Christie: I’m running again


Tribune News Editor

PRIME Minister Perry Christie reportedly told a crowd of Progressive Liberal Party supporters in North Andros last night that he plans to offer himself for re-election as leader of the party at its November convention.

According to a source, who was at the PLP branch meeting in Nicholl’s Town, Mr Christie reportedly told the crowd to resounding cheers that he will go in as leader and will come out as leader.

The prime minister was in North Andros with area MP and Minister of Health Dr Perry Gomez along with a team from state broadcaster, ZNS.

Last night, Mr Christie also criticised critics who have complained that voters are “tired” of him.

“. . .(Someone) was on the radio station saying, ‘people tired of Christie.’ He should have been here tonight with y’all, so y’all could tell him who tired,” Mr Christie said, according to audio of an excerpt of his speech which was circulated last night. “We have no time to be distracted by foolishness, the government of this country is too important to allow us to be distracted by foolishness.”

Mr Christie also told the crowd: “We are going to make this country work. I will make it work for you and you are going to help us make it work for you.”

Meanwhile, multiple sources within the PLP have said that Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis will also join the leadership race, regardless of Mr Christie’s actions. The sources maintain that Mr Davis was working on the belief that Mr Christie would not offer himself for re-election, because he previously promised that the 2012 election cycle would be his last. Mr Davis could not be reached for comment last night.

Reacting to the news last night, a well-placed source in the PLP said a decision by Mr Christie to run again for party leader would upset many in the organisation.

According to the senior PLP, at a special Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Mr Christie accused Mr Davis, his deputy leader, of trying to undermine him.

“Brave stood up to him and said ‘I intend to do what I have to do, and I intend to explore all of my options, because I don’t expect that you will be on the ticket,’” the PLP source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said.

“He (Mr Christie) never told them he was running. Yesterday (Wednesday) they met for a few hours and he was livid and pained that someone would attempt to go up against him in an election. Brave said he did not expect him to be a candidate because he (Mr Christie) told the public this would be his last election (in 2012). Brave said he expects Obie (Wilchcombe) and others to run, not Christie.”

The source added that the prime minister has told members of the PLP that his legacy is not finished.

However, this angered the veteran PLP.

“What Mr Christie does not realise is all of the studies indicate that the PLP cannot win with him, I don’t know why he is so delusional that he thinks he cannot be challenged.

“Each man and woman has to ask themselves in this next election, ‘Can I win with Christie?’ If he goes to convention he will beat Brave, but he will still lose because Brave wouldn’t be there to raise the money and organise everything. He can win the battle, but lose the war.”

“Brave will contest, he won’t care if he lose, win, lose or draw – he will run against Christie, and probably get beat.”

Earlier on Thursday, Golden Gates MP Shane Gibson insisted that he would “absolutely” support Mr Christie if he were to offer himself for re-election.

Mr Gibson, who is the convention’s chair, said he was not aware at this time who was set to contest any of the PLP’s leadership positions.

However, some in the PLP have openly said they would support Mr Davis making a leadership bid at the convention.

“I think (Mr Davis) is a person who has delivered on promises he has made,” former PLP Senator and MP Philip Galanis told The Nassau Guardian last week.

“He responds to people in need of assistance. That’s what we need. We don’t need people who are not going to return phone calls and who are not going to step up to the plate and assist persons who need government assistance.”

Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller has also said he supports Mr Davis’ possible leadership bid.

Earlier this week, both Mr Christie and Mr Davis skirted questions about their plans for the convention.

On Wednesday, when asked if he will offer himself for re-election, Mr Christie would only say: “I am the leader of the party”.

When pressed on the issue, Mr Christie jokingly asked: “You want someone to beat me, hey?”

Moments before, Mr Davis told reporters he would reveal his leadership intentions in “due course”.

Asked if he has started making assessments about the support he has in the party, Mr Davis said “not yet,” but added that he is “warmed by the support” he has received from those who want him to make a leadership bid.

Mr Davis and Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe are the only sitting members of Parliament who have openly expressed an interest in running for leader of the PLP, though both have previously said they would only seek the nomination if Mr Christie declines to do so himself.


MonkeeDoo says...

Lead the Party fine but get the hell out of the government.

Posted 18 September 2015, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results....Perry do yourself a favor and throw in the towel.... Your non-creative ideas isn't helping this country.

Posted 18 September 2015, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Exactly. And amazing that he cannot see it. Only someone who doesn't care about others - basically inhuman - and ignorant of the TREMENDOUS suffering of his people. We have tens of thousands of children in this country VERY much malnourished because their parents cannot afford food.

Then you have the STUPID A** schools telling parents that they have to buy all kinds of "healthy" food to send for lunch - and that the school will only warm up lunches in the microwave 2 days per week. By the time the parents finish buying fruits and vegetables which are priced off the charts they cannot keep up with rent.

Then you have the CHURCH saying have more children, and they control the hospitals via the Christian council and tell mothers that they cannot have their tubes tied because they are too you or because they are not married. Then if they get married the hospital tells them that they need permission from their husband.

This man cannot be living in the same country I am living in - and yet he claims to be our Prime Minister. He is NOT our prime minister because he doesn't live in the Bahamas - he lives on a cloud.

Truly beyond disgusting that he would not attempt to saddle us with another 5 years of suffering. But even sadder are all the idiots that will actually vote for him again.


Posted 18 September 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

.................... and the crowd in Andros shouted HOOOOORAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dumb asses

Perry just sealed the PLPs fate for the next generation ........... I am fine with that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 18 September 2015, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

He's clearly deluded! But way to go in sealing the fate of the PLP in losing the next General Election. Don't bother stepping aside. We love you soooo much we want you to stay for the sheer pleasure of voting you out!

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, it certainly would have made for on the spot accurate reporting, had only The Tribune actually employed roving reporters around Nassau Town and we Out Islands, on the lookout for juicy news stories to report back with their reporters notes, to the upstairs headquarters at Shirley and Deveaux Streets.
But oh no, why pay for having been present up in Andros, at the very moment in time the prime minister of the country, was making his news headlines leadership announcement of great significance to our Bahamaland.
Madame Publisher, your readers does knows "stenography "journalism" in its purest and most degraded Shirley and Deveaux form, when they be reading it via second or thirds hands - and of course as always - from unnamed inner circle PLP sources.
Is there any wonder this story lacks the “Bravery” to have tackled the still unanswered question, regarding who will lead the PLP, into the 2017 General?…

Posted 18 September 2015, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

This is the best news for the country as it is surely the final nail in the coffin for the PLP. May this inept and corrupt administration be remembered as the party that took the country to the edge of ruin. There is a small glimmer of hope if collective sense returns to the electorate in May 2017. Should insanity prevail then would the last man in the room please turn the lights out?

Posted 18 September 2015, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

The PLP will win as they have the numbers money behind them...

Sad to say but true,

Posted 18 September 2015, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...





Posted 18 September 2015, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Inspired by Robert Mugabe perhaps PGC thinks he can hang on to the trappings of power for another 20 years! Just keep on appointing stalwart councilors, keep in with the Chinese and Web Shop boys, maintain a healthy slush fund for the buying of thousands of microwaves and yellow t-shirts around election time and victory is assured, right?

Posted 18 September 2015, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades of the red party. Are you dump the elected leader Minnis, paying close attention? This is how your own political party's leadership democracy should be working. Obviously, you pro Papa Hubert and Loretta reds, do not understand how leadership of your own party, must get back to working.
You much troubled reds have four (4) your own sitting MP's, who will not be renominated to contest their respective constituencies come the 2017 General, including the deputy leader.

Posted 18 September 2015, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

There is a new species of Bahama Parrot. Bahamas National Trust een interested in it.…

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Tell you something my dear Comrade Banker. Loretta and her red shirts colleagues will view your list of apologies as a sign of weak red character.

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I am really tired of partisanship over patriotism. Most people do not have the mental acuity to get over partisanship, and do the best for the country, based on merit and performance. The politics of partisanship and the resulting inaction, criminality, kleptocracy and excuses are leaving our future in dire and extreme jeopardy.

Our entire future was jeopardised the minute that Swindling took money from the cocaine cartels, and further nails were hammered into the coffin of the Bahamas when he anointed Vomit Swimmer as his successor. The PLP party apparatchicks have learned their lessons well on know how to politically survive to the detriment of the country. Valentine Grimes and his suitcase of votes is a good example of that.

Haven't you had enough? Don't you wish for country that you can be proud of in every way? The gulf between the difference of what is and what could have been, is so huge, that now it is impossible to bridge. I truly rue and feel sorry for partisans who cannot see the light, and are blinded by a misplaced faith. Not only are they losers, but their votes makes losers of us all.

Posted 18 September 2015, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

KML.. so the parrot is actually only brawling bout red party but letting out doo doo when it comes to the yellow team??? LOLOL

Posted 18 September 2015, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

No matter who runs for leadership of the PLP, if the party wins in 2017 we are doomed! DOOMED!!!!

Posted 18 September 2015, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

doomed now, the ripple effects of the actions and in-actions of this government will haunt the Bahamas for years to come.

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

No matter who runs for leadership of the PLP, THE PLP IS DOOMED!! Not the country. I doubt the masses will vote them back in.

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Thank God!!! This is great news man! I have heard many hardcore PLP supporters state that they would NEVER vote for the PLP under Christie's leadership again. This time it will be frustrated PLP supporters who will vote for the DNA, giving the FNM the majority of votes.
On the other hand, if the Lord above should curse this little nation and let the PLP win the next election, it would be bush crack 'n' man gone for me! I would move as far away from the Bahamas as I possibly can.

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

How can Christie INSPIRE the 18-35 year old Bahamians?????????? This group makes up the majority of the voting bloc. .................... No old time sweet talk and shuffling can solve this

This group does not have a sound education, no steady careers/jobs, no financial stability, no home/property ownership .................. cellphones, babies and dope is not much hope

If that is all Perry's generals and advisors and consultants can offer ...................... we are doomed

But we know its about the gravy train and the PLP chosen families who form the evil PLP kleptocracy

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

free I-phones?

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

I am so ashamed to say I am a descendent of Andros...Dem black crabs really crawlin' now after all this rain. And they continue to pull each other down, while they put the PLP on a pedestal. Androsians are a dam disgrace!

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

dis bey need to run away is what

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

What the F? The PLP should be ashamed and Christie should be more honourable. When do these fellas ever get enough?

Posted 18 September 2015, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

I just glad Comrade Tal eased up on Izzie's nice long dock. And nobody checking for Obie who waiting over on PI for them to close the gate so he could make noise.

Posted 18 September 2015, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

I have come to the conclusion that Perry must have a pair of portable balls. Most of the time he leaves them home, Occasionally, he wears them when going out to places like Andros.

Posted 18 September 2015, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades this is a actual interview of what happened to one of Abaco's constituents under the previous 2007 - 2012 red shirts regime. To protect the individual's outspokenness from possible harsh red victimization, I have disguised her as being of a different nationality.


Posted 18 September 2015, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Now imagine the words "Red shirt" coming out of her mouth every 2 seconds.

Posted 18 September 2015, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

samiamiamsam says...

*"The source added that the prime minister has told members of the PLP that his legacy is not finished."* ........More like he hasn't started! and will never do so!
Run Christie Run far away from us!!! So sick and tired of these corrupt politicians ! They have screwed the country , don't follow the country's laws , don't abide by the courts rulings, tax the crap out of us because they won't get their cronies to pay their outstanding NIB, and Real Property Tax and then we must support them?? Hell NO! I ain't saying the FNM is perfect by any stretch, but compared to this lot they are leaps and bounds ahead!
This government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery!

Posted 18 September 2015, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

And what is the reaction from the main rivals???????? ........ Brave & Galanis, Fred and Raynard

............. and why is the FNM so quiet?????? or are they tickled pink with the scenario????

Posted 19 September 2015, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Notice the place this coward chose to make this announcement , Andros. The weakest link in the chain of islands when it comes to the people having common sense. He is smart enough to know that if he had made this announcement anywhere else in the Bahamas, he would get pelt with rocks.

Posted 19 September 2015, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

When will sensible Bahamians reach that breaking point?? ..... overt protest ........... pelting these no-good politicians with rocks??????

We have to go back to the spirit of Burma Road ...... black people not willing to take the shit of the crooked manipulating politicians

Posted 19 September 2015, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Christie is a megalomaniac. His legacy in Bimini is one of complete disregard for the locals, and complete submission to a despised, corrupt foreign investor.

Posted 20 September 2015, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...


Posted 21 September 2015, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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