FNM revolt


Deputy Chief Reporter


IN A bold move that stunned Parliament, seven Opposition MPs submitted a letter of no confidence in Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis to both House Speaker Dr Kendal Major and Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling yesterday, revealing that a vote was taken among them for Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner to be the new Official Opposition Leader in the House of Assembly.

Although the unexpected petition to revoke Dr Minnis’ appointment was accepted by Dr Major, the governor general still has to officially approve the request.

The historic moment unfolded during the session that was expected to begin debate on a series of financial bills. After delivering several announcements and without indication, Dr Major informed parliamentarians that he received a formal letter from the seven MPs.

As he read the request to oust Dr Minnis, the letter’s contents triggered taunts and gasps from seated government members of Parliament.

And while he listened to the formal rejection of his leadership, Dr Minnis did not make eye contact with any of his colleagues seated on his side of the floor. Instead he showed no reaction, only from time to time staring at his notepad or raising his bowed head to glance at those seated on the government side.

“We have the solemn duty to most respectfully inform you that a majority of our caucus wishes to avail ourselves of the provisions outlined in Article 82 (4) of the Constitution of the Bahamas, and this to withdraw our confidence in Dr Hubert A Minnis as leader of the Opposition,” Dr Major read.

“Your Excellency, as we know you are aware, our parliamentary democracy rests on the notion of confidence. A prime minister may continue to govern only insofar as he or she continues to enjoy the confidence of the House of Assembly. Likewise, an Opposition leader may continue to serve in this position only if he or she enjoys the confidence of his or her colleagues in the House. That being the case, we respectfully ask you to revoke the appointment of Dr Hubert A Minnis as leader of the Opposition in accordance with Article 82 (4) of our Constitution.

“Furthermore, in revoking his appointment, we request that you consider not only the will of the majority of the parliamentary Opposition’s caucus in the House of Assembly, but the wellbeing of our nation.

“We are deeply pained by the growing crisis of confidence that ails our beloved country.”

The letter adds: “In addition to good government by the executive, the Bahamas needs an effective and dutiful Opposition that will work with Bahamians to develop a clear vision for the future, along with effective solutions to the many problems affecting our country.

“In that spirit, our caucus will, once under new leadership, devote itself entirely to those priorities, doing whatever it can to ensure Bahamians can once again look to the future with confidence, assured of their safety and prosperity.

“Your Excellency, it is also our duty to inform you that in the interest of ensuring a seamless transition, our caucus has also voted to undertake its work in Parliament under the leadership of Loretta Butler-Turner.

“We are honoured to be Your Excellency’s humble servants and we thank you for your attention to this matter.”

It bore the signatures of Mrs Butler-Turner, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins.

FNM members Renward Wells, the Bamboo Town MP, and East Grand Bahama MP Peter Turnquest did not sign this request to remove Dr Minnis.

This third attempt is the closest the MPs have come to successfully forcing Dr Minnis out of the post. It was previously reported that several FNM MPs had drafted a letter in 2014 to Dame Marguerite to have Dr Minnis removed, however it was never sent.

Earlier this year, six of the MPs - excluding Mr Key - threatened to write to the governor general unless Dr Minnis agreed to hold an earlier national convention. He acceded to this request.

However, in July, he re-emerged as party leader after a contentious and dramatic three-day political event that resulted in Mrs Butler-Turner and her running mate Dr Duane Sands dropping out of the leadership races ahead of when delegates voted.

During the convention’s closing night, Dr Minnis told supporters that he had extended the “olive branch” to the Long Island MP and it was perceived that the party had got past its division and infighting.

But despite the continuous declarations of unity from the party’s executives, there were sporadic public shows of a menacing fracture deep within the organisation.

Last month, the Pinewood Constituency Association branded the party “deceitful” and claimed that although Dr Minnis had assured them that talk show host Lincoln Bain would be ratified to represent the area, community activists Reuben Rahming was ratified instead. Some of the association’s members boldly rejected his selection by protesting at the party’s candidate’s launch toting signs lambasting both Dr Minnis and Mr Rahming.

Earlier this week, Mr Key slammed the FNM leader. He accused Dr Minnis of betraying him by holding secret meetings in his constituency and ultimately choosing another candidate.

However, the party denied that any secret meetings had taken place and that the organisation only began its search for another standard-bearer after Mr Key communicated to them that he was retiring from front line politics. They also maintained that no candidate had been selected for the area.


licks2 says...

These are lost and have no idea who or what they are. . .except THEY JUST WANT TO STAY IN THE HOUSE!

Posted 8 December 2016, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

You mean Minnis aye?

Posted 8 December 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Well Minnis will push anyone aside to control the party. They are right to resign.

Edison Key amuses me. He was never elected until he joined the FNM. At 78 he has nothing to lose. I think he is just having fun.

These times are the best opportunity to oust both plp and fnm, These folks have placed their bets.

Posted 8 December 2016, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Mark my words, these 7 are going nowhere.
But pawns in a game of power, of no intended benefit to anyone but themselves.

Posted 8 December 2016, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Congratulations on 5 more years Perry...

Posted 8 December 2016, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

What do the 7 have to lose? With the exception of Butler-Turner all have been declined for nominations.

Dr. Minnis is the real snake and only those who work closely with him get to feel the bite. His followers remain deluded.

Posted 8 December 2016, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

Let them remain part of the party since only one of them is ratified a candidate in the person of Loretta. Minnis is still leader of the party so he still call the shots, run an independent against Loretta, win the seat and then join the FNM. (Sounds and looks familiar.) That would be more devastating to her than having her resign from the party. One thing for sure, she can't win in Montague, St Annes and especially Long Island. Dr. Minnis should have ratified Andre to run in Long Island in thew first place when she was complaining about Rollins and Minnis undermining her. He would have a better chance with that. Now the two hugging up like nothing happened. Politics do make some strange bedfellows.

Posted 8 December 2016, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

The only hope for the country is that this revolt is successful and LBT unlike Dr. Minnis, can contain her ego sufficiently to make a deal with Bran. If that happens the PLP is toast. For that reason, I think the celebrating in that quarter may prove to be a bit premature.

Posted 8 December 2016, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

What an absolute farce! The FNM is determined to destroy the last remnants of its former self. What a tragedy for the party and for the country at a time when Bahamians desperately need an alternative to the corrupt Christie led, Chinese sponsored PLP. I believe the FNM under Hubert Minnis is a "busted flush". The brand image has gone with the Party scarcely resembling the FNM of Hubert Ingraham. As it stands the FNM is frankly unelectable and strong candidates like Lloyd, D'Aguilar and Dames must be wondering about their reputations by association with this train wreck of a party. In any first world democracy a party leader facing such lack of confidence and outright rebellion would do the honourable thing and resign for the greater good of the party and the country. Why does Hubert Minnis stubbornly cling to his post against a wave of discontent? Why does he not see that he can best serve the Bahamas by stepping aside and allowing someone with the necessary skill set to unite the fragments of this broken organisation?

Posted 8 December 2016, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Someone like who?

Posted 9 December 2016, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Not surprisingly so, nothing but silence from the media savvy recently recruited red candidates "Wash Em, Dry Em, Press Em" Dionisio D'Aguilar and the "Grammatical Correct" Talk Show Host Jeffery Lloyd.
Here listening to former red senator Carl Bethel live on the Revolution talk show .....what a specialists in passing the buck for not calling what happened yesterday for exactly what it was...a political Coup against the red party. Does this man not posses the balls to step up to call out the Coup members out for what they are. I guess Carl foresees a red party under two Captains going into the 2017 General. To listen to Carl, you'd think the red party just stumbled up in the House yesterday. But, guess what he was clear on...that he needed to carve out a constituency to run-in come the 2017 General...is he saying it matters not if its Loretta or Minnis who signs his nomination papers?

Posted 8 December 2016, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Thank you FNM for guaranteeing the PLP another 5 years to finish off the country.

Posted 8 December 2016, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Minnis has been put out to pasture by the FNM MPs .............. now it is time for the PLPs to do the same with Perry ................ We need a Bahamas Spring in 2017

Posted 8 December 2016, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

What is their end game? Are they going to create their own party?

I honestly thought you’d do a vote of no confidence only if Minnis ever became Prime Minister. Isn’t that the point of all those credible people he nominated?

Naturally, I don’t know what going in these people’s head or who’s advising them, but this is quickly looking to be a badly made sitcom.

By the way, Minnis would/will not relinquish the reins of the FNM, so if that was the goal, then unfortunately this move will not work.

And the opposition never had much a chance of being “strong” anyway. The seats that were retained after 2012, were that of all the scrubs, and none of the heavy hitters. Relatively speaking, Loretta simply looked better because of the mediocrity of the others.

MPs like Shane, Fred, and Fritz would school Loretta (Minnis is always a given) every other week in Parliament.

I’ll give Loretta the benefit of the doubt (no I don’t, lol) but if they hand this country back to PLP, they’ll go down as some of the dumbest politicians in my book.

Posted 8 December 2016, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


Posted 8 December 2016, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Minnis, if he stays, is going to hand the country back to the PLP, that is a certain.

If the 7 (some of them giving up there right to run) can come to some agreement with the DNA or some new group then we may not have to give the country back to the PLP.

Posted 8 December 2016, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

100% agree! this is the most asinine move I have ever seen! I would bet that anyone in the Caribbean has ever seen. Jamaal Rolle needs to resurface that piece with Perry Christie saying "* guh fix Bahamar if I have to do it myself*" and there he is on the end of the branch, sawing it off from the tree, LOL LOL LOL.How many hapless MPs can fit on the end of that branch? 7.

Posted 8 December 2016, 7 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM convention was a farce just like the DNA and the upcoming PLP convention ..... how can a handful of manipulated delegates speak for the 60-70,000 party supporters?????? ....... We need what happens in the USA .......... let each constituency VOTE for their party leader every 3 years .........then that person can have a mandate to lead a political party.

This FNM parliamentary coup speaks volumes of the chasm between elected MPs and a dysfunctional convention system in our mutant Westminster system

Posted 8 December 2016, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Please, not like the U.S.A. Our system WOULD work if we had some strong, ETHICAL politicians who actually cared about our country and not about prestige and lining their pockets.

Posted 8 December 2016, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The USA have shortcomings but a popularly elected party leader is not one of them .......... if the USA was like The Bahamas, Jeb Bush would have been the Republican candidate ............ we have a "royal family" mentality

Posted 8 December 2016, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

...the dumb, dumber and dumbest gang,

Posted 8 December 2016, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

After the March Minnis said he was humbled or words to that effect. He knows that he doe not have what it takes to win an election, and he knows he is not a leader. The trouble is he just isn't humbled enough to say let me get out of the way so we can win the election. Him and Bran are identical from an ego point of view.

Posted 8 December 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandboy242242 says...

lol if the other 6 have nothing to lose maybe Loretta is the one being played in all this, peer pressure and empty promises from the others :)

Posted 8 December 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The job is only half done. The entire leadership apparatus of the FNM party needs to be dismantled otherwise it will remain a failed party hijacked by the very deceitful, arrogant and incompetent Minnis. If this cannot be achieved in relatively short order, Bahamian voters should simply consider the FNM party to be a politically defunct organization of the past, with no future political purpose whatsoever for our country....much like the PLP will be after the next general election.

Posted 8 December 2016, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Collie, the FNM party chairman, and every single FNM council member who still supports him and/or Minnis, must be thrown overboard at the earliest possible time. Time should not be wasted doing this though, and Collie and Minnis will be doing everything possible to run down the clock in the run up to the next general election. If need be a new party should be formed in short order to be led by someone young, energetic, intelligent, sensible, pragmatic, charismatic and politically astute with patriotic public service ideals; someone who has no prior political baggage, is not beholden to special or foreign interests of any kind, and who cannot be bought by the likes of Sir Snake, Craig Flowers, Crooked Christie's Red China friends and others like them. The search should be on for such a leader of the Bahamian people because he or she does indeed exist among us today, and is our only hope for a better Bahamas tomorrow. Sadly, LBT is most assuredly not that person.

Posted 8 December 2016, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Look at Key. LOL. He's like "*what da hell we doin*?". LOL

Posted 8 December 2016, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

This most undemocratic attempt to subvert the Will of the People is an afront to democracy and is akin to a Coup d'état, the Culprits of which should be regarded as Traitors to the Nation and have their Citizneships revoked. Thankfully we do not have a Military, as we would otherwise be in a state of Civil War thanks to such Triators.

Posted 8 December 2016, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...


Posted 9 December 2016, 7:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

This is amusing and terrifying at the same time.
I want an alternative but I can't cast my ballot with any of these lot. I have no candidates or party that represents my interests or what I consider the best for this country. The DNA have poor policies, from what Bran revealed already, the FNM is a Dodo Bird, the sexy 7 have no party, the People's movement is a hodgy podgy grouping with individuals I share no common ground in policy with, and the PLP never gave a crap about anyone anyway.

I have no-one I support, no party.... and lots of Bahamians feel the same which is why the voter registry is so low. This is like going to the food store where all the food is rotten and the milk has started to turn.

For me to vote I'm simply picking who is the lesser of all evils.

Posted 9 December 2016, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

You will find fault until you vote for the PLP ......... and that is the worst option

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The FNM party is no more and the root cause of its demise was Hubiggity's piss poor sore loser conduct in response to the thrashing he received from Christie in the last general election. Hubiggity's angst and utter disgust at the conclusion of the 2012 general election resulted in shameful post-election bahaviour on his part. Hubiggity's disgraceful walkaway from the FNM party back then created a power vacuum easily filled by a blithering incompetent corrupt imbecile with zero charisma and absolutely no ability to think quickly while standing on his feet to address or debate anything. We all know Minnis was never possessed of the qualities necessary to be or become a political leader; he could never overcome his many obvious limitations. Hubiggity knew all of this when he observed Minnis maneuvering to fill the leadership role in the opposition and the FNM party shortly after the last general election. But, like a spiteful child, Hubiggity did nothing to prevent the disaster he undoubtedly knew would be coming the FNM's way under the failed leadership of Minnis.

Posted 9 December 2016, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

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