FNM 'should have convention to work through its issues'


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER State Minister for Environment Phenton Neymour says the Free National Movement (FNM) should have a convention this year to work through its "issues" ahead of the 2017 general election.

During an appearance on Guardian Radio on Friday, Mr Neymour added that he supports "whoever" is leader of the FNM, though he added that he has "found every leader to have deficiencies".

Acknowledging that leadership positions would become vacant at a convention, he said one should nonetheless be held to "address the internal issues" so the party could "come out as a revised fighting machine".

Although interest in the FNM's leadership has subsided as attention has become focused on the PLP's convention in November, concern about whether the FNM has gained traction with the public under the leadership of Killarney MP Dr Hubert Minnis has not ended.

"A convention is where one unveils a platform, introduces candidates and gives candidates a chance to express their views to the general public," he said.

Nonetheless, in June, FNM chairman Michael Pintard said the party was not considering hosting another convention as the previous one took place less than a year go.

Under the FNM constitution, the party is only mandated to hold a convention every two years.

As far as working through its issues is concerned, the FNM plans to have small events to galvanise the party before the election, Mr Pintard has said.

“What is being discussed is holding a function that would permit us to showcase the talent in the organisation," he said. "There are a number of persons prepared to go on the frontline who previously have not been in the spotlight.

“Also, to bring forth elements of our platform, and to critique the government’s position. That is the type of event being contemplated, along with regional meetings that will unveil for the community more detailed versions of our platform.”

“We will gauge sentiments internally and externally related to all matters and make a determination on what is best for the organisation. Our goal for 2017, or before, is to put in place a government responsive to the needs of the Bahamian people, and if the FNM needs to make any adjustments we will.”


Victor says...

No, there doesn't need to be a convention. I was a delegate at the last one. I voted for several people who didn't win (including for leader) but I said that whoever won, won, and that was who we'd be going into the election with. We've got our team, so let's sail into battle!

Posted 19 September 2015, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Is Neymour an insider?????????? or is this wishful thinking???????

In reality, who else can fire up the FNM base after its lacklustre record since 2012?????

We need a coalition of anti-PLPs ........ a truly People's United Bahamian Party

Posted 19 September 2015, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

NassauBoy77 says...

Neymour is making some sense. If the party is mandated by its constitution to hold a convention every two years, it would seem that they are either putting the next one too close to the general election (which is dangerous) or prepared to go against its constitution.

Posted 21 September 2015, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

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