Minister blasts claim PLP supporter given $500,000 school contract


Tribune Staff Reporter

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday criticised former Ministry of Housing Parliamentary Secretary Brensil Rolle for alleging that the $500,000 contract to repair the Rum Cay All-Age School was given to a PLP supporter.

Mr Fitzgerald said Mr Rolle’s comments “lacked an appreciation” for “what’s really going on” in the Ministry of Education with regards to school repairs.

He suggested that Mr Rolle “be quiet” if he has nothing constructive to say about the government’s 2015 Public School’s Repair Programme.

He added: “I’d be very surprised and disappointed if that statement was authorised by either the chairman of the party or by the leader of the party, the FNM, because both of them are fully aware of the works that are going on throughout this country and the fact that we’re trying to keep that kind of conversation, that political talk really out of education,” Mr Fitzgerald said yesterday.

“And so I just thought the comments made by, I assume, Mr Rolle lacked an appreciation really of what’s going on.

“And obviously if that’s all he has to say, then really, there’s a saying that people say that if you don’t know what to say, be quiet. And so I think in those circumstances as I said I’ll be very surprised if what he said was sanctioned by the chairman or the leader of the party.”

Two weeks ago, Mr Fitzgerald said the nine students currently attending the school in Rum Cay would be relocated and housed at one of the local churches until the completion of $500,000 worth of renovations.

In a statement on Sunday, however, Mr Rolle said the FNM was “stunned” by the price tag for repairs of the tiny school.

Mr Rolle questioned the hefty sum for repairs to the “small, one-room” school, and alleged that the contract was given to a PLP general in San Salvador, who is allegedly subcontracting to a Rum Cay resident.

Last week, Education Director Lionel Sands said the Rum Cay All-Age School had not received any repairs since before former Governor General Sir Milo Butler attended the school in the early 1900s.

Mr Sands said the half a million dollars would be spent on repairing the school’s overall structure, particularly its roof, as well as plumbing for the school and other “electrical amenities.”

However, Mr Rolle maintained that the $500,000 price tag was too high, stating that based on costing obtained when the FNM was last in office, the figure to repair the school would be “less than half” of the $500,000 announced by Mr Fitzgerald.

“We regard as interesting the commentary and the expressions of disgust at the notion that such a school would cost the government as much as all of the repairs to schools in Grand Bahama last year combined,” Mr Rolle said on Sunday. “We think this is indeed troubling and needs further investigations.”

Mr Rolle also criticized Mr Fitzgerald for failing to complete school repairs throughout the country in time for the start of the new school year last week.

The statement said in addition to ongoing repairs, there is a reported desk and chair shortage in public schools.


sheeprunner12 says...

Soooooooo, is Fitzgerald justifying $500,000 to "repair" Rum Cay school???????? I hope that is not the case as he should be ashamed to do so ............ $100,000 is the max that should even be mentioned for a school to house NINE students ...... or are they expecting a population explosion that will justify a bigger school plant???????? ................. what is it??????????

Posted 8 September 2015, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

6 not 9. 3 have moved away.

Posted 8 September 2015, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Brensil Rolle and his FNM government should have repaired the school when it only cost $25,000 and they could have given the contact to an FNN Contractor as they did during their years as Government, Brensil Rolle knows that they only gave FNM's Contracts that is why he is accusing the PLP of the same. "He who is without sin let him cast the first stone" and Brensil and all of his FNM party will hang their heads in shame. because they are guilty. What is their reason for not repairing the school.? Brensil should be ashamed of himself

Posted 8 September 2015, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

You are such an imbecile...who give a flying f#&k if the other party also did it? If we the Bahamian people are being ripped off we need to demand accountability and stop this back and forth sh!t about who did what when!!! As&h0!es like you believe that because they are all guilty it is OK for them to continue to shove it up our arses and we should just shut up and take it. Your mentality makes me sick!

Posted 8 September 2015, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

How else do you expect for the stalwarts to be rewarded. The FNM's has its Mal-Jack Construction and the PLP has theirs. Someone has to shake down the Bahamian people or else the politicians can not carry on the legacy of their predecessors.

Posted 8 September 2015, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

CatIslandBoy says...

These fellas really think all Bahamians are dumb and stupid. This minister, while criticizing Mr. Rolle, has really not denied that the contract was given to a PLP supporter, nor even attempted to justify the price tag of a half million dollars. I don't care if the contract is being given to a PLP/FNM/DNA supporter, as long as they are Bahamians. All Bahamians need to live and provide for their family. What is downright disgusting is the outrageous price tag associated with the renovation. All minister Fitzgerald did was create the smoke and mirror defense. Shame!

Posted 8 September 2015, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

Minister Fitzgerald, IF he is interested in answering the allegations being made regarding
this obvious rip-off, simply needs to ANSWER the questions being raised.

1. Was the work put out for bids or simply awarded to a political crony?

2. Was there ever a "Scope of Works" for the project?

3. Is the Minster prepared to table a detailed description of the costings for each part of the
repair project?

4. Why was the cost of the project rounded out to an even $500,000?

5. While we are at it, could the Minster provide a full accounting of all school repairs undertaken this Summer, with detailed descriptions of all work done, who was awarded each contract and exactly how much each project cost?

6. Would the Minister provide a list of all school repairs projects undertaken this Summer that involved a "contractor" and a sub-contractor who actually did the work?

Posted 8 September 2015, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Crime starts at the top and trickles down in society. It is not until we see someone having to steal to eat or turning violent because he does not want to steal, it bothers us. But still we blame them when we know full well we are the dogs who ate their lunch!

Posted 9 September 2015, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

The roof in the Auto-Mechanics workshop in Central Eleuthera High school has leaked badly for over 10 years, lights have never been repaired, doors not functional and exposed plug sockets. The Minister himself visited but nothing has been done and yes every year a substantial number (in excess of 20) complete their BGCSE in this area. $20,000 would have brought this unsafe building up to standard but it has never been done.. As usual country up to its eyes in debt, food prices sky high, VAT killing the little man but we still have money to waste.

Posted 9 September 2015, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Was the contract awarded after a public invitation to tender?

Posted 9 September 2015, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Minister of Education should be more concerned over addressing the dumps that pass for schools at Georgetown Primary and Inagua All Age .............. has he ever visited or gotten a report on those schools???

Posted 9 September 2015, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

NassauBoy77 says...

All the talk and still the Minister has not answered any of the questions. Any concerned Bahamian has the right to ask why a school for nine (9) students costs $500,000 just to repair and not even build a new one.

The problem is the Minister takes us all for fools. Give us answers. If he can't do it, he needs to be replaced with someone who can do it. Tired of all the bullcrap!

Posted 9 September 2015, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Public invite to bid.? This process is foreign to the present tiefs I mean goverment. Was there a bid process for Staniel Cay runway. It wemt to Bahama hot mix, wonder who got what.

Posted 9 September 2015, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

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