Comments by PM are brazen

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please allow me to share my views on a comment by the Prime Minister appearing in The Tribune on March 19, 2015, under the captioned PM “All BAMSI contracts insured”.

When asked to respond to criticisms that BAMSI contracts were given to only PLP supporters, Mr Christie yesterday said he was not sure, but he “hoped the majority of them are (given to PLPs)”.

He said it was the practice of the previous FNM government to give contracts to its supporters.

I find it unbelievable that the Prime Minister of The Bahamas would be so brazen to utter such a statement.

Is it really the policy of his government that PLP’s should be given the majority of government contracts?

And, is he suggesting that because the FNM did it, it’s ok for the present government to do the same?

Having read these remarks, I am convinced more than ever that the government is of the view that they can spend public funds with whomever they wish and in any manner they wish.

It is these kind of nonsense remarks which makes supporters feel that that they are entitled.

Remarks like these, especially coming from the nation’s chief minister should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

What a poor reflection of a Prime Minister to utter such a partisan and divisive remark. And we wonder why this nation is in the predicament it is!



March 19, 2015.


thomas says...

And even worse is that he probably does not realize how this sounds to someone who is not politically connected. Someone who is prepared to do an honest day's work for honest pay. It is encouraging to see civil servants retire and move on to the private sector as opposed to those who wait around to be reappointed be a political party.

Posted 24 March 2015, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The remarks by the PM showcase EXACTLY what is so wrong with The Bahamas today. These clowns think that the majority of Bahamians are only here to pay taxes to support THEIR cronys. A very small portion of the Bahamas is living large off the backs of the majority. I wonder where I have heard that before? Maybe it is time for another MAJORITY RULE to take these kleptocrats out? One thing is for sure, the way it is going is not sustainable.

Posted 24 March 2015, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

I agree with the above comments ..................... it is so sad how we are now not even following the spirit or the protocols of the Westminster model ............... SHAMELESS

We have a glorified little black kingdom with a pompous clueless ass sitting on the throne

Posted 24 March 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The Bahamas is ruled by petty little men with a giant chip on their shoulder. They play tit for tat at the expense of the very thing that sustains their immature, vindictive, self destructive behavior. A psychologist would have a field day having a chat with them. The Bahamas would be better off without them.

Posted 25 March 2015, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Christie may as well just say "It is okay for us to continue stealing from Bahamians because the FNM did it too". Then the FNM's will say "We only stole from Bahamians because the PLP before us did it". You can't punish me if you didn't punish them, that is our logic folks! This stupid thinking means that this sh!t will continue forever.
The SS FNM has more or less sunk, the SS PLP is taking on lots and lots of water and is barely floating and the SS DNA never got completed and is still on dry dock. Our Bahamaland is sinking and we have no boats to get on. WHAT A MESS WE ARE IN!!!

Posted 26 March 2015, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Every Bahamian today (especially the unemployed) knows that Christie is a mindless, spineless, incompetent nimcompoop. But whatever you do, don't vote in the next general election for a FNM government led by Minnis! We would be much better off having Christie or the pudgy little fella with the short stubby grubby dirty sticky fingers running our country than an arrogant arse hole racist like Minnis!!

Posted 29 March 2015, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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