World War II veterans threaten to boycott govt's Remembrance Day ceremony


Tribune Chief Reporter

FRUSTRATED World War II veterans yesterday threatened to boycott the government's Remembrance Day ceremony in protest of its failure to increase war pensions for more than half a century.

War pensions received by veterans of the British Legion in the Bahamas have remained unchanged since 1945 despite commitments from various parliamentarians over the years, according to a Bahamas Branch representative, who spoke to the Tribune on the condition of anonymity.

"We have been lobbying for years," the representative said, "for more than five years. The veterans are boycotting, they will not be at this service. They are taking a stand. It is disgraceful for them to be treated like this."

These veterans receive around $11 per month from the government, as well as a small pension from the Canadian government, and their widows collect an average $4.50 per month.

The matter was last brought to the fore in May last year, when the State Finance Minister Michael Halkitis met with Comrade Cephas Ferguson, Chairman and Treasurer of the Bahamas Branch at the Ministry of Finance.

At the time, Mr Ferguson outlined urgent fiscal needs to ensure the organisation remained operable for the remainder of the year.

“We are in urgent need of reimbursement of $7,886.37 in poppy funds that were invested in the purchase of building material to restore the government-owned building the veterans have now occupied since 1945, located on Baillou Hill Road,” Mr Ferguson said in May 2014.

“We are also requesting an increase of the monthly war pension of $11 that we are currently receiving from the government of the Bahamas and have been receiving since 1945. To date we have only received $7,285 from the government during the month of January, an amount which has to be divided among our current membership of 54 elderly veterans and a widow, thus equating to $11.24 cents per member.”

He continued: “I trust that something can be done urgently for us as we are few in number and our bills are still many and we are losing our comrades very quickly. Our monthly disbursement of war pensions per month is $6,000 and we are in urgent need of $50,000 to take our organisation comfortably to December. Poppy sales are down due to hard economic times and this is usually our source of income to keep our organisation operational."

The Bahamas Branch's current membership includes 20 registered veterans aged 87 to 95 years old, and 29 widows aged 79 to 100 years old.

The government's Remembrance Day church service will be held at 11am at Christ Cathedral Church on Sunday. Veterans have organised another service at Bethel Baptist Church at 11am on November 11, the official memorial day.


truetruebahamian says...

I am proud to have so many people who have a recognition of the Veterans' Day as an important part of their lives as my friends. We were taught the importance of those who fought and never came back - so that we could have goodness in our lives today. We learned this from some of our families who died for the cause of truth and freedom of our way of life, from Scouts - borne from Lord Robert Baden-Powell and through Girl Guides. All which have incredibly important meaning to understanding the commitment and through that commitment the giving of their efforts and lives for us today - and those from us I only hope that a new community spirit and understanding of those deeply through lives lost gifts to us are appreciated. There is so much to remember and for which to be thankful.

Posted 6 November 2015, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Yes, but it's only a threat. They won't actually boycott it, or do anything else of substance - just like any other Bahamian. All mout.


Posted 7 November 2015, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

we're all sure to remember how our gov't since 73 has schite all over us on Remembrance Day....

Posted 7 November 2015, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

Just one question though... Why should Bahamian tax payers pay for the veterans of Britain's wars?

Posted 7 November 2015, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

becks says...

Well done have just become the new posterperson for the category of "Ignorant Stupidity"

Posted 9 November 2015, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Required: You are too stupid ! Read up on World War 1 and 2 and think about it. If you are black then it is moreso stupid because after the Jews, Hitler was going to eliminate all black people leaving the world with only blond hair blue eyed people. One race and it would be Aryan It was everybody's goddamned war. SMFT. The german people are getting pissed off now with all the immigrants and Merkel has said she would take the Arabs but NO AFRICANS. And that is in 2015 !

Posted 7 November 2015, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

$11? u have got to be kidding. 11 bucks? a month? I hope they get this in cash or in the form of a monthly lunch.

Posted 7 November 2015, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

The Blood Bank pays more than that ! This Government should be ashamed ! Believe in Bahamians is a Sacriledge !

Posted 7 November 2015, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

lookingon says...

I must admit that I did not watch the televised church service in its entirety yesterday, but what little I did see did not ring through with genuine concern for our veterans. When these events occur there is so much emphasis on pomp and circumstance and protocol that the actual purpose of the event is lost.. Frankly what happens in this country is that every time politicians and government dignitaries show up, people put the emphasis on showcasing them dressed in all of their finery and splendor and everything else takes a back seat. Until our people learn to stand up to injustices then the pay will be stay the same $11:00 and something cents. Only complain if you are prepared to take a stand. If you want to make a point about the pension next year, simply boycott the ceremonies.

Posted 9 November 2015, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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