Rum Cay repairs to include four new structures


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE $500,000 repairs at the Rum Cay All-Age School will include the addition of four new structures to the existing building, a school official said yesterday.

The school official, who asked not to be named, told The Tribune that upon the completion of repairs, the school will be outfitted with a computer lab, a library, a principal’s office, staff room, student male and female bathrooms, a teacher’s bathroom along with a kitchen and cafeteria.

Additionally, the official said the existing one-classroom structure will be divided into four classrooms.

The price tag for the repairs has come under fire from the opposition Free National Movement. On Sunday, Brensil Rolle, former parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Housing, said the school could be renovated for half the amount. He also alleged that the contract was given to a PLP campaign general.

When contacted yesterday for his views on the matter, DNA Leader Branville McCartney called on the government to fully disclose the reasoning behind deciding to spend half a million dollars to repair the tiny school.

Mr McCartney said that in his opinion, the $500,000 price tag was “exorbitant,” but said his uncertainty on the matter could be clarified if the government would “provide a reason and a breakdown as to the amount being spent in relation to that school.”

His comments came before The Tribune spoke to the school employee.

The school official said: “The one room is being divided into four classrooms. Onto the existing building, four structures are being added, which will comprise of a computer lab, a library, a principal’s office and staff room, the male and female bathroom and teacher’s bathroom, and a kitchen and cafeteria.”

“The present bathroom wings are being knocked down and replaced to tie into the existing structure,” the school employee added.

Two weeks ago, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said the nine students currently attending the school in Rum Cay would be relocated and housed at one of the local churches until the completion of renovations.

When asked earlier this week to respond to Mr Rolle’s criticism, Mr Fitzgerald shot back saying Mr Rolle’s comments “lacked an appreciation” for “what’s really going on” in the Ministry of Education with regards to school repairs.

He suggested that Mr Rolle “be quiet” if he has nothing constructive to say about the government’s 2015 Public Schools Repair Programme.

Last week, Education Director Lionel Sands said the Rum Cay All-Age School had not received any repairs since before former Governor General Sir Milo Butler attended the school in the early 1900s.

Mr Sands said the half a million dollars would be spent on repairing the school’s overall structure, particularly its roof, as well as plumbing for the school and other “electrical amenities.”


jlcandu says...

While I do not have a problem with providing proper facilities for school children, $500,000 for 9 students???? That doesn't make any sense, no matter how the PLP is trying to spin it!!! Renovate the school including the bathrooms. Instead of investing in a library, how about hooking up to the internet, which is a fraction of the cost??? If the principal and teacher need a lunchroom, then build a small kitchen onto the existing structure. This is only another waste of taxpayers money going into a PLP supporter's pocket. Minister Fitzgerald should be ashamed of himself for this gross mismanagement of the people's money!!!!!

Posted 9 September 2015, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Glad someone mentioned the enrollment of 9 students.
$55k/student. Hmmm.
I agree with a digital library also, especially with almost everything accessible via the internet and U Tube University.
Frigging idiots. Grosly disappointed in Mr. Fitzgerald.
I also question the need for a Principal for 9 students? Couldn't the teacher, who we assume is following the standard National D average lesson plan be monitored from Nassau?
Again, via an online program?

Posted 9 September 2015, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Me thinks they dreamed up these 4 additions once their scam was exposed.

Odd that anyone would be fool enough to suggest a staff room and principals office , kitchen and cafeteria could be needed in a school with 9 students.

Me thinks they would have appeared smarter to just be thieves, this story makes them look 100% stupid now!

What a laugh, these idiot should do standup comedy, principals office, staff room etc etc, surprise they don't also need a stage to perform their routines.....

Posted 9 September 2015, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Exactly. If it was the case that all was planned, they would have said so. But they said "the school hadn't been repaired in years"

Posted 9 September 2015, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

If the re-building plan DID include the additions they now claim, put the plans in tomorrow's newspapers!!

Posted 9 September 2015, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Bingo! I was thinking the exact same thing!

Posted 9 September 2015, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Once again -- there are 6 students. Of the original 9, one went to Long Island and the other two came to Nassau.

Posted 9 September 2015, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

People, there must be some architectural plans to this effect. Get up off your guessing bottom and go and view the drawings. This might arrest the speculating and gossiping. They are at the Ministry of Works and are available to the general public.

Posted 9 September 2015, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Nothing is to good for the children of Rum Cay. I always believed there would be some additions to the present building. Bensil Rolle has no shame. and all those who believe that some one is always stealing are thieves themselves. This is all great, wonderful for RUM CAY. it just goes to show that Rolle and is like do not care for the poor. of the Out Island, It also may be use as a hurricane shelter. God forbid that one passes over Rum Cay.

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

You just have no idea why people are upset, you can not fathom the reason, correct? You think people just up and say that the PLP is corrupt because they are evil, right? You also think that anyone who questions the PLP are against poor black people, right? Have you ever voted any other way that PLP, no right? You will vote PLP until the day you die, correct? Therefore it is safe to assume that you only REALLY care about the PLP, NOT THE BAHAMAS. Party over country, that is a sure recipe for success, carry on smartly. I cry for my country with citizens such as yourself, no hope!

Posted 9 September 2015, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The problem with this government AND YOU birdie is you see nothing wrong in spending "whatever it costs" to implement any "good" idea you get. Hence Carnival, hence BAMSI, hence UR, HENCE 1/2 a million dollars for 6 students.not one minute is spent to determine the best idea that advances the longterm strategy

Posted 9 September 2015, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

But did they ever mention its use as a Hurricane shelter? Wouldn't they have to justify the monstrous cost per Sq/ft?

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

birdie... : You are a bloody fool and the reason such a party as the PLP can be the government. I don't think you know any better and that is the problem. People are either stupid like you or in it for what they can get - like Wayne Munroe - and I bet that all of you go sit up in church on Sunday like you know God !! Lord don't let me start.

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is another abuse of the Public Treasury ................... the PAC must investigate this now

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

MonkeeDoo The Rocket science , The Brain, the one with all the sense. Good for you. Now Common sense good old basic common sense. do you for one moment believe that Wayne is in need of money. The man is a successful good Lawyer. in fact he will be making a sacrifice. Perhaps you in you delusion may be to smart for your own good.

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

CatIslandBoy says...

LOL!!!! I get it now. This will be the most costly school in the country (per student). The operational budget is now going to increase tremendously. There will be a principal; a computer lab teacher; at least 3 other teacher to justify the 4 new classrooms; a librarian; a cook for the kitchen; at least one cafeteria worker; a janitor (maybe 2) to clean the bathrooms daily; a building and grounds person to maintain the newly renovated half-million dollar structure.

I predict that this school will be the most sought after in the country. People will move to Rum Cay in droves so that their children could get a quality education, from a school, re-named after the first Bahamian Governor General, with the best student-teacher ratio in the world. And all Bahamians will hail Minister Fitzgerald in hindsight, for his insight, foresight, and wisdom.

Because of the proximity to Cat Island, I might even consider sailing my grand kids over every morning, and collecting them each evening.

Posted 9 September 2015, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Don't make the rest of us PUKE ........... You should be yelling like crazy for some improvement to those two little scrubby schools that pass for "high schools" in Cat Island ............... Have you taken a look at the $20 million schools built for those dummies and illegals in Nassau ....... while we REAL Bahamians out here get treated like dirt?????? That Rum Cay school is a flam

Posted 9 September 2015, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

No longer just a school! It's now an industry!

Posted 9 September 2015, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Minister of Education should be more concerned over addressing the dumps that pass for schools at Georgetown Primary and Inagua All Age .............. has he ever visited or gotten a report on those schools???

Posted 9 September 2015, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Birdie.....: This is the whole problem. Do I think Perry has money - yes. Brave - yes, Maynard Gibson - yes. they all have money and more than they can spend, but they get a notion that they cannot ever have enough and this is where it all starts. They covet this, they covet that, they covet any and everything. Do you think Alyson's whole family needed to have six shops ? Did Adam Christie need the pool and waterway contract for Baha Mar ? How much money do they need ? And I heard about two over the hill, Bain Town boys, who go to school on alternate days because they only have one pair of shoes between them. These are poor black boys birdiestrachan. That's what kills my white arse.

Posted 9 September 2015, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

Greed is a NASTY character! and quite rightly is judged to be one of the seven deadly sins!

Greed warps the judgement, rots the soul, turns kind hearts to stone and, like many other addictive vices, greed is insatiable! it is true to say... "They get the notion that they cannot ever have enough"!!

They take and take and take, and get richer and richer, while the poor get poorer and poorer, until one day there is a revolution!!"..............................

Because the Rich are TOO rich and the Poor are TOO poor!

Posted 9 September 2015, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

More stupidity from the PLP government. A cafeteria too? For nine students? No offense to students in the Family Islands, but if a church can be used as a school building while this construction is going on, why aren't they using churches and other buildings all the time? Yes, this amount of money spent on a far flung island for a handful of students is outrageous and TOO MUCH. I believe some people must be under the influence of alcohol and other drugs when they come up with these ideas (schemes).

Posted 9 September 2015, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are smoking marijuana or worse at this very minute. Look how unperturbed they were when Nygard shot some unknown substance up his arm in front of them

Posted 9 September 2015, 10:28 p.m. Suggest removal

CatIslandBoy says... was all tongue in cheek. You gotta lighten up and laugh at these jokey leaders, or else you might have a heart attack.

Posted 9 September 2015, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The Children of Rum cay deserve the same as any other children in the Bahamas deserves. It is shame full to say that giving them a proper school is to much for them. While some of those children especially the ones in Nassau seem to have their schools repaired each and every year. As for the so called builder who has posted how much he could do the work for. has he seen the plans.? Now what you folks and Brensil can do is check the books and be sure not even a nail is not accounted for. I am very happy for the beautiful Bahamian children of Rum Cay.

Posted 9 September 2015, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Ah Birdie, you never disappoint. That Gold Rush Kool-Aid must be good!! Nobody is denying the children of Rum Cay a proper school -- the problem is the horrendous cost for a half dozen children. Any idiot could tell you there is something WRONG with this contract!!! I suggest you come out in the Sunshine for a while and lay off the Kool-Aid!!!

Posted 10 September 2015, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Incidentally, does anyone on here know the exact native population of Rum Cay - is it 30?... 75?... 150?

Posted 9 September 2015, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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