THE BIG QUESTION: Preventing government corruption

After the findings of a US State Department report, what do YOU think should be done to prevent government corruption in the Bahamas?

Leave your answers in the comments section below . . .


Thumbelina242 says...

Establish an Obudsman Office that is not elected or appointed by the government, where complaints of corruption by government officials can be lodged, formally investigated and adjudicated. This agency should be given full authority to recind discretionary powers/parliamentary privileges, levy fines or impose jail time for government officials found guilty of corruption. Enough is enough!!....Too many pirates running the country!!

Posted 14 April 2016, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

1. Enforcement of Disclosure of financial interests by key members of the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative Branch supervised by an independent body that reflects the broadest interest groups in the Bahamas (e.g. partially elected - in off election cycles, partially appointed by outgoing government for duration of an election cycle, partially appointed by interest groups such as Chamber of commerce, BREA, Bahamas Bar, etc.). Enforcement mechanism: e.g. MPs that don't disclose lose their vote in HOA until disclosed.
2. Election of AG by general population, in a process that does not coincide with the general election for the HOA. AG not member of Government, has no political role.
3. Corruption Ombudsman. independent from executive branch, independently appointed (maybe by a panel of judges), person of contact for low level, daily corruption.
4. Corruption Court - special court dealing with mid to high level corruption.
5. above 3 and 4 needs to be separated from AG's office.
6. System of sanctions that financially hurt perpetrators, e.g. reduction in pension, loss of annual bonus, fines, loss of access to government contracts, jail time, public shaming (e.g. publishing names in newspapers)
7. System for members of the general population to anonymously report government corruption. No requirement to be named as witnesses for whistleblowers etc.

Posted 15 April 2016, 5:28 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

The only possible cure for the massively entrenched systemic corruption in Bahamas is get rid of the PLP and FNM so corruption can be fully investigated and rooted out..**.PERIOD.**

As long as either PLP or FNM are in power, they will continue protecting the other because both are equally corrupt, therefore unable to hold the other accountable for corruption!

Posted 15 April 2016, 5:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

I disagree that both parties are equally corrupt.

Posted 15 April 2016, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................................ All FNM tribesman would disagree! .........................**

No one in the FNM will answer for the whereabouts of the $5 Million former FNM Cabinet tourism minister absconded with just before 2012 elections or demand immediate resolution to Fred Ramsey facilitating the BEC bribe for Cabinet.

As long as its their crew of pirates doing the pillaging, both political tribal supporters are just supportive!

***What nonsense is that?***

Posted 17 April 2016, 5:15 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Jail anyone who extorted contractors to the tune of 5000 or more per government housing contract. Set an example. The FBI have the tapes ask for them just like you asked about Bacon

Posted 15 April 2016, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

Without Transparency Laws the public has little to no knowledge of the levels of corruption that exist. Public Persona is most important to politicians, thus public humiliation & loss of position of power are the only real deterrent. Passing laws with little bite or proper funding for enforcement is a known & well practiced tactic to Look Good while Suppressing anti-corruption programs. Whistle blowing and Independent Investigative Reporting by news media are vital...

Posted 15 April 2016, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

Plain and simple, an anti corruption unit needs to be establish with no Government ties or dealing and if found being involved in any political conflict, bribery, corruption or any unlawful act, they (anti corruption unit) should face a fine no less then $10,000 along with a prison sentence of no less than 17 months in prison.

Posted 15 April 2016, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**........Just which party of pirates is willing to hang themselves?..........**

With the establishment of an anti corruption unit or FOIA also comes powers to revisit, investigate and prosecute historical corruption!

The PLP nor FNM can stand scrutiny into corruption because most would end up jailed in a heartbeat.

Posted 17 April 2016, 5:22 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

***"Piracy Revixit, Commercii Extinctus"**(“Piracy Revived, Commerce Extinguished")***

Posted 17 April 2016, 5:16 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Back a party/leader who is willing to do what the present leader in Tanzania is willing to do .... corruption is endemic in our society and it takes a Prime Minister with integrity to stand up and REWRITE the Constitution to reflect First World standards of fiscal, structural and institutional transparency in government ......... even if he/she knows that it will cost him/her the next election ......... only Hubert Ingraham has ever shown a semblance of that boldness and we thank God that he served from 1992-2002 because we would have been like Haiti and the other African countries by now under a PLP government ....... just look at Mugabe and what he has done to Zimbabwe .......... that would have been us under 40+ years of the PLP

Posted 17 April 2016, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

First, do you all mind taking advice and direction from a ex-convict, that is, a 'citizen' who was once imprisoned at Her Majesty's Fox Hill Prison?

You people can yet find a Savior nailed between two convicted thieves over two thousand years ago but can't find it within yourself to forgive your fellow citizens who are right among yourselves today. We have a daring vision, and perspectives, as to God and His Mercies.

In any event, Jesus encouraged his disciples to "caste your net on the other side" when they toil all night in hopes to catch fish but were unsuccessful. It is also evident that our traditional approach is flawed. We need to change our attitudes, for the most part, which will bring a change in our approach... Consequently, we throw our social nets on another side of our society and begin to see promote citizenry whose God is more than their bellies.

Start by becoming more understanding, forgiving and compassionate as we ought to be. From the UBP to the present administration the emphasis has always been place on the acquisition of material goods and money. Corruption is the principle and direct consequence of this flawed way of thinking. Corrupt government and administrators are the harvest of this seed of materialism.

When the quest for material things and money meets up with laziness, scarcity and slackness, the result is exactly what we got today: CORRUPTION.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 17 April 2016, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**............. Bahamas must implement Singapore's anti-corruption best practices ...........**

The structure, strategies and a clear path to wiping out corruption has proven successful in Singapore.

This is not rocket science. All we need do is study their website to learn how to copy Singapore model to save our country!

Posted 18 April 2016, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Singapore ship has sailed with SLOP

Posted 18 April 2016, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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