Two men shot at Potter's Cay, one dead

POLICE are searching for two suspects responsible for a fatal shooting at Potter's Cay on Friday night which left one man dead and another in hospital.

According to reports, shortly before 10pm, two men were about to get into a vehicle at Potter's Cay Dock when two men with handguns shot them before fleeing on foot. The two victims were rushed to hospital where one of them died and the other remains in stable condition.

The murder takes the total for 2015 so far to 118, according to the Tribune's records. 123 murders were committed in 2014.

Police are also investigating the circumstances surrounding a woman who was found on the ground with injuries to her body on Andros Avenue, shortly after 12.30am on Saturday.

The woman was transported to hospital, where she remains in serious condition.


ohdrap4 says...

the murders are getting closer and closer to home.
there comes a time where it will be dangerous to go to work or the foodstore.

Posted 10 October 2015, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

There comes a time? The time is already here my friend!

Posted 10 October 2015, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

SAD TO SAY that, based on the trend for the year, and a trend that was developing over five years, the murder count for 2015 will surpass the record of 127 murders set in 2011 in the next three weeks. That will be the first week in November leaving about seven weeks in 2015. If the senseless murders continue unabated, another 19 - 21 murders will be committed before the end of the year, bringing the total for 2015 to around 150. Those are the facts void of prejudice, void of politics. A sad state for our country to be in.

Posted 10 October 2015, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

*Actually the record of 127 will be surpassed before the end of October, meaning the murder count can go as high as 153 for 2015.

Posted 10 October 2015, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

I would like to know how many politicians and their cohorts have recently experienced transformation, to the fullest extent, in close family member deaths? And can one be lead to believe that if Kama decreed that such cruel and unusual punishment be administered to those that have betrayed the Bahamas, would masses of Bahamians benefit?

Posted 10 October 2015, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Latico says...

We would...

Posted 11 October 2015, 12:27 a.m. Suggest removal

YellowJacket78 says...

Why is it so hard for the government to deal with this problem? A healthy dose of real fear ought to come into play for these killers. One reason why we have all these killings I feel is because criminals don't fear the justice system in the Bahamas. They know if they are caught the spend some time in prison and then released. Even if they get life its not a problem.
I feel if the government kicked in some fear, the criminal element may think twice before doing such serious crimes.
For example, a person is found guilty of man slaughter in the First degree and no death sentence can be given? Then the person should be whipped 25 times full strength, with the cat-9 tail. In addition to this persons convicted of such crimes should be cut of from the general population and placed on an island where harsh labor is given until the end of their sentence.

Posted 11 October 2015, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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