FDI impact 50% less than forecast


Tribune Business Reporter


The Bahamas is receiving less than 50 per cent of the projected economic impact associated with many foreign direct investment (FDI) projects, the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation’s (BCCEC) chairman yesterday saying there had been “surprisingly little trickle down”.

Gowon Bowe, addressing the Rotary Club of West Nassau, said: “When they went back and looked back at the foreign direct investment going as far back as the 1980s, they have been surprised by the actual trickle down effect  because what we think is trickling down really isn’t.

“It’s shocking,” added Mr Bowe, who is involved with the National Development Plan’s crafting. “I will wait for those results to be released, but in reality it’s far less than 50 per cent of what people say in the project’s development, because by the time concessions and other elements are factored in, in reality often times it’s only the employment  that trickles into the economy.

“While the number sounds large, 4,000-5,000, when we talk about a 200,000 working population it puts it into perspective.”

Commenting on the Bahamas’ stubbornly high unemployment rate, Mr Bowe said the 4,000-5,000 jobs which were expected to be created through Baha Mar’s opening have to be viewed in the context of the overall jobless situation, particularly among young Bahamians.

“Baha Mar was going to be 4,000-5,000 jobs, but let’s put that into the context of our unemployment sitting at 15-16 per cent,” he said.  “I’m not one who gets enamoured by the increase and decrease that takes place from one period to the next.

“If we look at the long-term rates, they are going to be in the double digits and the high teens. Once we get back to the reality of our high school leavers, our youth unemployment sitting at near 30 per cent on a long-term basis is disheartening, and something that we as a country have to figure out. How are we going to  develop as a nation if we are losing generations, not individuals.”


happyfly says...

Don't forget $3 billion of the FDI numbers came in the Chinese left hand and went out with the Chinese right hand. China State Owned Bank - Ismirlian - China State Owned Construction Company. By taking Ismirlian out of the picture the PLP has made sure there is virtually no trickledown in that equation......oh....accept the trickly in to Perry Pocket

Posted 3 October 2015, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 3 October 2015, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**............. Pay No Attention & Never Mind FDI Impact 50% Less Than Forecast ..............**

Hubert Ingraham and his whole FNM Cabinet have been implicated by the BEC $600,000.00 bribe scandal charge.

Ingraham was a well known "hands on dictator" that personally made every Cabinet decision bar none.

He will be hard pressed to now tell us he had no knowledge of $600,000.00 exchanging hands in his Cabinet right under his nose for exchange of good generators for inferior generators!

Where are Michael Pintard, BLT and Darron Cash demanding the crooked FNM Cabinet Ministers be held accountable for corruption?

**Clean Hands My Foot!**

Posted 3 October 2015, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

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