Straw Market improvements

EDITOR, The Tribune

I applaud the Straw Market Authority (SMA) and the government for their recent upgrades to the Straw Market for the safety, comfort and health of the occupants and the public.

Now that these essential services have been provided, I trust that the SMA would likewise focus their attention to other essential improvements in order to stimulate the growth of genuine Bahamian industry and entrepreneurship, attributes that were the hallmark of the original Straw Market.

In acknowledgement of, and with respect for our traditional Bahamian heritage that has been lovingly developed by our ancestors throughout the ages, we urge the SMA to restore the balance of “true-true” Bahamian creativity from the insidious grip of mass produced flea market merchandising presently pervading the straw market, as is outlined in their mandate under the Straw Market Authority Act, 2011 as follows:

  1. The purpose of the Authority is to showcase in the Market all Bahamian made crafts and products or any other Approved Goods which shall not include counterfeit brand name items or products.

5.1. (c) to encourage the production of Bahamian made products for sale in the Market ... (d) regulate the types of goods allowed in the Market.

Our future depends on it.



September 12, 2015


a2z says...

You said it Ms Burnside! The goods in the straw market are counterfeit like the people.

Posted 14 September 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

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