Evacuee angry at ‘filthy’ temporary accommodation


Tribune Staff Reporter


A WOMAN, who was evacuated from devastated Crooked Island on Monday, told The Tribune yesterday that she was “disappointed” over the “filthy” temporary living accommodations at a local motel provided by the government in the aftermath of the monster storm.

Takeisha Delancy, 27, was flown from Crooked Island on Monday night after she and members of her family were listed as in need of immediate medical attention. They had suffered cuts that required tetanus shots, which were not available on the island. She, her sister and their six children, also decided to fly into the capital because they had lost everything during the hurricane, including their home.

She described the motel in downtown Nassau that they were sent to as “completely unacceptable” to house anyone, especially small children.

“When we arrived in Nassau,” Ms Delancy said, “by the time as we got to the first place it was clear we couldn’t stay there. Passing the pool I noticed that the water was this green, grimy colour. We got up to the room and water and wet tissue was everywhere and the bathroom, especially the toilet – my goodness it was like it hadn’t been cleaned for weeks. Even windows in the room were broken out. (It was) totally unacceptable. How do they expect to bring people to this place to live? “The social worker, he went up there and went into the room because I remember him and a motel worker going up there, but by the time as we came back he was gone. He told my sister, well he guessed we should be fine anyways, and he just pull off and left.”

Ms Delancy said she was also surprised with the level of disorganisation from government officials who did not know where they could be housed after they complained about the conditions at the motel.

With midnight drawing close and restless children to care for, she said she asked a person she knew to contact Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard in the hope of receiving help.

Mr Pintard reassured the sisters, their small children and another family. They were given a room at the Melía Nassau Beach Hotel. She said he also provided a meal for them on Monday night in addition to breakfast yesterday morning.

Ms Delancy appealed to the government to move with haste in rebuilding their island so that they can return home.

“We want to go home. Home is home and we would want to go back as soon as possible.”

Ms Delancy also thanked local organisations that have provided donations, including the HeadKnowles Foundation, for the clothing, toys and toiletries provided to her family.

In a brief interview with The Tribune, Mr Pintard pledged his support for the two families, saying the assistance would continue until the government stepped up to the plate.

Crooked Island was one of the southern islands most devastated by Hurricane Joaquin’s passage last week. The category four storm tore through homes, ripped off roofs and created chest-high storm surges in some areas.

Many of the affected islands have been without electricity for six days.

Forty-six residents from Crooked Island were evacuated to New Providence on Monday. Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade has said the residents had to come to New Providence because they had no shelter in Crooked Island.


shortpants says...

Please don't complain because the heavenly father spared all off you'll lives ,in all just give thanks to him .He is the great provider trust in him to make things right again. Man always will let you down, what you'll been through be grateful for the little things. Don't wait for this government because trust me you will be waiting for a teachable moment that's the new talk bunch of hot air. Wish you and all a speedy recovery to restoring you'll lives back to normal.

Posted 7 October 2015, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Dont mind that God just destroyed your home and island and has you begging for financial help now. Just close your eyes and give thanks that He didn't allow all the flood waters to wash you out to sea. Be grateful for the pain he has caused you and for the tetanus shot you all have to now get because of him.

Posted 8 October 2015, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is my hope that the FNM party will continue to assist this woman. It is all about the politics. It was interesting to see those two sisters with their children. My first thought was where are the Fathers?

Posted 7 October 2015, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Yeah, thats right; where is daddy?

Posted 7 October 2015, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Daddy had to choose which one of his various families he wanted to be with. This family is not at the top of the list.

Posted 8 October 2015, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

What do you expect when the accommodations were an afterthought?
Zero long term preparations is showing in spades.
Perhaps a PAC inquiry into the annual NEMA Budget would be prudent?

Posted 7 October 2015, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard found one night in a hotel for them. and guess who was interviewing them the FNM news reporter from the FNM TV station , petty politics from all concerned in these serious times. I trust the mothers will not just depend on the Bahamian taxpayers alone, but will also expect the fathers of these children to be responsible.

Posted 7 October 2015, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Are we really going to attack victims?

Posted 7 October 2015, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The Victim is doing the attacking. She knows what she is doing, the woman who did the interview did not call Pintard's name she said some one who she the victim knew. The other newspaper called his name. The victim knows what she is doing. Turnquest is correct only when it comes to her, settle her some where else. She is not the only Hurricane victim. She is playing petty politics, and so is Pintard.

Posted 7 October 2015, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

You do the PLP a disservice. You make them look even worst than they already do.

Posted 7 October 2015, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

Perhaps she was expecting the Bridge Suite at Atlantis along with water park passes.

Very similar behavior to what is in this BBC article.


Posted 7 October 2015, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

One just needs to replace the name of any African country with 'The Bahamas' in any news article. It seems that all African routed country's are run the same. We are our own worst enemy.

Posted 8 October 2015, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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