forced to decide whether to call a snap General Election, rather than risk his grip on power, if 3 by elections pop up at one time.
Name any other Bahamalander, who is a certain as electable as Brent? And, Brent can run in Nassau, Freeport or for Ingua and the numbers men's, will favor Brent winning. Even more so in today's volatile political atmosphere.

Posted 20 March 2015, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

This man can't be serious.
I thought Perry Christie was the king of talking nonsense.
But this Bradley Roberts character certainly takes the cake.
I've never heard more foolishness in my life. Who does this man think he's talking to???
Don't insult our intelligence!

Posted 20 March 2015, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

You really don't add anything to these conversations.

Posted 20 March 2015, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

newcitizen you are so right. waste of typing skills

Posted 20 March 2015, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

You can judge the aims and character of a political party by its leaders: PLP has old school Pingdomites .......... FNM has contemporary, post1973 leaders ........... DNA = Bran

Which group is a viable option for 2017 and beyond?????????????

Posted 20 March 2015, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Does Brad know the definition of "honesty"? Does Brad know the definition of "Intellectual"? Certainly his track record indicates that he is avidly and brutally and intentionally ignorant so to the meanings of those words. I have been in his presence on several occasions and I have an overriding compulsion to have a shower after talking to him. It makes me cringe just to shake hands with him.

Posted 20 March 2015, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Dear friends, it seems that many of us are looking for our own "Cincinnatus", the farmer-warrior who left his farm to defend ancient Rome against invaders then, refusing all honours and positions of power, returned to his farm upon the cessation of hostilities, much to the astonishment of his fellow citizens. Wasn't it the late Mohandas Gandhi of India who said "I am a politician pretending to be a saint, not a saint pretending to be a politician"?
However, in The Bahamas as in most countries, the average man questions the value of joining a particular political party if there is not some advantage to be gained by such an affiliation. That is the way of human nature. The end result of shortsighted greed is more difficulties for the country as a whole.

Posted 20 March 2015, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Wow!!!!!!!!! ur a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 20 March 2015, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

These idiots keep talking about how the FNM handled the economy but the PLP absolutely refuses to refer to the recession. The worst recession since the great depression. Often referred to as the worst recession in human history. Yet for some reason (politics) they refuse to even acknowledge it during the FNM's term. Oh they acknowledge it to justify their actions in THIS term but they refuse to acknowledge it during the FNM's turn.

I would love to know what their plan would have been to handle that recession. They failed miserably in 02 to 07. They are failing miserably now. Tribune this is something you should ask them next time you interview one of these morons. How would you have handled the worst recession in human history? And why should the Bahamas believe you would have done better considering your record of 100% failure the last 23 years in office?

Posted 23 March 2015, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

The PLP have already demonstrated HOW they govern the country - 1967-92 and 2002-07 and 2012-now. Except for about 8-10 years at the beginning, the PLP has driven this country into debt and disrepute .................. that can never be disputed ......... the facts are there. They continue to govern on the Pindling "legacy" ...................... only God knows why. Check ZNS news and documentaries every week........................ its the ROOTS thing all over again

Posted 23 March 2015, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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