Clean drinking water a priority


Tribune Staff Reporter

PAN American Health Organisation representative Dr Gerry Eijkemans yesterday said the agency has procured around $150,000 in relief supplies for the central and southern Bahamas as residents look to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Joaquin.

Speaking during a National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) press briefing, Dr Eijkemans said PAHO had several key concerns, including vector control, water contamination and sanitation in the wake of the storm.

NEMA’s First Assistant Secretary Chrystal Glinton added that given the severe nature of the devastation left behind by Hurricane Joaquin, NEMA continues to distribute food, water and tarps for residents in Acklins, Crooked Island, Long Island, San Salvador, Long Cay and Rum Cay.

Dr Eijkemans said: “Basically where most of our concerns are at the moment is that when you have large bodies of standing water and unfortunately the rain keeps coming in the Bahamas at this moment, this brings significant concerns about water and transportation and vector control.

“Flooding has resulted in wells being contaminated both with septic tank contents or faecal matter and in some cases also sea water and they should not at no point be used for consumption. I strongly advise that the people in the affected areas utilise bottled drinking water for cooking, washing and brushing teeth, including washing of food and dishes. The quality of the well water can be improved for bathing, cleaning and other household tasks by adding simple household bleach. (But) you shouldn’t use the well water without putting the bleach in, even when you put the bleach in it you should never use this water for drinking or consumption.

“PAHO has supported the government in getting aqua tabs and chlorine so people will have access to that and we have also helped to develop the key recommendations and public health message. The lack of clean water can result in outbreaks of diarrhoea, skin problems, etc, so for PAHO this is the main concern,” she said.

“At this point, I am asking everyone in the affected areas to please seek immediate medical advice if you have any symptom of diarrhoea because at this point with the situation of water and sanitation that can quickly become an outbreak. It is very important over the next two weeks for all affected people to have access to clean drinking water.”


karrie says...

In this case of emergency clean water should be on top of the list. The risk of contamination could grow the victim number even higher. The <a href="…">water well tanks</a> could be a viable solution to this, it takes a bit of logistics to get them installed in key points but it could be the fastest way to get clean water to the people who need it.

Posted 20 July 2016, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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