Defectors branded as ‘political opportunists’


Tribune Chief Reporter

DNA Chairman Andrew Wilson yesterday branded Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins and Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells as “political opportunists” over their decision to join the Official Opposition.

Weighing in on the crossover, Mr Wilson said their decision to join the Free National Movement invoked a feeling of “déjà vu” given their track record which saw them abandon their fledging third party, the National Development Party, for the PLP ahead of the 2012 general election.

He suggested that the decision had little to do with national development and was instead a self-serving move by both men to secure the political power necessary to maintain their status.

Mr Wilson said: “It was just three short years ago, when these very men, then part of the NDP, blasted the Christie-led PLP for what they called at the time, their corrupt practices. (Shortly) after proclaiming their adamant opposition to the PLP, however, these very men joined the ranks of the PLP after being promised nominations – which they eventually won.

“Until recently, these very men were part of a government which blasted the Free National Movement as ineffective and lackluster. And now, these very men, under the guise of a desire to move the country forward, have joined the ranks of the Free National Movement. Their actions speak volumes,” he added.

“They have proven only that they are political opportunists who are prepared to do whatever they feel necessary to hold on the ranks of power.”

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts also weighed in on the development. He said he found it “ironic and amusing” that Mr Wells would seek to align himself with the FNM after the party publicly ridiculed him about his letter of intent (LOI) controversy.

In July 2014, the FNM repeatedly called for Mr Well’s resignation after it was revealed that he – at the time parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works – signed an unauthorised LOI for a $650 million waste-to-energy facility at the New Providence landfill.

The crux of the controversy was that with senior government officials denying that they gave Mr Wells, a junior, instructions to sign the LOI, Mr Wells breached Westminster protocols by signing the document.

Mr Wells was terminated by Prime Minister Perry Christie months later in October 2014; however, Mr Christie’s statement at the time did not include an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the LOI.

Mr Roberts noted that it was not unusual for there to be disagreements within any family, adding that the party wished the Bamboo Town MP well in his future endeavours and harboured no ill will against him.

“Renward Wells has publicly indicated his differences and disagreements with the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party over his signing of a letter of intent without proper authorisation led to his resignation,” he said.

He added: “I find it both ironic and amusing that Mr Wells saw it fitting to politically align himself with the same FNM members who publicly ridiculed and crucified him in the wake of the LOI. Politics indeed makes for strange bedfellows.

“We thank him for his years of service, however, short that time was and look forward to meeting him on the political battlefield as we all place our faith in God’s wisdom and our fate in God’s mighty and unchanging hands.”

Mr Roberts said he could not be bothered to comment on the Fort Charlotte MP, who quit the PLP in June after months of publicly lambasting the prime minister.


proudloudandfnm says...

Here's a lil hint for you Andrew.

If they don't defect to your party hush up......


Posted 5 November 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

You, and the other FNM's view this as a victory for your party???

I wouldn't be so quick to celebrate if I were you. The fact that the FNM is so quick and willing to accept two political mercenaries speaks volumes about their character or lack there of. This has the potential to backfire.

Posted 5 November 2015, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

"Defectors Branded As ‘Political Opportunists’"

Now why do I see that statement as some form of oxymoron?! Aren't they all by nature and creed?? Like the Pot calling out the Kettle?

Posted 5 November 2015, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

This "party" hasn't got a voice in this country so they should shut mout and catch no flies.

Posted 5 November 2015, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Or .... they knew that their days were numbered because they crossed the effete, short-fingered, criminal vulgarian leading the PLP. And still wanting to make a contribution, they chose the most logical choice.

The fact that there is no talk of explaining the LOI and the PLP aren't talking about it either, means that there is some political expediency in hiding the fact that he was forced to sign said document. If not, why is not the PLP slapping him down when he shoved his membership card in their face?

It all doesn't matter anyway, because the Bahamas is beyond repair and beyond redemption. The only good coming out of this is the possible total destruction of the PLP for once and for all after the next election.

Posted 5 November 2015, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Oh, how I wish the PLP would vanish from our vocabulary

Posted 5 November 2015, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

The minute you make up your mind to make up your own mind, there will always be people who attack you. I wonder if Andrew Wilson and bradley Roberts would be singing different tunes if these men were with their political parties?

Attacking people for making up their own minds is just intelligent ignorance.

Posted 6 November 2015, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

So because they decided to move the hell on makes them “political opportunists”. I think not. If you and your wife cuss and carry on for 365 days you would still stay because she's your wife than you're and ass to endure such treatment .

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts also weighed in on the development. He said he found it “ironic and amusing” that Mr Wells would seek to align himself with the FNM after the party publicly ridiculed him about his letter of intent (LOI) controversy.

And so the FNM should have sat back and not say anything remember old fart they were on you'll ship .This you'll ship that's losing ship crew not the FNM .

Mr Roberts said he could not be bothered to comment on the Fort Charlotte MP, who quit the PLP in June after months of publicly lambasting the prime minister.
Please comment since you so love too, I think you will be sorry Bad Brad if you do.

Posted 6 November 2015, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Short pants, I can see why you're still in little boys short pants. If you be cussing ya darling wife/fiancée/girlfriend and carry on for 365 days, why you thinks she would allow your shorty pants stick around 365 days to endure such treatment .

Posted 6 November 2015, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Sorry Wilson your party had they fair share of “political opportunists” leave you'll camp as well, Wow who would have thought the great Wayne Munroe would have left DNA .From the sip, sip candidates whom your party ran in the last elections thought that Bran is the worst person anyone can come in contact with .

Posted 6 November 2015, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

So what do you call a person who leaves a party and form their own ?If that isn't opportunistic then pray tell

Posted 6 November 2015, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

AwayInSchool says...

I think you need to learn the definition of "opportunist". "a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans."

McCartney gained little to no advantage by going third party and that was predictable. The man lost his seat and guess what? He didn't run back to a major party, he's still fighting. That is not opportunism. Maybe it isn't boldness either, but it's not opportunism.

Posted 6 November 2015, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

AwayInSchool says...

I think Bahamians need to learn the definition of an "opportunist". It is: "a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans."

McCartney gained little to no advantage by going third party and that was predictable. The man lost his seat and guess what? He didn't run back to a major party, he's still fighting. That is not opportunism. Maybe it isn't boldness either, but it's not opportunism. Rollins and Wells on the other hand have been in 3 parties in less than 5 years, going with what is perceived to be popular at the moment. If they went the other way around that would be different.

Posted 6 November 2015, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

so is Munroe.... he makes good legal fees from his switching. Maybe he switches back after next elections. goin with the flow Bahamian style.

Posted 6 November 2015, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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