Fashion designer Jeffery Johnson found beaten to death in blazing house


Tribune Staff Reporter

A LOCAL fashion designer was found beaten to death in his home early on Friday morning by fire fighters responding to a blaze off Collins Avenue.

The victim has been identified as 64-year–old Jeffery Johnson of the House of St John. His murder brought the country's homicide count to 53 for the year and occurred less than 24 hours after a security guard was beaten to death off Carmichael Road.

Officer in Charge of the Central Detective Unit, Superintendent Paul Rolle, said firefighters received a call around 6am that a structure was on fire and when they extinguished the blaze they discovered the body.

“They discovered the lifeless body of a man in a bathtub with multiple head injuries,” Supt Rolle said. “It appears as though he was beaten and hit in the head with a blunt force object. He was pronounced dead on the scene. The house was also extensively damaged from the fire.”

Supt Rolle said police suspect the victim was killed and the suspect set the house on fire in an attempt to cover their tracks.

Mr Johnson has been a designer for more than 30 years. According to an interview with elife 242, Mr Johnson spent 20 years in the United States designing in California, Illinois and New York. It was in Illinois where he created the name for his label, the House of St John.

Police have no one in custody and no motive at this time and are appealing to the public for assistance.

Supt Rolle said police also have no leads in the murder of Beetrum Guerrier, a security guard at the Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island.

Friends and family expressed their sadness on social media yesterday for a man described as an “excellent father and friend.”

The 23-year-old father of one was found dead on Thursday morning with “blunt force trauma” to the head.

Supt Rolle said when police were called to the scene off Faith Avenue, they originally thought they were investigating a hit-and-run accident, but after closer inspection the death was ruled a homicide.

Anyone with information on any of these homicides is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


duppyVAT says...

Was this a bff spat gone bad ?????????????? ..........................just curious

Posted 15 May 2015, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Is it time for the average Nassau resident to panic yet?

Posted 15 May 2015, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

OK Rory, take your meds and calm down. It's okay. The PLP are here to save you. Settle down and take those pills.

Posted 15 May 2015, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

My name is Wing Chong Sing Along, got a big Dong, I dont know who you is, but maybe youll be my bitch, and stop being a du-fis. What world you livin in banker, where FNM is be the epitome of right and correct, meanwhile they crooks and they neglect, this country and everything here and everyone there ... and here and there we are back to the beginning .... ding dong sing along. fck you, When you call my name call me king, cuz you dont know who the fck you talking to.

Posted 15 May 2015, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Still ticked off because you figured that the FNM owed you a CCTV contract?

Posted 15 May 2015, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

WTF you talking bout slave, go back to pickin cotton. You just sore the PLP gave your political party a cut hip in 2012 and now your dumb ass stuck working at a dead end job selling azz to the haitian and china man. Calling all kind of make up name and ting, with your dumb FNM backside.

Posted 15 May 2015, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Some bahamas security ... haha !

Posted 16 May 2015, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

lol @ calling security for me you stupid little FNM slave. How does it feel to get a cut hip in 2012 and now be at the bottom of the barrel with the rest of us. I hope your dumb FNM backside is begging on the street.

Posted 16 May 2015, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...


Posted 15 May 2015, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...…

Note the date: 26th August 2013.

Posted 16 May 2015, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...

**There were 127 homicides in The Bahamas in 2011, up from 94 in 2010.**…

Posted 16 May 2015, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

I think you're a complete idiot. Every stinking news story somehow becomes politicized. You're quite the epitome of brainwashed, just read these ridiculous rants that are completely irrelevant to this topic. This government isn't doing a bit damn better and in some areas are WORST. Sheesh, TalRussell almost caused me to stop reading news stories with comments to them for this same sh**. You are definitely carrying this dumb torch now.

Posted 18 May 2015, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

I think your mother is a stupid whore, so whats new? You sure got no problem with 99% of articles on this site being 100% POLITICAL. You FNM Retards are so stupid. Go back to facebook, they have pro FNM anti PLP groups there specially made for dumb retards like yourself.

Posted 18 May 2015, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

I think your mother is a village bicycle which is why you are a pathetic nutcase because she has a mixture of all the disease infested sperm she didn't manage to swallow while she was on her knees mixed in with her AIDS infested eggs to make something like you. lol. And based on this complete nonsense youre always spewing Im officially convinced the retard is you. BTW bitch, I don't vote for none of these useless parties, and find something a bit more interesting to say when youre talking to intelligent folk, F***shot.

Posted 18 May 2015, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Whatever, your mother is still a stupid whore, you dumb FNM retard. :-)

Posted 18 May 2015, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

well one more for the collection of unsolved ones, including harl taylor.

Posted 15 May 2015, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

I thought of Harl Taylor straight away. Same sort of murder. Wonder if there is a sissy serial killer out there?

Posted 16 May 2015, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades advocating for arming our policeman's as if going to war, or demanding the denial bail all, or stacking even more into our overcrowded prison cells, yet another murder should give a sense of what’s continuing to happen despite years of incarcerating greater numbers of people in prison, in terms of how it’s not done a damn thing to downward trend affect crime throughout communities. It puts a lie to those officials who say as long as thugs are killing thugs within known thugs areas, we have nothing much to worry about. Bullets and other weapons of murder are not equipped with GPS, as to white, black, brownish or lick da brush skins, nor selected for killing by one's social positioning. Good lord almighty, even our leading politicians have admitted to being scared shi@ of the thugs and now are packing deadly heat for the protection of their own lives? Are we as a nation going to wait until - after no cruise ship visitors ever docks at the Port of Nassau? If you think crime is crazy now, judge what it would really be like, if that were to happen?

Posted 16 May 2015, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Just take a read of what has happened to Jamaica over the past 25 years, if you want a primer on where we are headed.

Posted 16 May 2015, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

you got that right!!! Heading there with full tank of gas going 100mph....

Posted 16 May 2015, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...


Posted 16 May 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

RIp to the dead person. Retards like Banker and K4C are likely to blame though. They are degenerates, brainwashed by politics, and will do anything to defend their beloved FNM. The FNM has a following of retards, it is a sick twisted cult that believes it can do no wrong even after raping and pillaging the country for years.

Posted 16 May 2015, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

100% spot on. As usual.

Posted 16 May 2015, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...

**There were 127 homicides in The Bahamas in 2011, up from 94 in 2010**…

Posted 16 May 2015, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...


Posted 16 May 2015, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...


Posted 16 May 2015, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

White_Massa says...



Posted 16 May 2015, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

My bet is this will go unsolved like all gay murders in this country. Either the murderers of gays
In this country are very smart (they continue to elude capture) or the police don't really pursue these crimes. Not sure which but I suspect the latter. Don't think they have ever solved any.
Additionally it us really tiresome to read the continious political back biting even in comments to stories that are not political.We are all aware of the murder rate and the inability to resolve the problem. It is not an FNM or PLP issue. It is Bahamian.

Posted 16 May 2015, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Nine people killed in Texas bikers gang fight. 18 more in hospital with gunshot and stab wounds, many more injured. Scene on lockdown for fear that other motor bike gangs may get involved.

Posted 17 May 2015, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

At least they didnt throw rocks at bystanders and beat up disabled people like Racist African Americans do when they dont get their way.

Posted 18 May 2015, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

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