Electric supply during a hurricane

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Since The Bahamas is situated on this globe in such a way that the direct path of some dangerous hurricanes might cross our islands, then, in my humble opinion, it is incumbent upon the government of The Bahamas to ensure that the country is prepared for such an inevitability.

One such area of preparedness should be to minimise the damage to the electrical supply of each island.

As it stands now, in some areas of The Bahamas, overhead electrical wires, overhead telephone wires, and overhead cable television wires are ubiquitous.  They are also low-lying and an eyesore to boot.

A government of vision would consider it their collective responsibility to cause most of these wires to be channelled underground. 

The interruption of electrical supply in The Bahamas would be significantly curtailed if this plan were to be implemented.

In my humble opinion, the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, should direct the Minister of Works & Utilities to cause a comprehensive study to be conducted to determine:

(1) How much a plan like that would cost, and

(2) How long would a plan like that take?

Costs are costs, but an ingenious manipulation of time to spread out the costs would be possible to determine a completion date.  Then, “Let the games (work) begin!”

That is what I would do.  But I am not The Prime Minister.



October 1, 2015.


limeyconch says...

Putting ALL utilities underground would be a major improvement with service. As we contacted all the parties involved when we paved our roads in our small settlement, we were told it would cost too much. Then after one year a person from BTC asked who does trenching on our island. I asked why? They said they are ready to put all services underground! So why can the three big companys work together? BEC BTC Cable and do the job once properly? Our guesis that it would cut down on service calls and over time, (unions would not be happy). Makes too much sense on putting all services underground one time and for all! Let us move forward and plan for the future!

Posted 9 October 2015, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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