Deputy PM: BEC will remain fully owned by Bahamians


Tribune Staff Reporter

MINISTER of Works Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday said the Bahamas Electricity Corporation will remain fully owned by the Bahamian people when the government concludes a deal to restructure the electricity provider.

When the contract begins, Mr Davis said business and residential consumers would see a cost reduction of $200m.

However, Mr Davis did not say whether the government was nearing the completion of the selection process or what company, if any, was chosen to manage the cash strapped BEC.

It has been rumoured that an American company, Power Secure, is the only contender remaining at the table for the BEC management contract.

Mr Davis reiterated that the Christie administration will seek to use the business model that mirrors that of the Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD).

“It is well-known,” Mr Davis said, “that government has also engaged the process toward identifying a strong, technically capable and experienced company to manage a new BEC. This management company will have significant autonomy and operate subject to a business plan which addresses the specific objectives of government within the frame of the new Electricity Act and the National Energy Policy.

“I have previously communicated to this House that we will seek to cause the business model to basically mirror that which the Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD) has for the management of the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA). Corresponding to the airport arrangement, government commits to 100 per cent ownership of BEC,” he told the House of Assembly.

“BEC will remain fully owned by the people, though fully managed by a company that can guarantee the reduction of the cost billed to the customer by up to 30 per cent immediately following the commencement of the contract, given the all-in-cost base of average 40 cents per KwH.”

Mr Davis updated Parliament as he announced that the Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2014 came into effect on Friday, March 20, 2015.

The Act enables persons to install and operate renewable energy generating stations, which can be connected to the electrical grid. It also provides for the registration and regulation of such stations.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Just look at this pudgy fella's short stubby grubby dirty sticky fingers! that a big white booger we see hanging from his left nostril?!!

Posted 26 March 2015, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

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Posted 26 March 2015, 1:57 p.m.

Cobalt says...

So........ all this little hog is telling Bahamians is that power will continue to go out and there will continue to be massive black-outs across the island.

I don't know who this government thinks they're fooling by attempting to convince the public that they are close to finalizing an electricity deal with an international provider! When last has the PLP initiated and concluded any major deal that directly benifited Bahamians???? Please! No one's buying your bull-shit assurances anymore.

Posted 26 March 2015, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

They are such liars man. How can bringing in a management company reduce our power bill? idiots.....

Posted 26 March 2015, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Does NAD have a union to deal with? That will be a big challenge for BEC's new management And remember the Airport though very much improved, well maintained and properly managed, is not cheap. Even the cost of parking has doubled under the new management. But at this stage anything is an improvement, since blackouts are constant and the cost of electricity already triple what it should be.

Posted 26 March 2015, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

" will be fully bahamian owned is code word for their boys buying it. wow the SUNSHINE is bright out there

Posted 26 March 2015, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Sir, BEC makes this country seem like we are still stuck in the early 1900's. It is an embarassment to the country. Please do not think for a moment we want it, are proud of it, or want any association with it. In short sir, do not demean the citizens of this countrty by saying BEC is ours. The political class who have made BEC what it is can have it and enjoy the quality service it provides. You assholes I am sure would be proud to have it. BEC is truly about as good as the political class of this country will ever do these days.

Posted 26 March 2015, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

concerned799 says...

Is not the fact tho that the publicly owned/controlled model has been essentially at the root of the problem with why in 2015 there is not a regional leading BEC in place now?

Fully private utilities in this region have fared much better (when internationally owned)

IMHO there is probably a reason why there isn't much of a contracted out management for a utility industry the way there is for airports.

To obtain the best service we really need to evaluate multiple bidders with proven experience, and I'm not sure how we can do that if we are trail blazing with the first ever Caribbean implementation of this. We had a great proven operator and model for NAS with YVR Airport Services, but will/can this apply to BEC?

Posted 26 March 2015, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ok. So when will he explain his statement to parliament? And can he please tell us if all 13 contractors had insurance when they **BEGAN** work, I.e., **their first day** at BAMSI

Posted 26 March 2015, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

This is beyond sad. "Owned by the people", is all and only about "grease keeps flowing". The level of overt corruption being displayed by the current government is simply astounding.

Posted 27 March 2015, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

So, wonder how long it will take for this American company to wake up to what a pile of crap they have gotten themselves into? And how will they manage something that has no money to purchase equipment, unions that strangle the business, under trained employees, an interfering government and ego's the size of a cruise ship....and intellectual capacity that could fit into a thimble....

Posted 28 March 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

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