DNA names new candidates


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Democratic National Alliance formally introduced two more candidates as part of its 2017 general election slate during a news conference at the party’s East Street South headquarters yesterday.

Youri Kemp, a financial services consultant, and Stephen Greenslade, founder and owner of ICS Security Concepts, were announced as the candidates for the Garden Hills and Golden Isles constituencies respectively.

Christopher Mortimer, DNA deputy leader, called the selections two “shinning examples” of successful Bahamians willing to “work tirelessly to improve society”.

DNA Leader Branville McCartney said the party is working to build a strong talent base that is capable of “running this country”.

Mr Kemp is stepping away from a lengthy consultancy career in which he worked directly with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Financial Services, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank, among others.

He was named as the party’s spokesperson for the economy.

He told The Tribune that once elected, he and the DNA will commit to creating new jobs by growing industries and expanding investments.

“It’s plain to see that there is a trust-factor with regard to spurring investments in The Bahamas,” he said. “Persons need to feel like they are going to be treated fairly, their investments are going to be treated fairly and they need to feel as if, when they are going to put their applications in for any kind of industry encouragement, any kind of Crown land or any kind of approval that they are going to have a yes or no vote within a certain amount of time.”

“I don’t think that the way we have done business over the past several years between (the Progressive Liberal Party and the Free National Movement) that they can engender that kind of trust because that is not who they are. They believe in doing business a certain way and we need a change in our administration and investment regime that is going to give investors of all stripes the kind of trust and the kind of transparency and the kind of decency (they deserve and we need).”

In addition to his plans for the country’s economy, Mr Kemp laid out plans for Garden Hills - the community he said he would win by the biggest margin in the upcoming general election.

He said he has walked the streets of the constituency and interacted with residents of the area who gave indications that the failed approaches by the FNM and PLP had ruined the “opportunities available in The Bahamas”.

Mr Greenslade has been tasked with handling the DNA’s national security portfolio.

Prior to transitioning to a successful business career through his ICS Security Concepts operation, which oversees the government’s electronic monitoring programme, he served as an officer with the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

He told reporters that he made the decision to enter frontline politics after concluding that it was the best way to affect necessary change in The Bahamas.

The party was initially expected to name five candidates on Monday.

Still, Mr McCartney insisted that more surprises were on the horizon for the party and its supporters as the DNA continues its search for qualified and trusted candidates.

Mr McCartney said the DNA is the best option in the upcoming election despite the claims of naysayers. He implored Bahamians to see “the reality” of where the FNM and PLP have left The Bahamas.

Excluding Mr McCartney and Mr Mortimer - who are expected to challenge Bamboo Town and Nassau Village respectively - the DNA has now confirmed six candidates for the next election.

In late February, the DNA announced that Podestra Moore would be the party’s standard-bearer in Elizabeth and spokesperson for social services and women’s affairs. Emily Williams was ratified for Marathon and named spokesperson for culture.

Additionally, Bushceme Armbrister was introduced as the candidate in Carmichael and party spokesperson for transport, while Brenda Harris was ratified as the DNA’s candidate for Bain and Grants Town and named spokesperson for financial services.


TheMadHatter says...

Oh how great it would be if he could get Loretta Butler to join in - for social services and to be DPM. I would hold those two spots open for her, to be decided after the FNM's November convention. Maybe if they continue to spit on her, she might look for greener pastures.


Posted 12 April 2016, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

I agree! Minnis thinks if he keeps sitting on the toilet he will eventally shit like a Prime Minister ! Ain't so Bro !

Posted 12 April 2016, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Never heard of these guys.

Has anyone?

Posted 13 April 2016, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Bahamians "heard" about all sitting and past Parliamentarians for decades**

What has the country gained from "hearing" about present and past PLP and FNM MP's?

They collectively drove our country to near fail state status and are world renown as thieving, corrupt pirates and failures in every possible imaginable sphere of managing our affairs.

We have "heard" and seen more than enough about the PLP and FNM corrupt pirates!

**Vote them ALL OUT of our lives!**

Posted 14 April 2016, 11:48 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Doesn't matter if we have heard of them or not. We have heard a lot about everybody in the present government, but does that make them good leaders? Hell, no!!!

Posted 13 April 2016, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

So how are we to know how they will perform if we've never heard of them?

How is a brand new party supposed to win with a slate of no names?

Once again. What exactly is Bran's purpose here?

To win?

Or to give Perry 5 more years?

Posted 13 April 2016, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

With this mindset- you are asking for more of the same- or Toggie and Bobo. We have heard of them- and they have shown themselves to have some skills, but that doesn't mean we should vote for them. Since they are putting themselves forward- ask questions of them and insist that they debate each other and make a call. I know nothing about the financial services guy nor Greenslade, but I do have some questions- How did Greenslade get the police contract because he shares the same name as the police commissioner and it looks a bit suspicious? And more important- why doesn't the system work? Or is that just a terrible rumor? How might he explain stories of men in ankle bracelets boarding planes to Canada? If he can't explain- then why should I vote for him? Bran- are you seeing this from where Bahamians are sitting- dude already has too much to explain- in my opinion- but since he has declared- he should explain early and get it out of the way.

Posted 14 April 2016, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

hallmark says...

Do we need to hear of people to know if they can perform? Members in the present government like to brag about how they have been around for 40+ years. But how are they performing? Do you think that they are performing well with their years of "experience"? What is their excuse? The DNA has so far presented a good group. I am positive they couldn't do any worse than that crew in there right now.

Posted 13 April 2016, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

This will be a repeat of 2012....

The PLP will get their base of 46%....

The FNM and Bran will be left to fight over the balance.

Bran will get 7 to 8% again.

FNM will get the balance again.

PLP will walk right back into office.

The worst government of all time will be re-elected...

And all because of two pigheaded men who only care about themselves.

Bran won't quit and Minnis won't step down....

Posted 13 April 2016, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

RUKiddingMe says...

"shinning examples"?????? Please Tribune copy editor - run spellcheck before you commit to press!! We MUST elevate the level of intelligence when and where we can!!!

Posted 13 April 2016, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

BigSlick says...

what a shame....Bran should be leading the FNM!!!

Posted 13 April 2016, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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