Wells ‘praised by Minnis’ for accepting LOI responsibility


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis is reportedly now praising Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells for “accepting responsibility” over his signing of the $650m letter of intent with Stellar Waste Management without authorisation last year.

According to sources within the party, Dr Minnis has changed his tone on the issue and has told supporters that after discussing the matter with Mr Wells several times, he now sees the former Progressive Liberal Party MP as having displayed great leadership because he did not run from his actions.

During a meeting last Thursday at FNM headquarters, Dr Minnis further justified his position,

saying Mr Wells’ actions were unlike that of the PLP and its leaders who continue to play the blame game over this country’s issues.

Several FNMs spoke to The Tribune expressing anger that Dr Minnis was “again showing weakness and proving his reputation as a flip-flopper” because he is now in full support of Mr Wells, the same MP whom he several times lambasted over the Letter of Intent (LOI).

The FNM sources also questioned how Dr Minnis was going to deal with a question now before the House of Assembly, which directly deals with the LOI.

On Wednesday, Mr Wells and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins announced in Parliament that they were joining the FNM.

One insider, who did not want to be identified, said: “It is unfathomable that Dr Minnis, who likes to present himself as a leader, would welcome into the FNM the very same man he nailed to the cross several months ago over and repeatedly. On Wednesday when he welcomed both Wells and Dr Rollins into the party, he called them brave warriors. But it was another story when Wells was embroiled in the LOI matter. Dr Minnis took a different tone. He was among the critics calling for the man to be fired every other week. It’s funny the way political agendas makes people flip-flop.”

Another FNM source castigated the Killarney MP, saying the FNM stands to suffer over the “selfish” decisions that are being made by Dr Minnis. The source said a good leader should not be seen as one who repeatedly changes his tone, but a person who sticks by his convictions.

In July 2014, it was revealed that Mr Wells, then parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works, had signed the LOI to have a waste-to-energy facility built at the city dump without Cabinet approval. Despite the brewing controversy, both Mr Wells and Prime Minister Perry Christie remained quiet on the issue.

After the revelations came to light, Dr Minnis told The Tribune that he and his party would not rest until Mr Wells was removed.

At the time, the Killarney MP said the unauthorised signing of the LOI directly infringed upon the portfolio of Minister of Environment Kenred Dorsett and indicated a conflict over the use of the city dump between the two government ministries.

In August 2014, Dr Minnis called on the attorney general to conduct a legal analysis into the LOI, at the time saying Mr Wells “signed an agreement which binds the government…to a contingent liability”.

He added: “We pray that the prime minister finds the courage to terminate Wells for creating this financial nightmare for the Bahamian people.”

In September, in the face of silence from the government over the circumstances surrounding the LOI, Dr Minnis branded the Christie administration as the worst government to ever lead the country because it had failed to resolve the matter.

“It’s as if everyday we are being told that this matter will be handled and then the next day comes, and (there is) still no resolve, nothing from the government,” he told The Tribune at the time. “But in a fully functional Westminster system the consequences should have been known 74 days ago.

“The fact that Mr Christie has not fired the man (Wells) raises serious questions about who all was involved in ordering and approving the letter of intent to be signed. Mr Christie has demonstrated that he is afraid to act.”

He later said the fact the matter dragged on for so long was a “total embarrassment”.

In mid-October, Mr Christie fired Mr Wells from his post at the Ministry of Works following months of controversy.

Several times since the incident became public, reference was made to a probe into the matter. The results of that investigation have not been released, although government officials have said it was complete.

Last November, Mr Wells broke his silence and said he signed the letter of intent – without Cabinet approval – for the “good of the people.”

He later said it was signed so that the company would carry out studies free of charge to the present to Cabinet.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Minnis is really showing his true colours now......he's so power hungry to be PM that he would cut a deal with the devil himself......and if you think the Bahamas is experiencing its darkest days under Christie, well.....you just can't begin to imagine how much worse off things will quickly get under a Minnis-led FNM government......the thought of Minnis ever becoming PM sends chills running down the spine of many many Bahamians!

Posted 9 November 2015, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


Posted 9 November 2015, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

What responsibility did Mr. Wells take? To my knowledge, he has never come clean on the details of the $650M LOI he signed. Until he does, he is damaged goods and a liability to any party he is affiliated with.

Posted 9 November 2015, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Dr: Minnis is not a wise man. It does not matter who wishes to praise him. He lacks wisdom and he has no vision for the Bahamas. He can tell all about what is wrong but he can never say what is right. He tried his best to destroy Wells. He could have waited to learn the truth about what wells signed but he did not care, He wanted to destroy the Young man. Shame on Dr; Minnis. for trying to destroy a young man with a family. Now as far as Wells is concerned Minnis has completed what he set out to do.

Posted 9 November 2015, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

FNM cowards, constantly running to the newspapers not wanting to man up and own their own opinions, though wanting the paper to give those opinions column inches.

Posted 9 November 2015, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Birdie, you and Bodie in a dead heat for the Brown Nose of the Year award. What is it that compels people like you and him to always attempt to defend the indefensible? What sort of destruction was Wells planning when he signed a 600 million dollar contract on behalf of the Bahamian people without authorization?
He was in all likelihood protecting someone further up the PLP tree, and he also obviously had his eye on a piece of that particular pie.
Regardless, I'm in agreement with you on one thing; Minnis has shot himself in both feet and both knees by embracing these renegades.

Posted 9 November 2015, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I thinks Dr. Andre and "LO!" Renward have been engag'in in all this dubious political bed hopping with Minnis, unmindful of just how bad them bed bugs of da red shirts kinds,
can not only inflict severe pain to da skin areas body but be followed by overwhelming fits psychological anxiety.
Yes, indeed PLP politicians certainly does makes for strange bedfellows, even while all the
leadership mutineers red House of Assembly MP's were left sitting on they hands up in da House in dark by their Dear Leader.
I'm told, Loretta still under spell surprised shell shucking. I hope she recovering as well as can be expected under these most stressful times in her political career.

Posted 9 November 2015, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Hope she doesn't have a heart attack or a stroke.

Posted 9 November 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I don't know what to think about the LOI. If Wells was acting as a free agent, his defection to the FNM would be the ideal opportunity for Da Rapist to excoriate him as a corrupt criminal, and the government sphincters did not. As a matter of fact, they remain strangely quiet on it, in contrast to their loquaciousness on everything else when it comes to gutter talk.

And indeed, Wells is strangely silent on it. If he were acting alone as a corrupt free agent, then it is understandable that he has nothing to say. If he were forced to sign it, and told the FNM, then Minnis would be shouting it from the mountain tops. But in the absence of any vilification from the Kriminal Kleptocratic Krabs forming the government, it is puzzling. Is there a gentleman's agreement among them, that I won't tell of your corruption if you don't tell on us? Is there honour among thieves? Or is there another explanation that fits the known facts? Usually that sewer of a human being, Bradley Roberts wastes no time in vilifying the perceived enemies of the state of corruption. This time, absolutely erryone, including Minnis is silent on the deal. Strange indeed.

There is definitely a deeper storyline to this saga.

Posted 9 November 2015, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade you gone all BankerScript on Tribune readers of this blog page. Why speak in the little known to we common people, your bankers language that is trying so damn hard at attempting to expose while covering over the real and why that led Minnis to pull this part y loyalty switch stunt off.
Comrade Banker, I know you know the - why.

Posted 9 November 2015, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I suspect that I know the why. The vicked criminal Swindling once said that the voice of the People is the voice of God. And what do the people say about Rollins and Wells? Well the 5 cents say dat Rollins okay, but Wells --well -- seems to be erryone happy wid "All's well that ends Wells".

And speaking of ends, I also gat the inside dope on who kill Harl Taylor. It een who you tink, but you won't be surprised.

Posted 9 November 2015, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Okay Comrade "Sherlock Holmes" Banker - can I join the murder investigation as your friend and sidekick Dr. Watson? But not going be sharing no flat with you.

Renard Wells live-on-air now with Steve McKinney.



Posted 9 November 2015, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades here listening to his interview and Renward goes ducking rounds da mulberry bushes.
Renward may now be a red shirt but can't let go holding onto his his old PLP ways language of utter bullshi% nursery rhyme and refusing to sing the whole story about the LOI, preferring it remains but a political game.
He may have switched parties but you reds still got's a solid thinking PLP.
I can only wish you reds da best luck, cuz y'all will need tons it with him under big red tent.
The Comrade must think Steve McKinney has only a bunch little children tuning-in his talk show.

Posted 9 November 2015, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

jacko says...

In July 2014, it was revealed that Mr Wells, then parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works, had signed the LOI to have a waste-to-energy facility built at the city dump without Cabinet approval. Despite the brewing controversy, both Mr Wells and Prime Minister Perry Christie remained quiet on the issue,some of yall FNM'S &PLP'S so dam lost ,yall cant see aint nothing will come out of this LOI matter ?is that the only thing yall could use aginst Mr.Minnis and Mr.Wells ?YALL GET A LIFE ,Go ask brave about it !SMFT

Posted 10 November 2015, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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