Christie defends Joaquin response


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday revealed a staggering assessment outlining the damage Hurricane Joaquin brought to the southern Bahamas last week, as he defended government officials’ handling of the storm from strong criticism.

In his first official communication in Parliament since Joaquin ripped through parts of the country, Mr Christie praised the resiliency of hurricane survivors in the most affected islands of Acklins, Crooked Island, Long Island, San Salvador and Rum Cay.

However, he also defended National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and weather officials, suggesting that the criticism levelled against them in the wake of the storm was unwarranted. As the storm raged, claims spread on social media that the Department of Meteorology’s Doppler radar was not functioning and some accused NEMA officials of being unorganised and slow to respond to the crisis.

Mr Christie said: “Mr Speaker because of the misinformation, the mischaracterisation of matters to do with the functioning of people working steadfastly for the government of the Bahamas at the Met Office, NEMA and various agencies of the government where people have continued to mischaracterise, misdescribe and put erroneous information out to the public, inflammatory information, it is important that I take some effort in their defense and in their promotion of the work that they do.”

The prime minister also said from ongoing assessments, officials have been able to measure the significant infrastructural damage on Crooked Island, which was the most heavily impacted of all islands. The damage there has caused the evacuation of 300 of its residents. The island suffered major damage from hurricane force winds, flooding and storm surges.

Sixty-five per cent of the homes on that island received major damage, 25 per cent sustained moderate damage and four per cent of the homes were completely destroyed, he said. Some homes had to be condemned.

In addition, Mr Christie said government schools on Crooked Island were completely damaged while 50 per cent of the state-owned buildings on the island received moderate damage.

Thompson’s Bridge was totally destroyed while there was 85 per cent decay of the sand seal pavement of roads, Mr Christie told the House of Assembly.

He said: “Hurricane Joaquin, a major weather event, has inflicted catastrophic damage on extensive parts of our archipelagic nation and left in its wake major physical and infrastructural damage, population dislocation in some instances and psychological devastation for those persons that bore the terrifying brunt of the storm in the central and southern Bahamas particularly Crooked Island, Long Island, Acklins and San Salvador.

“Joaquin was a powerful and intense storm. It was meandering and slow and erratic at times. It wobbled and drifted. It mushroomed in strength and size. It was an unprecedented, relentless assault on the natural and man-made environment, leaving persons without shelter, food. Thankfully, there is no reported loss of life.

“We should note that Hurricane Joaquin continued to wobble and drift toward the Bahamas, indicating that the computer models were not to be relied upon at the early onset of the storm.”

In Acklins, electricity and telecommunications are off and extensive flooding and home damage was reported. In Snug Corner, the desalination/reverse osmosis plant has electricity from BEC and is in operation, as of October 5. The distribution system is now being brought back on line in stages.

There remains no access to Lovely Bay and Chester’s in Acklins due to flooded roads. He said the island’s well field has no power but residents can access water from a storage tank. Back-up power is required and bottled water.

A three-person assessment team in San Salvador has reported that while BTC service has been restored, electricity is off, storage is low, and the Water and Sewerage Corporation has sourced and shipped a 400Kw generator set.

The southern part of Long Island remains without power and telephone service.

Extensive flooding in the south of that island has disconnected that section from the north.

In Rum Cay, assessment teams from New Providence have concluded a site visit and generation has been restored to the power station but all roads and areas are clear/passable.

The team has reported 23 downed utility poles in that community. The added difficulty here is damage to the docks that will make deployment of heavy trucks difficult, Mr Christie said.

The prime minister has said it will cost tens of millions of dollars to recover from the storm.


blouda says...

I thank the Tribune for excellent coverage. However, I have seen no news regarding the state of the Gerace Research Center of the College of the Bahamas on north San Salvador. Any news??

Thankfully our place on Eleuthera was spared but our heartfelt sympathy and prayers go to those affected--

Posted 8 October 2015, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

More evidence our pm is delusional.To defend his government and Nema ineptitude is sickening. Before, during and after the storm ZNS was showing regular programming,including sesame street.The shelters were not opened,and those that were used had to be abandoned,because of structural damage.why weren't they checked at the start of the season.Whilst private citizens were out delivering relief,the pm was attending funerals. The police was on live tv bragging about how their walkie talkie was working,but after the storm no one could be reached I have never seen a government so unprepared for something we know can occur every year.

Posted 8 October 2015, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Why is the PM and his cabinet never on the same page. V Alfred Gray said heads should roll and a day later the Pm is praising the same people for a job well done. WOW

Posted 8 October 2015, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

Well...what did you expect? His whole public life has been marked by mediocrity and incompetence so how do you expect him to see incompetence as failure? Incompetence IS what he is.

Posted 8 October 2015, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades should note that the wobbling and drifting between the PM and his Minister V. Alfred have only intensified after Hurricane Joaquin drifted away from the most affected islands.
This does not mean that there is not too much of a storm brewing to dare risk calling the PLP's November convention. So will it be used as the excuse for allowing numbers sellers to continue operations unlicensed.
Which cabinet minister told the international media that the natives had nothing to fear from the approaching Hurricane Joaquin - cuz they knows how run to hide for protection in we nation's caves.
I mean it when I says - I don't just makes this stuff up. This is objective reality commentary. All at no charge to Madame Publisher.

PM & V. Alfred Performing Live - Who's On First - At The PLP's Performing Arts Center.


Posted 8 October 2015, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Basically the storm was hitting the Southern Bahamas two days before Bahamians in the rest of the Bahamas were made aware of what was going on. Persons in the House of Assembly were busy in argument about sending "selfies" of opposition members sleeping in the house, while the entire government seem to have fallen asleep on Joaquin. Local stations maintained their regular programming while the weather channel and Florida stations were reporting 20 foot waves in Long Island (according to boats men who were stranded there) and how the storm was battering residences and businesses on those island. It was surreal, the contrast to what was being reported on the weather channel and local Florida stations and what was going on in Nassau, especially. Even whilst the government was planning local assessment teams to travel South, the Weather Channel had already chartered a local Bahamian pilot and his aircraft and was reporting the massive and widespread damage that happened down South, Long Island especially. Fox and other local channels were not far behind. With live interviews from residents, including an 80 year old resident who endured and survived Joaquin. The weather channel also reported that the massive hurricane had wind strength of only 5 miles per short of being a CAT 5 before it lashed Crooked Island, Long Island and San Salvador. There was no loss of life and everyone who survived said it was only by the grace of God and because of his mercy. Perry Christie say after you been to God and pray, you have to come back to him to get things done because he is Prime Minister. The floor is yours Mr. Christie. You have many willing to help you Locally and from afar. Quit the talking (excuse making). And do the walking. Fix it Lord Perry!

Posted 8 October 2015, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Time and time again, Christie defending slackness and ineptitude...we're screwed

Posted 8 October 2015, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

B_I_D "screwed" is putting it mildly

Posted 8 October 2015, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Christie looks screwed & 7 months pregnant to boot!**

Posted 9 October 2015, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Pathetic clown, all they is see is dollars, watch and see.

Posted 8 October 2015, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

The Nassau Guardian shows no devastation please tell me where is this Mr Pm?

Posted 8 October 2015, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

shameful<img src="…" border="0" width="1" >

Posted 9 October 2015, 4:58 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades my friend is presently on Crooked island and as we blog the residents of Crooked Island are even finding it hard find a dry place rest their heads and secure they things. They have no place live cuz the buildings have been all but extensively damaged and in many cases destroyed. Every available carpenter, electrician, plummer with their in demand tools, should head to Crooked island to assist the hurtin residents. They urgently need dry containers to attempt salvage their water soaked things. This is NO time for the politicians - both sides HOF isles - to be fightin over - should they be saving or completely evacuating and demolishing Crooked Island out of existence. Have you MP's NO shame left in ya bones?

Posted 9 October 2015, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I agree. The human compassion angle is taking a back seat, and the poor beleaguered residents are being treated like zoo animals -- just subjects for dramatic news pictures and selfies with politicians who want to prove how much they are "on top of it"! And the suffering goes on ....

Posted 9 October 2015, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

Sensible comment, Tal. The aftermath of a hurricane presents an opportunity and justification for a National Service Youth Corps.

Now that would be a real "teachable moment" for young Bahamians!! Roll up sleeves and get stuck in helping hurricane victims; meaningful experience, valuable lessons in selfless giving, opportunity to see how the World should work, with the more fortunate assisting the less fortunate. Etc. etc.

Posted 10 October 2015, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I am concerned about our leader's mental state. ( Is he crazy... you think?) We need to make these politicians take a mental competency examination before taking part in elections, the same way these fools wanted a mental competency exam done by Sarkis Izmirilian.

Posted 9 October 2015, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Has Christie the clown stopped calling the storm "Joe-Queen"?

Posted 9 October 2015, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................. Please keep everything in proper perspective .....................**

Christie is known as the "dancing clown". Not to be confused with Ingraham the "little clown emperor".

Posted 9 October 2015, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

I would love to give this buffoon a "teachable moment". The Bahamas is led by complete sphincters!

Posted 9 October 2015, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Oh Lord! An excuse for the PLP to thief millions from the rebuilding effort!

Posted 13 October 2015, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

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