Man killed in shootout with police officers


Tribune Staff Reporter

POLICE fatally shot a man during an altercation in the Price Street area of Nassau Village yesterday, as officers attempted to take a “prolific offender” into custody.

However, the man who was fatally shot was not the suspect police were originally looking for.

According Assistant Police Commissioner Stephen Dean, the incident occurred yesterday shortly after 1pm when, officers working on information received, went to a home on Peach Street in Nassau Village with intentions of making an arrest. Once on the scene, officers encountered a group of men behind the home, two of whom opened fire on the officers.

ACP Dean said officers returned fire, causing the men to flee in various directions. One suspect was fatally shot.

Police said they arrested four men and recovered a handgun with 13 live rounds of ammunition at the scene.

“We were targeting a prolific offender who was wanted for a number of serious crimes, including murder and armed robbery. We went to a location where we had information on where the suspect was hiding, where we saw a group of men.

“The group of men, on seeing the police, two of them opened fire on the police. The police returned fire and some of the men ran off. As a result four of them were arrested, one of the suspects was fatally shot, police recovered a handgun. Police are still conducting investigations into this matter.”

ACP Dean also indicated that upon further inquiry, it was learnt that the men arrested by the police were wanted for several serious crimes.

None of the men involved in Wednesday’s incident was identified by police. The “prolific offender” police were originally looking for is still at large.

Investigations continue.

Deputy Coroner Andrew Forbes visited the scene and is now leading the investigation.


Honestman says...

We have to take our hats off to the police - they really do take their life in their hands every day working in the killing fields of New Providence. Our brave policemen and women are being let down however by a government and a judiciary that allows too many of these serious offenders free to roam the streets. I would like to hear what the FNM and DNA would do about this specific problem should they find themselves in power next May? What EXACTLY would Minnis and McCartney do to remove these vermin from our streets and make ordinary hard working citizens feel safe again?

Posted 1 December 2016, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

xtreme2x says...

Try reading the plan Dames publish in the daily yesterday,

Posted 1 December 2016, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**............................. Bastards Should Have All Been Shot Dead! ..............................**

Who are these animals and where do they come from?

Posted 1 December 2016, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamaland says...

We need a national service...when u graduate from high school either you go to UB, BTVI, gainful employment or national service. Every citizen and resident have an NIB number so tracking is very easy similar to a social security number in the US. The days of hanging on the blocks should not be tolerated.

Posted 2 December 2016, 6:18 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Graduate from high school LOL You mean when they pass thru high school. National service should start at 16 now as we have such a large amount of uncotrollable youth. Ten years down the line age limit may be raised.

Posted 2 December 2016, 6:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Problems with National service are many. Matriculation into the service cannot be the same across the board, because education is not the same across the board in the country... leading me to believe those pushed into "service" will mostly contain those who "passed true" Highschool. Also 'gainful employment' is what exactly? the private sector? who's gonna pay for that? Is it in the Public sector? If so, where is the money coming from for that? We are not in the fiscal and economic situation to have the treasury purse employ that many people.

Well of course unless you guys proposing it are willing to pay more in taxes.

The plan is good from the textbook sense, in practicality it's ludicrous and asinine.
You want to hold someone accountable? How about the parents that raise these kids? Why are we not investing in that?

don't put a bandaid on a Cholera outbreak. You treat the patient and kill the source to prevent it from happening again. Obviously a ton of shit is in the water that no one wants to address. Crime and youth unemployment are only symptoms of an outbreak.

Posted 2 December 2016, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Itellya says...

Too much focus on fixing the external aspects. If anything needs fixing its the parents. It all starts in the home. Parents are letting the TV, violent video games and the street grow their kids up. Especially when these under aged thugs reeking havoc in the communities the parents should be made to do the Bank Lane and South Street shuffle along with them. Fix home first!!

Posted 2 December 2016, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

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