Minnis: Party was blindsided by Lightbourn ‘tube tying’ comments


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis told parliamentarians yesterday that the party was blindsided by Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn’s controversial proposal for the state-sponsored sterilisation of women.

A week on since he offered up the offensive initiative at the party’s national convention, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn was lambasted in the House of Assembly by the governing Progressive Liberal Party.

In an official statement to parliament, Dr Minnis explained that the party’s Convention Committee had implemented a review procedure for all speeches proposed to be delivered at the convention.

According to the Killarney MP, Mr Lightbourn’s speech was never submitted for vetting prior to it being put forward to a national audience – despite several requests made to the writer of the speech.

Dr Minnis said the FNM was “consequently entirely unaware” of the contents of Lightbourn’s speech.

In the first sitting of the House of Assembly since the embattled MP made those remarks, Englerston MP Glennys Hanna Martin suggested that Mr Lightbourn’s “cruel, insensitive and offensive” comments placed the Bahamas in a “negative spotlight” in both the Caribbean region and globally.

Mrs Hanna Martin asserted that the comments were reminiscent of a “toxic stereotype” that has a “tragic history” within the Bahamas, insisting that the proposal rehashed a “disdainful bias” against working class Bahamian women.

“(His comments) are reminiscent of very dark days in human history where sterilization was used as a means of the arrogant elite for controlling the fertility of ‘undesirable’ populations, such as the poor, black people, other people of colour, unmarried mothers, the disabled and the mentally ill.”

“His comments are a blight and an indictment, an insult and an assault on poor women in our country perhaps the most vulnerable grouping in our society,” Mrs Hanna Martin told the House.

Mr Lightbourn’s contentious comments were made on the second night of the FNM’s national convention at the Melia Nassau Beach Resort last week.

The Montagu MP, setting out initiatives that he felt could form part of his party’s crime plan if elected, Mr Lightbourn said it was necessary for the Bahamas to consider adopting the practice sterilizing unwed mothers after the birth of their second child.

Mr Lightbourn prefaced the ill-fated suggestion with a generalisation that children born in unstable family situations often times grow to participate in criminal activities.

Responding to this claim, Mrs Hanna Martin said: “Rather than advocate for support which would provide an easier environment for women to love, nurture and support their children, the Member instead advocates in a cold and calculated fashion for the stifling of her rights to reproduce as a member of the human family.”

She continued: “Rather than anticipate greater empowerment for women and her children, the Member anticipates the desirability of less classrooms. Indeed Mr Speaker, what is most worrisome is that this very demographic of Bahamian women makes up a significant portion of his own constituency.”

“Perhaps this provided the inspiration for his ideas,” she added.

Mrs Hanna Martin maintained that reproductive rights are human rights.

She further inferred that Mr Lightbourn’s thought-process wasn’t aligned with that of the overall country.

Across the floor, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis again moved to separate the views offered up by Mr Lightbourn from those of the party.

The FNM immediately issued a statement to distance itself from the Montagu MP’s proposal last Thursday, stating that the party did not believe in restricting the reproductive rights of anyone.

“Let me state unequivocally, and assure this Honourable House and the Bahamian people that the Free National Movement has no such policy, no such plans and no such intention,” stated Dr Minnis on Wednesday.

“On behalf of the Free National Movement, I absolutely repudiate and disassociate myself and the party which I lead from any such proposed policy as that postulated by the Member for Montagu,” he added.

Last Friday, a day after he first expressed his claims, Mr Lightbourn issued a prepared apology.

It read: ““I would like to sincerely apologize to the Bahamian public and women in particular for my comments made last night at the Free National Movement convention.

“It was never my intention to offend anyone but to speak to the need for effective parenting and the support for a strong family structure which will go a long way toward solving many of our country’s social ills. It is a woman’s right to decide what to do with her body.”

“I received immediate and justified criticism for my comments. It was an extremely poor decision on my part. My comments in no way shape or form reflect the position of the FNM.”

On Wednesday, the Montagu MP in Parliament reiterated his regret over the offensive comments.


proudloudandfnm says...

Lies. Candia Dames said clearly that she read the speech before he went up. If the press had access to it prior then obviously the party did...

Yet another example of how piss poorly the FNM is now being managed....

I swear. The FNM reminds of the PLP wayyyy too much nowadays.....

Posted 4 August 2016, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

I also got access to that speech before he went up. apparently he gave it to the press before he allowed the FNM to vet it. He gave it in as he arrived to the Convention. Shouldn't have happened, but it shows that Lightbourn had full intention of doing what he did, perhaps to sin the ship he knew he couldn't stay on.

Posted 5 August 2016, noon Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

He never gave his. What could they do anyway? Forbid him to say it if he wrote it? His constituents should know what they elected.

But 'Tied Tubes' seemed to be on a page turn, who edited his final draft?

KB's 'stick it up my backside' clearly miss review too.

Posted 5 August 2016, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! One is not even left to suspect the member from the honourable Montagu constituency, had good reason to guard his convention speech from other eyes?
I want tell Richard that the family, as a learning, discovery and socialization environment, is a key protective factor in the development of children and adolescents. Poor or rich, single mom or two parents childhood - matter not a damn not when the home environment is dysfunctional it is also regarded as a risk factor for juvenile delinquency. It can result from physical or physiologically abusive care givers. Alcoholism, drugs, gambling addictions, lack moral compass, spousal cheating and sexual abusively home environments are just some of the leading risks for juvenile delinquency and it comes out of the poorest to richest of home environments - from homes Over The Hill and up on the Eastern and Western roads.
It's indefensible to stand up in the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly to suggest this was no more than a mistake in the way the wording was organized and delivered before the Red Movement's convention.
Comrade Richard, you drew your sword against certain poor mothers, so be a man and fall on it - by turning in your blue MPs license's plate!


Posted 4 August 2016, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

But I thought that Candia Dames is LBT close buddy. . .everybody knows that. . .that don't say he would have given it to the "real" leader and not leader and his people. . .most believe that he did not give it to doc! Now the question is if Candia Dames saw that speech and did not warned the MP that he was going to be in plenty trouble if he gave that speech to the public! Further more. . .it is almost a given that LBT saw the speech (since it was given to CD). . .after all she was the leader for the coup five. . .so it goes to your contention that she was the "leader" who was in charge of MP Lightbourne and did not vet his speech and if she did vet the speech, allowed it to go public. . .knowing that it would cause a "dust-up" for the MP! SO ARE YOU SAYING THAT DOC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SPEECH GOING PUBLIC UNVETTED?

Posted 4 August 2016, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

All sorts of true colors coming out.

Posted 5 August 2016, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

He was simply espousing what's often talked about openly and jokingly within the chambers of his law firm.....the one that has a considerable number of white Bahamian partners!

Posted 4 August 2016, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I don't believe he can be that dense. . .unless he is such racist that he "hate" blacks and don't care what they think or feel. . .to make such a statement. . .quite possibly a deliberate "coup" attempt to make the party look bad under Doc! But it back fired and possibly killed the political career of Mr. Lightbourne.

Posted 4 August 2016, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

He ain't dead unless THE PEOPLE in Montagu say so and he still has YOU talking, right?

Posted 4 August 2016, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Well. . .I guess you are right. . .on both points! We will see!

Posted 5 August 2016, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Truly, the vast majority of Bahamians are just too stupid to be voting to elect a government. We are unable to house, cloth, feed, educate or in any other wise look after the children that now adorn the Bahamas like so many flies, and are quite, (not quite but vehemently), proposing that we just keep making more and more of them, whom we will be less and less able to look after. Ours is for sure a broken society and we are not even as responsible as creatures in the jungle, most of which remain together at least until the young have been reared and are able to look after themselves. Finally the animal lovers among us were able to mount a similar campaign to spay and neuter dogs, because we recognized that dogs copulate continuously. We readily adopt the Biblical admonition to "go forth and multiply" - Genesis 9:7
But no one seems to read on to Matthew 5" 27 “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’[a] 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 So if your eye—even your good eye[b]—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your hand—even your stronger hand[c]—causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
Lord help the fools around us,

Posted 4 August 2016, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

You are not making any good sense. . .all mixed up! If I would to judge from reading between the lines of your post. . . you are a white person. . .

Posted 5 August 2016, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................................... Richard Lightboun Is A Danger To Society ...............................**

"My comments in no way shape or form reflect the position of the FNM".

However, his comments absolutely reflect the position of his associates and colleagues! Lightbourn was just stupid enough to expose them on national television.

Perhaps Richard will enlighten us on other plans his elite friends have him lobbying for the masses if he has his way in Parliament!

Richard Lightbourn's aparthied mentality grouping have no business representing people in Parliament as he is obviously totally incapable of fairness!

Several questions come back to mind asked of Richard Lightbourn here just 3 weeks ago:

Besides lobbying for his real estate cartel pirates, what has Richard Lightbourn contributed for the betterment of his constituents and the Bahamas at large? After years of "public service", what has Richard Lightbourn achieved? Why does the country "need" Richard Lightbourn in Parliament?

Parliament is full to capacity of "Richard Lightbourn" types on both sides of the aisles that are of no use in building the country, only pandering to special interest groups while hiding in the shadows enriching themselves and friends!

The House Of Assembly desperately needs to be purged of these useless self serving politicians and replaced with decent, honest individuals, **black and white**, having the people and countries interest at heart.

43 years of PLP and FNM governance has led to massive collaborative corruption across political lines, destroyed our country and decimated our people.

**It is without doubt time for a 180 degree change in leadership!**

Posted 4 August 2016, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

If you know Richard Lightbourn you should know that he is going to say what he wants no matter who says to or not.
His position is clearly not that of the FNM, PLP, DNA, or the majority of Bahamian people, black or white. He has inflicted the damage that the "dissident six" intended to do in the first place, and created chaos in the party, all the while knowing that they had no chance of wresting leadership from Dr. Minnis..
Has anyone heard anything from Chipman, or Theo? Their mouths have gone quiet. Theo I can understand, because he works for the brother of Richard and knows where his bread is buttered.
It seems to be the general consensus that the PLP and FNM style of government is one and the same, with just a change in the name of the cronies who get rich. The DNA can't win a seat.
So do we choose the lesser of two evils or vote for a party that has no chance?
My choice is the lesser of two evils.

Posted 4 August 2016, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

No society can prosper if we continue to act irresponsibly by denying certain truths. I don't know or care about Lightbourn nor do I care about the plp or fnm because to me they have played equal roles in creating a dysfunctional society. His speech was not presented well, not though through, however I cannot deny he presented a valid issue that needs to be address for us to have any chance of turning this country around. In the 21st century science, technology, health, nutrition etc has allow mankind to live longer, healthier lives. In the early 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th century it was necessary to have large amounts of children to replenish the population and supply labor because life expectancy was so short. To survive childhood diseases and make it to 50 was a major achievement. In poor undeveloped nations around the world there is a consistent reality. Either through colonial exploitation or poor development millions are born recklessly into abject poverty which places massive strains on the social, economic & environmental future. In the Bahamas we have illegals flooding our shores and this ignorant mentality of holding on to destructive behaviors. Logically if one keeps breeding kids they cannot care for combined with influxs of illegals the result can only be chaos & destruction. High crime, unemployment, pollution, and massive inflation. Let's not pretend we don't have a serious problem & demonize Lightbourn. He presented it wrong but I don't think there was any ill intent.

Posted 4 August 2016, 5:23 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

You too make little balanced sense. . .baby makers are the "pathos" of the failed society. . .and not the exploitive politicians, elitists, classists, merchants, shyster bankers, white collar "tief" them. . . chrooked and manipulative decision makers who make decisions for their friends, family and lovers and not in the best interest of the general people. . .poor governance etc. that all cluster to make a failed state . . .which can include some of the "problems" that come by an overburdened state purse!

You must keep in mind that our economy is in access of 300 billion passing through our economy each year. . .GNP about 9 billion. . . AI of 38,000. . . with a population of less than one half million. . .with an underclass of approximately 40, 000 persons. So you see that when you "see" the facts above. . .you make little sense. . .and appear only talking out of your prejudices! Hence is my reason for dismissing most of the emotive statements posted by you FNMs them around here. . .yinna carry on like uneducated persons. . .with "elitist bent" in how ya think!

Posted 5 August 2016, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

His entire speech was excellent except for that part. It should be posted in full somewhere.

Posted 5 August 2016, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.................... Post It In The Toilet, With Him Attached! ......................**

Posted 5 August 2016, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! We cry shame when poor single mom's are being be used as scapegoats for why the Six plus the one Senator's Coup d'état failed for a Second time at the Red Movements convention. How they were cheated from a fair run for party positions?
People, what damn breed of a sick, racist Bahamalander's are you when you come on here to speak of poor single mom's as "breeders." As God -fearing woman's.who in your racists mindset are unfit to be proper mothers?

Posted 4 August 2016, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Perhaps Mr. Lightbourn should have also included the neutering of the Bahamian "studs" who father these children and then leave the mothers to raise them without and support, either financial or emotional. In a society of equal rights it is unfair to create law for one person, for an act that in fact takes two people to perform. If he had mentioned castration after two illigetimate children for men, we would have a whole new outlook, on the veracity of his proposal.

Posted 4 August 2016, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

He talked about salary deductions from the fathers to pay child support to the mothers. However, nobody is talking about that; they want to demonize him for the VOLUNTARY state sterlization plan which they talk about as if it is involuntary. However, I do agree that the men could be offered vasectomies after two children as well.

Posted 4 August 2016, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

VOLUNTARY in bold. This is something many women do when they're done, and ain't it sad to have her damage her womanhood , libido, mess with her emotions, after such sacrifice, than to just snip the male.

Posted 5 August 2016, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I did not "chew on" that he was blaming poor single mothers for the "chirrin boom" that is placing a heavy toll on the national purse. . .men "hep" them make those "chirrins dem". . . so to focus on "da wommens dem". . . is so not right!

Posted 8 August 2016, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

How is this still in the news? Politics in this country is so dumb. All damned week...

Posted 4 August 2016, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Agreed, he should have included men. Poorly though out presentation but many of our politicians say stupid things example Leslie Miller would be top of the list. But even in his ignorant rants there is some truth in some things even millers says. I think family planning, proper birth control protects women & children more than men from living lives of abject poverty. Women are more at risk of suffering which is why I think he only mentioned women. Like the saying goes moma's baby papa's maybe which is not right but that's reality. Lightbourn should of used men and women plus presented this as voluntary family planning decisions and discuss free opportunities to get this done. Vesectomies are quick and more efficient since a man can impregnate many women. I know many Bahamian men with Kids all over the place which many are not caring for. This to me is disgraceful. At issue for is the family, the degrading of that structure and the negative consequences that follow.. I encourage men, married, single etc that have kids and don't want more to get a visectomy, I did it and was in and out in 30 minutes. Even for responsible people who try it's a difficult to provide proper resources and care to each child if u have to many. Going forward these things must all be addressed for us to succeed.

Posted 4 August 2016, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Free vasectomy! Free vasectomy!


Posted 5 August 2016, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**......... White South Africans *TODAY* Still Insist Apartheid Is The Best Way To Go! ...........**

We're not surprised to see Richard Lightbourn's friends defending and justifying his sentiments.

Posted 5 August 2016, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

So SP, what is your solution. More of the same ?

Posted 5 August 2016, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**......................... Au Contraire, Small Minded Genius .............................**

The simple solution is to reverse the causes of poverty an inequality!

Proper education, more opportunity and better equity sharing of wealth would resolve these issues.

In short, for far too long, too few have hogged up too much, leaving too little for too many, with much too less, to do anything except to barley survive!

Whats so difficult to comprehend?

Posted 5 August 2016, 11:27 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

The Bahamas will never start a sterilization program. No need to debate the merits of the nazi program it will never happen. Lightbourn was an idiot for saying it.

Now. Obviously if the press had access to the speech. The vetting committe obviously was more interested in humiliating LBT on stage than actually vetting anything.

Minnis is lying.. .


Posted 5 August 2016, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

S.p. ur nuts. What does south Africa & apartheid have to do with us... The situation here in the Bahamas for the original group of white Bahamians who have segregated themselves over generations is worse. They are guilty of an even more damaging consquence at lease from a biological perspective, Too much inbreeding. If you ever take a tour through some communities especially in Abaco u get the feelings there is desperate need for new DNA.

Posted 5 August 2016, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

** ............. Thank You. Yes, I am Quite Mad, But Not Stupid .................**

Nobody here is addressing the real elephant in the room which is Haitian over population of our country.

PMH maternity ward has been consistently totally overrun 6 Haitians to 1 Bahamian by Haitians hatching babies like cock roaches, and nobody wants to address this vexing reality.

Richard Lightbourn would have been a hero instead of an idiot if he had sense enough to focused on this issue verses labeling his own people as the main problem!

Posted 5 August 2016, 11:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Lightbourn's political career has certainly been nothing to write home about and for all intents and purposes has now come to an end. It remains to be seen whether Richard "Tie The Tubes" Lightbourn will now do the right thing - not run for re-election or, better still, resign now!

Posted 5 August 2016, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Sry but TWO kids and the guy ain't married ya , to continue is a PROBLEM. **Unwed.** **Social Benefits.** Do we want to keep paying jobless for having baby? That's the sure American way to create unfixable ghettos. Wasn't unwed the exact same reason this country voted NO to bill #3 for? So suddenly we're all about women's reproductive rights REGARDLESS OF MARITAL STATUS AND FATHER? Do you mean the theocrats dictating marriage , sex, and roles, actually found DEPRIVING CHILDREN heartless? HA. Offer it free cause the Haitians on a Majority Rule agenda and this threat will certainly just accelerate the plan.

Single mothers makeup the demographic of the whole Bahamas as you've said before Mrs. Hanna.

Posted 5 August 2016, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

I've witnessed that these mothers who didn't want kids to begin with , never wanted them later. Do a poll with the adult kids of and see if their slack ma ever came back around. Leaves a bunch of chirren all over the place with this one that one and whoever, the child get molest, the child get chirren, the child get in dope, the gal child slack and have to depend on man. smt. Be a B**** then get spade. Only when the mother find a half decent loaf whom she has to reveal her history to does she suddenly turn decent and want to collect all her kids back.

Can't allow abortion right? Can't give free condoms , vasectomy , and birth control right? How else to stop this damn irresponsible madness! Very tough convo but truth.

Yes, we're underpopulated but are populating poorly if the kids aren't getting healthy living.

It should never happen but somebody had to say it.

Poor things, "Woe to me, my mother, that you have borne me As a man of strife and a man of contention to all the land! I have not lent, nor have men lent money to me, Yet everyone curses me."

Posted 5 August 2016, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**....... What criteria do you refer to conclude we are underpopulated? ........**

Posted 5 August 2016, 11:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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