Baha Mar liquidators mull change to powers


Tribune Business Editor

Baha Mar’s joint provisional liquidators are assessing whether to seek Supreme Court permission to change their powers, following the appointment of Deloitte & Touche as the secured creditor’s receivers for the project.

Bahamian accountant Ed Rahming, and the UK-based Alix Partners duo of Nick Cropper and Alastair Beveridge, in a November 4 letter to Baha Mar’s vendors and suppliers, said they remained in office and were carrying out the duties handed to them by the Supreme Court on September 4.

They also, though, painted a somewhat confusing picture by suggesting that they remained in control of the seven Baha Mar companies placed into provisional liquidators, while Deloitte & Touche is now responsible for the companies’ assets.

“The provisional liquidators currently remain in office, and their duties remain as those set out in the Appointment Orders handed down by the court following their appointment on 4 September 2015,” the letter to Baha Mar suppliers read.

“Following their appointment, the receivers now assume responsibility for the assets of the companies, and the provisional liquidators remain in control of the companies and are currently considering whether it is necessary to apply to the court to amend the powers granted in the Appointment Orders.

“Until such time as directed by the Court, the provisional liquidators will continue to act in the interests of the companies and all creditors of the companies.”

The Deloitte & Touche team, consisting of Bahamas managing partner, Raymond Winder, and Hong Kong-based colleagues Lai Kar Yan and Darach Haughey, were appointed as receivers and managers “over all the assets, property and undertakings” of nine Baha Mar companies on October 30, 2015.

This was done at the behest of Citibank’s Bahamas branch, which is acting as the ‘onshore security agent’ for the China Export-Import Bank, the $2.45 billion financier and secured creditor of Baha Mar.

However, giving an indication of where the ‘real power’ now lies, Baha Mar’s joint provisional liquidators told vendors/suppliers that the Deloitte & Touche receivers would now determine whether their services were necessary.

“The provisional liquidators are no longer in control of the assets of the companies, and as such no longer require the on-going supply of goods or services to the companies. You should consider any orders placed by the provisional liquidators on behalf of the companies to be cancelled effective October 30, 2015,” the letter read.

“If goods which were ordered prior to the receivers’ appointment are still required or if there are ongoing services which are still required, we understand that the receivers’ team will contact you directly to form a contract with you for the delivery of the goods or the continuation of the services.”

While it remains ‘business as usual’ for the Melia Nassau Beach Resort, the provisional liquidators urged suppliers to submit payment statements to them for services rendered between September 4 and October 30.


MonkeeDoo says...

I think that Pinocchio and AMG were blindsided by CEXIM Bank. How the Supreme Court managed this one is anybody's guess but I think they are the epitome of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. Why does anyone wonder that we are all going to hell in a hand-basket.

Posted 6 November 2015, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Finish F-it up so there is nothing left .Maybe because the PM and he bunch of clowns messed it up we could advised them to relocate the prison their .So when the change of government and we have a Commission of Enquiry for all the crooks they can still feel right at home in the shiiit that they worked so hard to create .

Posted 6 November 2015, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Good plan! lol

Posted 6 November 2015, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

That giant sucking sound is the around the clock fees that are being charged by the PL and the Receiver.

Posted 6 November 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

this article quote's the provisional liquidators asking: suppliers to submit payment statements to them for services rendered between September 4 and October 30. Still there is no one saying how Bahamian Contractors will be paid **...patience running out!**

Posted 6 November 2015, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Re-post: The Izmirlian family recognized the dire need for Baha Mar to obtain Delaware Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection against the wrongful liquidity squeeze play that the Chinese state-controlled general contractor (China Construction Co.) and lender (China Export-Import Bank) had subjected it to with the help of the Christie-led PLP government. Now the vultures (provisional liquidators and their lawyers and accountants, receiver and his lawyers and accountants, the growing multitude of financial and engineering consultants and their lawyers and accountants, etc. etc.) have all landed on the dead carcass of Baha Mar to devour what they can, creating for the project a liquidity crisis more than 100 times greater than the one Baha Mar originally had at the end of June 2015 when Sarkis filed for Chapter 11 in the U.S. It is now the Chinese government who is having to pay all the bills submitted by the very costly vultures and one has to wonder how long the Chinese government will continue doing so before they realize it may be better to cut their losses. But Red China has to weigh everything against all the benefits it has received and continues to receive from the following: (1) the Chinese labour it has and continues to employ on projects in the Bahamas; (2) the Izmirlian familiy's US$900+ million equity stake in the project handed over to it by the Christie-led PLP government; (3) the geo-political stronghold gained in the Western Hemisphere right under and next to the U.S.A.; (4) the strategic spy post it will have (to be known as The Pointe) immediately across the street from the U.S. Embassy in the Bahamas; (5) the access for its latest class of nuclear powered submarines to the Tongue of the Ocean deep water trench; and so on, and so on. I just can't wait until Americans find out from Donald Trump, Ted Cruze or Marco Rubio in the crucial run-up period to the next presidential election what Red China has been doing right on Uncle Sam's door step (right under his nose) with the help of the Christie-led PLP government elected by the Bahamian people! If Bahamians think its hard for them to get a U.S. travel or student visa now.... you just wait!

Posted 10 November 2015, 5:37 a.m. Suggest removal

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