Loretta: Govt asleep at the wheel over Baha Mar


Tribune Staff Reporter


LONG Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner yesterday blasted the Christie administration saying it has proven to be “spectacularly incompetent”, “delusional” and asleep at the wheel in dealing with the unopened mega resort, Baha Mar.

While insisting that an urgent strategy is needed to open the $3.5bn hotel, she chided Prime Minister Perry Christie for failing to provide steady, deliberative and competent leadership. Mrs Butler-Turner is the Free National Movement’s shadow minister of labour and social development.

She went on to criticise the prime minister for continuing to rush to make public statements about the impasse, branding this as poor leadership with a view to scoring points rather than working in an intelligent manner to assist in opening the project as soon as possible.

This follows Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian’s letter last week, sent to the president of the EXIM Bank, asking that he accept an offer to complete and open the stalled resort. The developer also promised to rehire Bahamian employees while ensuring that the bank does not accept a discount on its debt.

In response, Mr Christie has said Mr Izmirlian is “deserving of every consideration” regarding his newly submitted plans.

“The Bahamas cannot afford to allow the largest single hotel development in its history to sit idle and unopened for much longer,” the former FNM deputy leader said in a press statement yesterday.

“With fanfare and delusion, on more than one occasion the prime minister rushed to announce the opening of Baha Mar. He has made all manner of rash statements.

“He has offered confusion and delusion where clarity of purpose and thought were required. Clearly, Mr Christie did not have a full grasp of the state of affairs at Baha Mar.”

She continued: “The government dramatically failed to monitor the construction of Baha Mar. During the initial development of Atlantis on Paradise Island, the then FNM administration provided vigorous oversight of developments at that resort.

“Mr Sarkis Izmirlian, the developer of the mega resort, continues to express interest in opening the resort and reaching a satisfactory arrangement with creditors. His ideas should be reviewed and given a fair hearing by various parties. Mr Izmirlian clearly continues to have a great interest in the project and a continued interest in The Bahamas.”

“Mr Christie and his government failed to provide similar oversight at Baha Mar. His government proved disastrously negligent.”

Following such failure and incompetence, the MP said the Christie administration, in one of the greatest blunders in modern governance, placed the resort in liquidation. She said this has had disastrous consequences.

“Various observers warned that liquidation would be a grave mistake. But a delusional and incompetent prime minister would not listen.

“At the time, various government ministers made unnecessary and ill-advised remarks which frightened potential foreign investors in respect of immigration policy and about the government’s approach to the protection of private property.

“It is highly likely that the Baha Mar impasse would have been resolved had the government not acted so unwisely and precipitously. The decision to place Baha Mar in liquidation has had dire economic and foreign policy consequences.

“There were other approaches the government could have taken instead of the liquidation process. When good and steady judgment were required, the Christie administration made a colossal mistake for which the country is paying a terrible price.”

She said resolution of this matter will require intense and unrelenting diplomatic efforts with the government of the People’s Republic of China.

Mrs Butler-Turner said the Christie administration should consider the appointment of a highly respected senior official and special envoy to assist the country’s efforts in negotiating with various parties in China toward the resolution of the impasse at Baha Mar.

The government and the Official Opposition should work in a collaborative and mature manner to facilitate the opening of a project of great consequence for the medium and long-term prospects for The Bahamas, Mrs Butler-Turner said.

The Supreme Court placed Baha Mar into receivership last October, at the request of the Export Import Bank of China.


Economist says...

Well, I guess that about sums it up.

Posted 18 April 2016, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Jonahbay says...

What prescription is Hubert Minnis' glasses? He must be blind if he still thinks he is the Leader of the Opposition. I support Loretta Butler-Turner as the kind of Leader the FNM needs right now. She is coherent and well spoken and I never have to wonder if English is her first language when I hear her speak. She may have her faults(we all do), but she is the best chance we have right now. She will reignite the TORCH and bring real FNM's HOME. Minnis might have those council members voting for him, but he surely must admit that the torch is now a candle flickering in his hand. Minnis, aren't you tired of reading in every paper and on every social media that the people aren't for you? Please step outside of your yes-men bubble. Minnis or nuttin'? I will take nuttin' for 100 please Alex...

Posted 18 April 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

The FNM is full of old people in the Counsel and the leadership.

They can't see that LBT is their only chance, because they are already blind in their old age (been in politics way too long to see).

Posted 18 April 2016, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

They are not asleep at the wheel ............ they are too busy robbing the treasury

Posted 18 April 2016, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

We keep talking about change but what does the FNM have but its people. Forget any convention and just have Loretta and her people in the House form another party like the dissident eight and go for it. The FNM is still broke and in fact owes money so ain't nutting to stay for. Start May with a new party with 12 months to run and lets just go. Who wit Loretta is wit her and who ain't wit her is against her. Maybe call it the Free-Free National Movement !!!
Who Minnis got with him ? Collie & Brad ?

Posted 18 April 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Jonahbay says...

Say Free-Free National Movement!!! I like it... Definitely a way to get out of being broke!

Posted 18 April 2016, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Agreed .............. if Loretta stands any chance of moving forward, she needs to caucus with like-minded MPs who are ready to take a stand against both Perry and HAMinnis ..... that is the only choice she has ....... build a coalition outside with Bran and anti-HAMs and inside with G.Moss, the anti-HAMs and PLP back-benchers who see that the SS-PLP ship is sinking .......... LBT stands a better chance of unseating Perry with a viable coalition than a Minnis-led FNM

Posted 18 April 2016, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Spot on!

Posted 18 April 2016, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Or convince Branville to join her as her deputy (now that's a challenge) - but it would be an unbeatable ticket.

I challenge Mr. McCartney to offer himself to her (as DPM) privately -at least worth a try.

That election would be dunn over before it even gets called.

The two of them together would be like a Long Island hurricane against corruption and bullshit in this Bahamas, and things would get straightened out real quick.

A coalition would work too - but Bran would have to be satisfied with DPM position - in order to garner the female vote.

I ready to ink my finger.


Posted 18 April 2016, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

LBT for PM!!!

With Minnis as leader and Bran muffin fielding a full slate the FNM will lose the next election.

LBT would attract undecided voters and some Bran fans.

LBT is the best choice to lead us in to 2017!!

Posted 19 April 2016, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Get the online petition going!!!!!! ............... LBT for PM and Bran for Deputy

Posted 19 April 2016, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

LBT would be a much, much better Leader of the Opposition than Minnis.

Posted 19 April 2016, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

RUKiddingMe says...

Now there's a political ticket I would love to see in The Bahamas!!! These 2 could move mountains! It's waaaaaaay past time to sweep house and clear out all the rats and cockroaches currently infesting the HOA - on BOTH sides of the aisle!

Posted 19 April 2016, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

sheeprunner12 - a petition for LBT and Bran ticket is an EXCELLENT idea. Who here ga put they name on it though?

Posted 19 April 2016, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

IDK ............ am an "ideas guy with a vote" not an "activist".......... sorry!!!!!! I am sure LBT and Bran's handlers will read the Tribune or get the message

Posted 19 April 2016, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . .I read the release of LBT and what did she say that caused this "earthquake" among yinna? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . .don't make me laugh!

I won't waste my time going through that "obvious" list of what the PLP did or did not do with that project! Yinna better stop carrying on like a bucha Andros yard chickens over foolishness!!

LBT can't move from her usual "packaged" political sound-bits if ya pay her!! In case yinna don't know. . .yall have two leader prospects in yall party that can't move beyond ready made political sound-bites. . .LBT and HM! LBT CAN SPILL HER ONW FASTER THAN THE DOC. . .BUT BOTH RAMBLES AND REMAINS ON SOUND-BITES. . .UNABLE TO PRESENT A COGENT AND COHERENT THOUGHT TO LOGICAL CONCLUSION!!


Posted 20 April 2016, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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