Activist Terneille Burrows to run as Independent candidate at next election


Tribune Staff Reporter

ACTIVIST Terneille Burrows has announced her intention to run as an independent candidate for Elizabeth in the next general election.

In statement on Thursday night, Ms Burrows said the notion that a "corrupt government can only be overthrown through a violent revolution is hogwash".

A Bahamian music executive/recording artist/songwriter and humanitarian, Ms Burrows - also known as TaDa - said: "I have been protesting corruption and failure of parliamentarians to disclose their assets annually. As the founder of Rise Bahamas, we have demonstrated for stiffer penalties for convicted sex offenders and for the full enactment of 'Marco’s Law'. Our current petition is calling for the implementation of a national violence prevention plan.

"I believe that the money allocated toward Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival should be redirected toward funding civil society and NGO-led social development programs," Ms Burrows said.

 "I am sufficiently convinced that our current government, nor the previous, are serious enough about tackling the root causes of violent crime through deep-rooted, long term, extensively funded social development programs. It’s time for a Bahamas that is independent from the minority rule of Foreign Direct 'Investors', millionaire/billionaire expats and the political elite.

"I invite anyone that possesses the qualities mentioned above to run in the constituency you reside in, or are willing to relocate to, as an independent candidate."

Ms Burrows said she would support a candidate who had a heart for national advancement above and beyond personal gain, confidence but not arrogance, belief in accountability and transparency, a track record of career achievement, consistent public engagement, concern for human rights and protections and a plan for peace through crime prevention, detection and law enforcement.


TalRussell says...

Posted 6 November 2015, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

...don't wast your time or M.O.N.E.Y

Posted 6 November 2015, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

Good Girl! Let there be more Independent candidates please! I like this! I'm not a fan but I would actually go and sit down and see exactly what Ms. Burrows has to offer. No more of this running with the pack sh@#t! No more FNM-PLP-DNA garbage!

Posted 6 November 2015, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

If you would be so 2017 General politically wrong, if you underestimate
Comrade Activist "Ta Da" Terneille.
Ta Da has already been a remarkable role model for our young people.- female and males.

- Interview with "Tada" Bahamian recording artist & songwriter -


Posted 6 November 2015, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscool says...

Terneille,Tada or some other confused person. She needs to sit her behind down and figure out what she actually wants to do with her life. And Miss/Mrs Brown I think your leaving out a lot more info on this story!

Posted 6 November 2015, 11:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I like Ta Da as an artist, I think she is phenomenal. But she turns me off as a candidate. Her contributions are always filled with too many words. She speaks too quickly. By the time she's finished you've forgotten the point she was making, BUT, her words always have a lyrical flow. All these things make her a great song writer but a bad politician, in "my" opinion (in the literal sense of the word). But who knows, the young people may support her. I'll just cringe when it's time for her to speak.

Posted 6 November 2015, 11:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

mmmm. she is usually very slow in her speech. interesting that you can't understand what she is saying. that reflects more on your capacity than her ability.

Posted 7 November 2015, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Don't do it! ThisisOurs has been bringing sensible, balanced conversations to the table for years via this forum. That is enough to prove that she at least passed comprehension 101. Just because she says she does not like Ta Da as a politicians doesn't mean she should be ridiculed for saying so. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

Posted 8 November 2015, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

And these comments are evidence of why this country wont change a lick. We say we want fresh faces with fresh approaches but that is a lie, because as soon as a new or young Bahamian decides to take the step to offer themselves, we look for every reason in the world - many illogical or hypocritical - to tear them down. As much as we talk a pseudo-good game, we really do want what we now have, we just like the sound of our own voice when we talk pretending as though that's not what we want.

Posted 7 November 2015, 1:56 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I said she won't make a good "politician" in the PURE sense of the word. That's my opinion. I've listened to her on talk radio for a while, loooong before she declared her candidacy, that's where I formed my opinion. I don't think she's good at it, she gets lost in her sentences. BUT she's a great artist for the same reason. If you get what I'm saying. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Pindling, Roosevelt , Ingraham, successful politicians, think of it, they're all slow and deliberate speakers. If she learns that she MIGHT make it.

I believe in being honest, as nice of a person as she is, hardworking, pure of heart, if she's your friend, etc, **she has to get people to listen to her BEFORE they will vote for her**. The truth is, if politics were all about qualifications or suitability, Duane Sands would be representing Elizabeth and he would be leader of the FNM.

And I do cringe when she's on radio, did that before she declared. I do the same with John Pinder (omg), he wants to go into politics too.

Posted 7 November 2015, 5:10 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Not in her area so I can't vote for her. If I were in the area, I wouldn't vote for her just because she's "young" or an activist either, she could be horrible in a number of other required areas. But the young people in Lizzy may support her, as I said. If her team wants her to win, they'd address this issue

Posted 7 November 2015, 5:36 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

There is nothing wrong in her trying. Maybe she can get advice or learn how to some techniques in speech and other deportment.

I have heard her on the talk show a few times. She does speak fast, and honestly, i cannot rememeber anything she said on any issues.

Even the announcement of the candidacy was made close to a commercial break, and went by quickly.

maybe these are new times. people want change, if they give her a chance, she will grow.

Posted 7 November 2015, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yeah, I agree. She has appeal, she just needs to work on delivery

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I couldn't disagree more both you. So, now you want some PLP/Red Shirt brainwashed political consultant to lock Sister "Ta Da" Terneille in some room to reprogram her in their political parties ways. I don't think so.
I say we are about to put old politics to the test in Elizabeth come the 2017 General.
In less than 48 hours "Ta Da" Terneille's candidacy, has attracted ten thousand times more attention than that Dr Duane's - and he has been trying unsuccessfully for years to win a seat in Honourable House of Assembly.
If the Comrade Sister ain't broken in spirit , don't bother fix her.
i think "Ta Da" Terneille has a damn good 2017 General shot with the voters.

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Bahamians cannot wait until 2017 to put back into the power the same people that they very recently kicked out. Rollins and them know that, and that is why they jumped on board.

We just love the way things are. We love it all to suck. Guess the church teaching of "turn the other cheek" to us simply means let the PLP slap you on one cheek, then turn your head so the FNM can slap the other cheek.

Other cheek ga turn forward in 2017. Oh yeah.

Then we can complain some more.

I applaud this young lady for offering her help to our country - but unfortunately it does not want help. If she came and solved 90% of our problems, then we would have nothing to talk about while we slapping dominoes.


Posted 7 November 2015, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I am not saying you do not have the right to ask tough questions of youthful in age and spirit Comrade Sister Activist "Ta Da" Terneille, you have every right to ask her tough questions - but can you at least pretend that you will be making the same penetrating commentary - and asking the tough questions about the slate of red party candidates positioning themselves to run in the 2017 General. That's all I ask.
That's all I ask of my Comrade Red Bloggers.
In fact if you truly encourage "never before ran for political office Independents", would you advocate for a special campaign fund to be established, whereby any and all independent candidates who can obtain a minimum set number of signatures will qualify to receive pre set limits campaign funding.

Posted 7 November 2015, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

No fan of Dr Minnis or Perry Christie as leader. I'm looking for someone like Dr Sands. He seems honest, ethical, he thinks on his feet, he's not brash, he has phenomenal ideas and he seems to care about the advancement of the country more than his personal advancement. He doesn't appear to want it for financial reasons. He's also shown excellence in at least one area. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to get majority support..I wish he could fix that

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade ThisIsOurs it ain't more than 48 hours and our
Comrade Sister "Ta Da" Terneille done gained more popularity than Dr. Duane's many years of unsuccessfully trying win his set in Honourable House of Assembly.
You go figure that one out hey?

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

She needs to distance herself from a certain talk show host who is always male bashing and always under people's clothes. Present yourself fully dressed and as a balanced, fair minded person and not one who dwells on everything negative all the time.

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade John one them talk show hosts owners, must have some Stop N' Shop trained lawyers who be advising them - cuz how else could their host be addressing females show guests on an hourly and daily basis as they do.
Most obviously they seem NOT to be afraid of inviting major law suits?
Let's just say I am shocked here it is 2015 and it has been allowed to continue for so long by the station's owners. Maybe they too mistakenly think its all a JOKE.
As shocked that to my knowledge NOT one female guest have ever walked off a live interview.

Posted 7 November 2015, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

Elizabeth will not be a cheap seat to run in. Guess she will have fundraisers on Reality Check.

Posted 7 November 2015, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

SMT...Same ole, same ole. Everyone wants to run but no one has offered any real solutions to rid our country of the most pressing problems. Talk, talk, talk. Blah, blah,blah.
Bahamians LOVE to talk, that's why these talk shows are so popular. At the end of the day, Bahamians really can't be trusted to keep their words. That includes the voting public and the politicians. They say they gon vote one way but they vote the next way. The politicians say they gon do this, but as soon as they get in power, they do that!

Posted 7 November 2015, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 8 November 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Is she about Gay Rights?

Posted 9 November 2015, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

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