Events revealed for 50th anniversary of Majority Rule


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture yesterday announced the calendar of events connected to its “Road to Majority Rule” 50th celebration scheduled for January, 2017.

Built around the premise of embracing “true Bahamian culture and history”, the events will be highlighted by the theatrical re-enactment of the Burma Road riot and Black Tuesday.

Dr Daniel Johnson said yesterday that his ministry wants Bahamians across the country to “get excited about and celebrate our things”. He likened the build up to Majority Rule to the American civil rights movement.

Dr Johnson said Majority Rule embodies the critical struggle for equality and human dignity for all Bahamians.

“We have to tell the world our stories, our history, where we came from, our way – what The Bahamas has to offer. Our unique custom like Junkanoo, folklore, food, art, dance and music,” he said.

According to the Carmichael MP, the 50th anniversary of Majority Rule will give the Bahamas a unique opportunity to share its story.

The 50th anniversary celebrations will be held under the theme ‘Many Islands, One People’; as the ministry looks to broaden the scope of the 2017 observation of the historic day.

Culture Director Rowena Poitier said the festivities are seeking to raise the cultural awareness of the Bahamas. “In order to raise our cultural awareness we, as a people must first understand our story,” she said.

Events are scheduled from now until the 2017 Majority Rule holiday, with major festivities planned for a number of the Family Islands.

The events associated with the 50th anniversary celebration got underway earlier this month, with the 2016 Youth Cultural Fest parade and concert at Arawak Cay.

On May 5, Dr Desiree Cox will give a public lecture at the Bahamas National Art Gallery.

Dr Cox said her lecture series would present the dynamic capabilities of the Bahamian culture, stressing that as a society, the Bahamas has now progressed to a point where its natural identity can enable social, industrial and economic expansion.

Additionally, May is expected to mark the start of a weekly storytelling exercise - ‘Folk Tale Saturday’ at the Father Marshall Cooper Park in Mason’s Addition - at which classic Bahamians folktales would be shared in parks throughout the country.

‘Folk Tale Saturday’ is expected to take place on all major Family Islands.

On June 1, the ministry will re-enact the Burma Road riot performed by high school students.

Events are expected to continue throughout the rest of 2016 leading up to a grand celebration at the National Stadium on January 10, 2017, to commemorate Majority Rule Day.

As a part of the festivities, the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture has launched a song competition to play out September 1 to 3.

The winner of the song competition will receive a $25,000 grand prize with second place taking $20,000.

There also will be a high school poetry competition in October, with the winner receiving a brand new computer.


sheeprunner12 says...

My God ......... what else does the PLP expect to milk out of the wicked Pindling era?????? ......... that is not going to help them win the election in 2017 ...... not a chance

Posted 28 April 2016, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

The main attraction will be the lecture on how to destroy a country in fifty years.

Posted 28 April 2016, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

5 years suffices entirely.

Posted 29 April 2016, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

Life is the Bahamas is just SO much fun - one big party!! Wonder who's paying for it!!?

Posted 28 April 2016, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

We the people . DUUUHHHHHHH ............ I am sure that the Referendum is one of the PLPs "New Frontier" planks for the 2040 Vision and the Majority Rule carnival tour is the perfect backdrop for the 2017 election campaign .......... LMAO

Posted 28 April 2016, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Just more tax dollars of hard working honest Bahamians and Bahamian businesses being pissed away by the corrupt Christie-led PLP government in an effort to buy votes in the next general election.

Posted 28 April 2016, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Wow - The Government is going to fund the pre-election party. Why not ? Tiefin is a way of life in this country.

Posted 28 April 2016, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**...Majority severely suppressed for 43 years and these clowns want us to celebrate it?...**

"House Majority Rule" is more like it because these idiots certainly have done nothing the rest of us are the least bit concerned about!

Posted 28 April 2016, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Agreed ............ just a different colour of despots taking advantage of the plebes .......... just look around at how our so-called constitutional democracy and political independence has been bastardized by the black leaders since 1967

Posted 29 April 2016, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

lets get a real cool main act for this, like Janet Jackson? Maybe public executions of persons on death row? The public arrest of corrupt politicians and magistrates? The public shaming of gay people? Stealing from foreign investors, and the incoronation of King Freddie. This will be a heck of a festival. We can all be proud.

Posted 29 April 2016, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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