Husband and wife found shot dead in Grand Bahama


Tribune Freeport Reporter

GRAND Bahama police are investigating a double homicide after a husband and wife were discovered dead inside their home on Sunday morning.

The victims - believed to be Barry and Sheila Johnson - were found shot dead shortly before 9am at an apartment complex in the Holmes Rock area. Police said both victims were shot once to the head.

The shooting has left the entire community, including the victims’ family, in a state of shock, according to a senior police official.

Police do not yet know the motive in this latest shooting incident, which pushed the island’s murder count to 12 this year.

The Tribune has learned that Mrs Johnson was a teacher at the Eight Mile Rock High School, and her husband was employed at the Freeport Container Port.

Distraught relatives and a crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene as police processed the area yesterday.

Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour said officers discovered the lifeless body of the male, just outside the complex, with a gunshot to the front of the head.

On further investigations, he said, a female was discovered inside the residence with a gunshot to the back of the head. The victims were pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor.

“I want to say it is a sad day in the life of this community, Grand Bahama, and in the life of the Bahamas where we have two persons whose lives were snuffed away in such a horrific manner. I am saddened, and we as an organisation are saddened by this senseless act, and we need to stop these incidences of violence wherever they are happening in this country,” said ACP Seymour.

Police have met with the victims’ family and are continuing their investigation into the matter.

ACP Seymour said police are in the initial stages of their investigations, and are trying to determine what may happened. “We met with some of the family members and they are distraught; the entire Holmes Rock community is in a state of shock because of the discovery we made here this morning. We don’t know the exact time this happened; we don’t have a motive for what happened; and we are trying to make some sense out of it.”

He revealed that one of the two vehicles belonging to Mr Johnson had been missing from the residence when police arrived, but was later recovered.

He is appealing to members of the public to assist the police in their investigations.

“When any incident of criminality happens in the Bahamas someone knows something about it, and I am certain that someone somewhere knows something about what took place here this morning. We are appealing to those persons to come forward.”

Anyone with information that can assist the police is asked to call them at 242-350-3107/12, 911/919 or contact your nearest police station.

The two murders pushed the country’s murder count to 105 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records.


HarryWyckoff says...

10 people dead or injured in 4 separate shootings between Friday night and Sunday morning.

Imagine how it would be if crime **wasn't** down!!

Posted 13 September 2015, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

honestly, i do not go out at night unless it is for work.
if i go to the bank, i dress in rags and carry no purse

Posted 14 September 2015, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Wow this country is in deep trouble! Not taking away from the seriousness of this issue, but das a fat police ay...What happen to the force man. I remember when ya had to be a certain height and physically fit to join. Boy how things have changed!

Posted 13 September 2015, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...


The mere sight of that police officer will only encourage the criminals to continue their escapades.
A fat, doofus standing there looking like Elmer Fudd.

Posted 14 September 2015, 12:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I would be fat as well if I were a policeman and wasn't issued a bulletproof vest, in the hopes that 1) the fat would at least slow down any bullet and 2) the force would force me to work in the office, where it is safer.

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Would be a great initiative for the police force to lead the way to a healthy nation...they're majority men and what the men eat, the women and children eat

Posted 14 September 2015, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Cry, my beloved country.

Posted 13 September 2015, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

yeswecan says...

Lord, let peace flood this country! In Jesus' name, amen.

Posted 13 September 2015, 11:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I don't believe in the Lord but I will pray with you in the slim chance that it will make a difference. Lord hear our prayers! AMEN!

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

In the meantime....... Perry Christie's busy doing the Perry shuffle.

Posted 14 September 2015, 12:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I heard he was in China performing his monthly audit of his safety deposit box!

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

This is terrible, country out of control, and as disturbing as these murders are I agree with Cobalt one cannot help but be distracted by that undisciplined lard ass Officer. Commissioner, Sir u gotta put in mandatory fitness requirements and yearly physical test for officers. When in uniform a criminal looks u up and down and make decisions to test you many times based on your appearance and the public feels hopeless when they see this as a line of defense.

Posted 14 September 2015, 5:56 a.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

You haven't notice how lard ass the commish is huh ?

Posted 14 September 2015, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Very terrible weekend. Definitely set to blow away all murder records in 2015. The PLP who had the answers should be VERY proud. As for the overweight police my thinking, it all comes down to officers being armed with guns. now, don't get me wrong, I think they SHOULD have guns if they intend to have any chance on surviving the streets of today with heavily armed criminals. But back before the officers were armed, they needed to be able to catch someone in a foot chase, stand their ground and fight if need be and subdue someone not quite wanting to be detained by the law. Now with guns in hand...they can be that little bit slower, that little bit fatter...bullet faster than ya feet!!

Posted 14 September 2015, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

BID, they are armed, just not off duty which has to change. I have been through numerous amounts of tactical training and I tell u it aint easy shooting on the move or at moving things. In most police shootouts many times when adrenaline gets pumping even 100% accurate shooters hit maybe 10% of the time. These are well conditioned tactical guys hitting 10% under pressure so imagine a fat bloob. First he has to put down his burger, get out the car without a heart attack, unholster his weapon that's probably lost in his fat waistline, then hold those large arms steady on a target that's moving while he's moving. And remember the use of deadly force is only warranted in cases where the escape of this individual produces imminent danger to the public, therefore u not suppose to shoot at running shoplifters. Remember most police work doesn't involve using weapons, and one can argue obese individuals like this guy may be more prone to shoot at a petty thief or shoplifter vs a discipline officer who would only use deadly force to protect life not property. As a general statement we as Bahamians including myself need to do a better job of taking care of our health.

Posted 14 September 2015, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

If someone breaks into your home, kill them first if you have the opportunity, drag out the body and put it headfirst into a garbage can.

Posted 14 September 2015, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Truetruebahamian, now the arming of citizens is what needs to happen, allow me to purchase a handgun so I don't have to really on fatty.. U break into my house or try to rob or harm me or my family u get shoot period.. Crime would decrease quickly..

Posted 14 September 2015, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

You think so? Just look at the situation in the USA - it hasn't worked for them!

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

conchbubby says...

It's worked fine for the USA. It's only in places where you cannot legally own guns that you have high crime. There are always shootings in 'gun free zones'. Look at the bahamas as a prime example. You cannot legally own guns yet shootings every day seems like. Where I live we all have guns and we do not have crime. The 2nd amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms and defend ourselves against evil people and a tyrannical government.

Posted 15 September 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

conchbubby says...

Where I live in the USA everyone has guns. There is no serious crime. On the other hand we have the bahamas in which it is illegal to have firearms. Yet the criminals disregard the laws and have firearms with which they commit their murders and other crimes. They commit these crimes against the unarmed public which are sitting ducks and cannot defend themselves. So yes the situation in the USA has worked for us. Thanks.

Posted 15 September 2015, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Another murder less than an hour ago. The punishment must be made to suit the crime. Unfortunately many of these young men who are killing do not even fear death. They feel it is better to go out in a hail of bullets than allow someone to "dis" you.

Posted 14 September 2015, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

John, many of these same young men are also under the influence of assorted drugs and alcohol; that's the only life they know.

Posted 14 September 2015, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, slow down for as bad as this news reaches the nation's capital out Grand Bahama, there is no need to insult our policeman's nor call for even more arming of our
policeman's, citizens and residents.
What's next, loud cries pleading for the return Hangman's noose?

Posted 14 September 2015, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Bring back the Hangman's noose!!!!

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I concur!!

Posted 14 September 2015, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

SAY WHATCHA LIKE: When I've protected you and you decide to bring my arch enemy to my doorsteps, nothing to see here folks, it's the gays, no it's those angry black men who need to get a job, let's keep praying for them, it's not poverty, nope, it's not obvious political corruption in BOTH main parties, nope, it's not hypocritical religious indoctrination, nope, it's not a poor educational system, nope, it's not the mass disenfranchisement of young men from the 'war on drugs' nope, it's not a Christmas Counsel that feeds on the fear and ignorance of people to get rich and keep them mentally poor, nope, it's not dinosaurs, with dino degrees from the 1960's negotiating with savvy ivy league businessmen/women, nope, it's not a populace willing to DIE for political party while the nation suffers, nope, it's not that our government is FRESH OUTTA IDEAS and don't know how to bring NEW money into our country other than selling all our natural resources, nope, it's not that we still holding on to the tourism golden goose to deliver us from everything, nope, it's those black men who need Jesus and a job and everything will be just alright, after all Christopher Columbus discovered The Bahamas in 1492... #EconomicAssassination #China #Murica

My heart aches for all the families suffering because of all this nonsense.

Posted 14 September 2015, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade PastorTroy, while tourism may not be the chief MO, for our gone all crazy thugs, there are credible signs where the other natives have also lost their good senses when it comes to protecting the ownership of our beaches and natural resources. I mean, how much waterfront are we prepared to give to a Baha Mar, or a remodeled and renamed British Colonial Hotel and Bay Street merchants Waterfronts. I ask you, how many more 'docks' will the natives allow to be built?
We have become cash dependent upon the bucks generated from cruise ships stop-over visitors, better known as the McDondald's hamburgers and KFC - low budget tourists.
And, now Flowers, thinks that qualifies Minister of Tourism (and Numberman's Enforcer) Obediah as our next prime minister?
You couldn't possibly make this craziness up. it for real, and so is Flowers and Obediah.

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

a2z says...

Fatty fatty 2 by 4 does not inspire confidence. How is he supposed to protect me, other than to filter the bullet?

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

I don't know what happened there? There is no Bamboo Shack in GB, like so many in New Providence! That is what Police like!

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Murders in our country happen for just a few reasons: jealousy, money, drugs or revenge ....... which one applies here??????????

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, I think it's fair say that animals kill to supply need. These thugs will kill you, for pleasure. Creatures of the wild can be retained but who knows with these animals.

Posted 14 September 2015, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

I am appalled at some of the comments here. This is a report of yet another murder in our country and the reaction of some is to discuss the size of police officers. Engaging in body shaming of others while people are grieving the loss of family members? What have we come to?

Posted 14 September 2015, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Userone, I think we can rule out it's a lack of education that spurs some of the bloggers to say the things that are downright hurtful toward others much of their blogging time. That's what makes them, even that more dangerous to society. They say too much knowledge is dangerous.
So too can but a little biblical knowledge be dangerous, like when they try to explain to Tribune readers - what God is doing behind the scenes to cause chaos in Nassau Town.
What Jesus does knows best, is that those Tribune bloggers, are no earthly Comrades of His.

Posted 14 September 2015, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's one of the truisms of life. It can feel like the world stopped for you and you wonder why everyone else is still moving. It just is. It's why people can still laugh at a wake. It's life.

Posted 14 September 2015, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 15 September 2015, 2:32 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Just about every funeral held in the Bahamas is held in a Christian church. So basically you can say young, Christian men are being murdered. But they are being killed by other Christian, but not God fearing men. It is not about Catholics killing baptists, but children of God killing each other. The first murder was because of jealousy. A brother killed the other one because of his relationship with God. The bible says "as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end." And yes there are "brothers"killing each other because of jealousy. And they kill because of a lack of a relationship with God. Christ said "I came that you may have life more abundantly ". Satan has come to kill and destroy. Chose this day whom you will serve. But this message is not reaching many young men who have taken up the weapons of satan: drugs, alcohol guns and anger and jealousy. And they have gone to do battle against the body of Christ,

Posted 15 September 2015, 4:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

You guys need to cut it out with God this, God that... Try talking to a hungry man about God its useless, all he seeks is food... You eating he hungry, he be ready to kill u. Human instinct is to survive and these guys are in survival mode. Its easy to speak from a position of comfort about God but the young men in these over the hill communities only think about how they gonna survive each day. Church on every block, everyone is God this, God that, yet the place is overran with criminals and corruption. Maybe we need to focus more on doing more with education and economic development to built over the hill communities. Urban renewal not enough. Faith without works is useless... I use to hear it all the time as a kid, God will provide, that's some b.s. This mentality keeps our people poor, powerless and as victims with all hopes of a better life placed in the afterlife. So they suffer and don't improve the situation of their daily existence. Religion essentially keeps them poor and suffering for generations. We got to many poorly socialized, raised in poverty, unemployed, dangerous young men hanging and running around the Bahamas. We have a corrupt government, uncontrollable illegal immigration, poor education, increase debt, highly inflated prices, and a medical system that's substandard. U have to address these and many others problems as they and many are all the underlying problems, high Crime is only the symptom. One thing I am certain of is it ain't gonna be fixed with prayer... or looking at the sky waiting for answers..

Posted 15 September 2015, 6:34 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

"You guys need to cut it out with God this, God that... Try talking to a hungry man about God its useless, all he seeks is food... You eating he hungry, he be ready to kill u. Human instinct is to survive and these guys are in survival mode. Its easy to speak from a position of comfort about God but the young men in these over the hill communities only think about how they gonna survive each day."

This statement is so far from THE CORE REALITY that I can't bare to read the rest of it. Here's why I say that; I was told a long time ago by a cousin of mine that the men and women who walk the streets of The Bahamas (at the time Nassau), all have a place to go home to. Someone out there will give them rest and feed them, if only for the day, until they return to the streets where they so desire to be. At the time, I felt he was talking crap until I heard some interesting back stories on those folks ('Juncers'/vagabonds), and realized it was actually true!

These guys that you speak of who are killing to survive are not in survival mode, they are under something else... They have succumbed to the EGO of their existence and that very same ego begets sin! And what clearly drives these young men that kill is the desire to HAVE what others have worked hard for. If they were really robbing folks to make a few dollars to send their kids to school and puts clothes on their backs I'd have a ounce of sympathy. Back in the day, I feel that very same Bahamian that was robbed, hearing their assailants reasons would have even had it in their heart to forgive and turn right around, and given them what they had intended to steal from them. Of course not going away before giving them a few stern words on moral values. But when you not only rob, but kill another person and then go wearing and parading your loot, I have a BIG problem with that! These guys who run the streets are a new breed and sorry to say they are not all Bahamian but also immigrants who's familys come from different backgrounds and don't have that sense of remorse or atonement.

So you say people need to stop talking about God this and God that, but it is as others have said... it IS truly about GOD and the scriptures/teachings of the Bible. You live by the sword you die by it. A knife can be used as a resource to attack or defend; whose attacking whom here? People are dying for the lack of knowledge of the 'good book'! If they had come close to reading the Bible they would have an understanding who they are and why things are the way it is, and where they are going. If they are TRULY hungry, that very same book is the best sustenance for the lack.

Posted 15 September 2015, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

I think reading the HISTORY of the 'good book' and it's original intent and origin can solve many inaccuracies. Sadly there are homes and churches still have pictures of the great painter Michelangelo's cousin with his european complexion and blue eyes and long hair in their sacred place of worship, while singing he was born in a manger in a continent of darked skinned people. but what do I know I could be label as a 'sinner' or even though I know my father, I can be labelled as a child of this made up scary person, the devil. When people are so indoctrinated that they cannot read the full opinion of one who is different from theirs? that's very scary it's that "i'm right you are wrong ideology" The notion that you can control other's to only think and be like you want them to is the essence of control. It has never worked, not even for Hitler, and it definitely will not work in The Bahamas. However, I respect your opinion, and will defend you to think that way.

Posted 15 September 2015, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...


Posted 15 September 2015, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Truthhurts, many of our people including corrupt politicians and clergy talk about God all day, yet they never live Jesus. We good for talk but talk is cheap because very few live the teaching and the example, this is reflected in our criminal minded politicians and morally corrupt society, that's what I'm talking about. Paster living the good life while most of his flock are 1 check away from homelessness. Whether it's the reality of life or laziness the thought process is the same with many young men, maybe u should talk to them sometimes like I do. My point is we abuse God's name and u cannot pray problems away. Fact is we have too many young men born to single mother's, raised without male guidance, and u add to that economic challenges and the sin of envy takes over. I do not to rationalize or excuse their behavior but we must acknowledge more religious talk don't work, they grew up listening to it and even the pastor who preaches it he cannot stop stealing or having sex with women in the church or molesting kids.... And he spews it constantly...

Posted 15 September 2015, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

I understand where you're coming from and agree with most of your points. However, you'll also find that many of these very same people that you speak of that sit in those pews, every blessed Sunday in church, do not READ or understand the Bible than what is dictated to them. I am not speaking of them.

But your point is taken.

Posted 15 September 2015, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

iamatruebahamian says...

The way that we go wrong, if anyone paying any attention, the politicians with in themselves are not professional police officer or with a back ground of security strategies, may be that's needed in government, but even so how do we hold government in the pass The FNM or The PLP now the government in something they do not know how to do. Yes of coarse they make tougher laws and amend laws but we complain about how it not getting better, but there's a very simple answer to the question. Both the FNM and the PLP are expecting the people in charge of this task are qualified to do the job but the simple answer is they are not!! Think about it for a second who is in charge of ultimately in keeping us safe? this is why no matter who is the government it will get worse because we as a nation has not address the unlined problem, which is the "Police Commissioner"! Of which everyday get praises but doing a bad job! if this commissioner was working any where else in the world he would of being fired from the first record high levels in murders, because he is the go to person for crime prevention period! So the out cry should be we need him gone and or replace, he is the denominator for both parties and we have still have high levels of murders.

Posted 15 September 2015, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is my point .................... Bahamian murder has very few motives ................ we talk God and Jesus but we live like devils everyday .................... Bahamian Christianity is only skin-deep, its a cultural thing

These people are murdered (for one of a handful of reasons) and then we have a $30,000 funeral and cry and say how "good" these people were who were murdered ......... but what was the real story that is never told??????????? ............ why are we so hypocritical???????

Posted 15 September 2015, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

Some great post above, many so call religious leaders fail to read, just repeating regurgitated literalist babblings. Christianity itself is not a book of peace, it about WAR! it's about divide and conquer, it's about turning fathers against son's and mothers against daughters if any of them choose not to be controlled be its doctrine, this is so evident in many poor countries where religion is used to pacify the masses, how many Bahamian parents have kicked their children out of their homes because they choose not to go to church every Sunday etc? This is their own flesh and blood they carried for 9 months! Religion is about control, this is the essence of religion! You're fooling yourself if you don't think ISIL think that they are carrying out god's work! And don't fool yourself, in a fundamentalist Christian theocracy Christianity will be committing the same atrocities or worse, am not speculating, the doctrine is written in the bible today! Yes, the King James version! Religion has failed this generation, we live in an information age where religious leaders are not the only ones with the keys to truth and knowledge, like in the days when the bible was written to convince the poor, the uneducated to submit to the selfish laws of the ruling class, it was not out of fear of the laws the ruling class created, but god himself! (see the movie The Book of Eli) Hitler did not just hate the Jews, it was about control, slavery in the U.S was not about hating black skin, it was about money and control of goods and services, in all these, religion was used as a control mechanism. Initially, the job of a church overseer was for white men only, it was to make sure when the slaves gathered they was 'preaching' what he wanted to hear, which is to keep the masses humble with fear and trembling and not teaching them to be self sufficient and emancipating themselves, those who choose not to submit to this control system was simply killed ; this is history! Shame on all religious institutions who refused to stand up and preach that the war on drugs is modern day genocide, mass incarceration of poor and minority was not only because of racism, but money and control, this is not a black vs. white issue; however, now that ‘white homes’ are feeling the pain of the war on drugs, in spite of its 7 to 1 distortional rate overwhelmingly targeting blacks and Hispanics the tide is rapidly changing in the U.S.

Posted 15 September 2015, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

Shame on the Bahamian government who can’t seem to get enough of blood money recycled back into their hands by the U.S to repeat more of the same , it's just another racket legally created by the ruling class, signed into law by the political class and was promoted and marketed by the religious class as god’s word, just like slavery was. Our only solution to this is education, it’s so stupid to keep your population illiterate but expect to have a thriving economy, from what? Crime? The Political class must be voted out! Their kids must not be voted in either, nor their cronies; this colonialist divide and rule tactic must stop, trying to keep the masses uneducated as a means to control them, mass information is at our finger tips, in our pockets, and gangster rap about getting rich or die trying is legal, it was so excepted by the masses they made a movie too, this is what many of our disenfranchised youths listen to; movies like Shottas and YouTube is littered with gangsterism videos how can you control what the young people watch? This problem is EXASPERATING to say the least, and now that marijuana is becoming legal who is again reaping the benefits? And who is so indoctrinated and disenfranchised that the very thing that made them what they are, they are not allow to reap the benefits; shame on any ‘black government’ for not putting those affected by the war on drugs in position to grow their own cannabis and make a living for themselves and their families. Am sorry if I offend anyone, but the time for sweet conversation is pass, we are literally loosing this our next generation. Religious leaders are going to have some explaining to do in 10 years when cannabis begins curing cancer.

Posted 15 September 2015, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

Put the bible down for 2 hours and read what's going on around you, and do not be deceived, when the U.S sneezes the Bahamas not only catch a cold, but sneezes too.

Have you had your LEGAL DRUGS today? Read here!…

Posted 15 September 2015, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

My Condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones to this epidemic of savagery.

Now Calm Down.

Take a breath.

Think: What is the source of all this crime, who should we direct our frustrations and anger at? & what is the solution?

There is only one answer- the judicial system is broken the Laws are not being enforced, the criminals are not being rehabilitated, and the 'leaders' don't have the skills to fix any of it, so let us do what any business owner would do if someone is not performing, Get Rid Of Them!

Posted 15 September 2015, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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