Pinder tells of seeing son dead in driveway


Tribune Staff Reporter

UNION leader John Pinder said yesterday the memory of seeing his son dead in the driveway of their Hillside Park home will haunt him forever.

In an emotional interview with The Tribune hours after his son was murdered, Mr Pinder said it is taking “every bit of strength” he has not to break down and remain a “tower” for his wife and his family.

John Jamal Pinder Jr, a father-of-one who turned 27 just seven days ago, was shot multiple times and killed late on Monday night while playing video games in his home off Bernard Road.

Officer-in-charge of the Central Detective Unit, Chief Superintendent Clayton Fernander said the victim was in the living room with several other people when unknown persons shot through a window of the home.

The victim, who sat right under the window, was shot several times and was pronounced dead at the scene.

A second man was also shot and rushed to hospital by ambulance, where he remains in stable condition.

Mr Pinder, leader of the National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas and the Bahamas Public Services Union, said he received a call shortly after 10pm from his eldest son’s fiancée telling him that “some guys walked in the yard and shot Jamal” and she thought that he was dead.

He said five minutes later he arrived at home to see his son lying on the ground, bleeding and lifeless.

“This is shocking and hard for me,” Mr Pinder said. “I mean he was just there, dead. That morning when I left, we were talking about getting a business license for him because he wanted to get a contract from the government to clean parks and roadways because he was into landscaping.

“He wanted to make more money, he wanted to do better. He was very ambitious and very independent. He was also soft-spoken, most people in the community admired him and he was very respectful. We are having a hard time with this.”

Despite the tragedy, Mr Pinder said he is thankful that no one else was killed during the shooting. He said his wife, another son and several grandchildren were all in the home at the time of the shooting.

Mr Pinder said he has no idea why the suspects shot up his home, but, said, “they could have been targeting one of the boys who was playing games” with my son.

“All we know is that some guys came in the yard by where the family room is and started shooting. Jamal was sitting right under the window and that’s why he was hit so many times. There were seven guys in that room and the curtain was closed so they were shooting blind,” Mr Pinder said.

He said despite the murder taking place at his home, he is “comfortable” going back but he said the rest of the family “is not as strong” as he is.

He said he is trying to keep focused and pray that the Lord grants his family “strength and peace” during this time.

Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell extended condolences to Mr Pinder on Tuesday morning calling the death a “tragedy”.

“It must be quite difficult to fathom,” Mr Mitchell said in a statement. “It is very sad. I wish on behalf of the Fox Hill community from which he hails to extend condolences. The community stands with you in this time of bereavement.”

Minister of Labour Shane Gibson also gave his sympathies to Mr Pinder’s family, calling the murder another “senseless” death.

This latest murder pushed the county’s homicide count to 69 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records.

Police currently have no one in custody in connection with the homicide.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.

Investigations continue.


Sickened says...

Is that the best picture the Tribune could find of him or is that a picture that the family gave the Tribune to publish?

The picture makes him look like your typical street corner thug. NOT saying that he was.

Posted 31 August 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

The picture is from Facebook it seems. How does he look like a thug? Wearing sunglasses and a hat in the daytime is "thug" apparel?

Posted 31 August 2016, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Every parent believes that their "good child" did not deserve to die ........ but what is not being told in this story leaves many wondering how this guy (and his friends) could just be shot out of the blue

Posted 31 August 2016, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

A total of 7 guys were in that room, and there is currently no evidence to suggest that the person who died was the intended target, so why would you raise the "good son" inference at this time?

Posted 31 August 2016, 8:23 p.m. Suggest removal

cmoney123 says...

very true

Posted 31 August 2016, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Regardless of the reasons, if there are any, it is a terrible thing for a man to see his son laying dead after being killed in such a brutal manner. My condolences go out to Mr. Pinder and his family in this most tragic of times. May God grant you the strength to get through your loss.

Posted 31 August 2016, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Very tragic and sad but one must wonder if someone in the room setup the victim. I find it hard to believe seven people inside one room and only two people got shot regardless if his back was against the window

Posted 31 August 2016, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

@arudsel: These type killings have been going on for years where persons are in a group of persons and they are the only ones murdered. Some are playing dominoes or cards, or in this case video games. Others pull up in vehicles or are walking or simply sitting on the wall to their friends of family residence, others walking or riding a bicycle or motor bike and they are n mercilessly gunned down and left to die wherever like an animal. This country must come together and unmask this bold and brazen killer. Capture him, expose him and bring him to justice, regardless of the motive for the killing. Bahamians already have to lock and bar themselves in their homes. Let the day not come when there is the need to bullet proof our homes and vehicles. Someone knows something and they should say something, if only to prevent this from happening again

Posted 31 August 2016, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

A friend was calling on a family member last night to check up on him. As he didn't answer his phone the person got concerned and kept calling. When she finally got through and asked her family why he did not answer his phone, his reply was "I wa getting robbed and when my phone keep ringing it scare them off."

Posted 31 August 2016, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful through the mercy of God rest in peace,
There is never any reason to take the life of a human being. It is my hope that the guilty
one will be found very soon.

Posted 31 August 2016, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

this is a tragedy and may he rest in peace but... he was aiming for a government contract? really? wow. the only client in town in the government.

Posted 31 August 2016, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

It would take a lot of work, but these senseless killings can be stopped. It starts with the government actually getting it citizens back to work. Not just low level work, higher pay management jobs. Give the people some hope. Then families have to get behind their kids. As much quality time as they can with their family. Meal time etc. Teach our kids to live the 10 commandments again. I love helping people. I love sharing meals with our friends. I love making new friends. The light has been taken out of these kids life at a young age, and this is where it has them. Then lets not forget education. Education is good for us. Your never too old to go back to school. Education would eliminate most of these problems alone. Love one another. I remember me a young white American girl spending my summers in Freeport. It might be 10 -11 at night and my mom and I might have forgot to stop and eat supper, our friends finding out and they got up frying us some fish with peas and rice. This wasn't a little deal to us we love people, and I pray the Bahamas finds a little more love maybe for themselves. Love, Forgiveness, Family, Caring good words to use daily.

Posted 1 September 2016, 5:10 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

May the Lord give him the strength to bear the loss of his son and may his soul of his son and all those who have passed away rest in eternal peace. Amen.

Posted 1 September 2016, 8:19 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

We have a TIPS phone service which is to phone in AFTER the crime has been committed with public radio notices to use it for that purpose.....and what should be happening is that a phone SERVICE should be set up for the public to phone in to give TIPS BEFORE THE CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED. This 24 hr service can be manned by volunteers and funds solicited by businesses or private donations. The service can also have volunteers to handle and diffuse stressful situations etc.

Posted 3 September 2016, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

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