Loretta to be appointed Opposition Leader on Sunday


Tribune Chief Reporter


SHATTERING a political glass ceiling, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner will be appointed as Leader of the Opposition at Government House on Sunday.

Mrs Butler-Turner is poised to become the first woman to serve as Opposition Leader when she receives the Instrument of Appointment from Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling.

The Long Island MP acknowledged the pending appointment, the notice of which followed a “nice and cordial” meeting with Dame Marguerite on Friday morning.

Formerly the FNM’s Deputy Leader, Mrs Butler-Turner’s appointment is the climax to years of bitter infighting over the party’s leadership and the dissatisfaction of its parliamentary caucus with leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

On Wednesday, seven FNM MPs withdrew their support for Dr Minnis in Parliament, and asked Dame Marguerite to appoint Mrs Butler-Turner in his place.

That petition was signed by Mrs Butler-Turner, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins.

At a special meeting on Wednesday night, the FNM leader invited the seven MPs to do the honourable thing and resign from the party or face disciplinary action.

Article 53 of the party’s constitution states that “wherever it shall come to the notice of the executive committee that a member of the party may have acted contrary to the interests of the party, its platform, programmes, policies or principles the executive committee may, at its discretion, cause an investigation to be made.”

Following that investigation, a charge is made against the member, who in turn will have an opportunity to exculpate himself. If the member is unsuccessful in his or her defence, a tribunal will then be called to hear the charge. If the charge is proven, there are three possible punishments: a $100 fine, a suspension period of up to one year, or expulsion from the party.

Since then, several of the signatories on the letter to revoke his appointment as Official Opposition leader in Parliament have said they are declining to quit, with Mr Key insisting that he won’t be “forced out”.

On Friday, Mrs Butler-Turner confirmed that she and her parliamentary colleagues have all received their letters from the party’s disciplinary committee.


TalRussell says...

Comrades! What do you think of the Governor-General's decision to royally screw with the decision making process of a political party's convention delegates?
Is it time sink the British and evict the Governor-General from the taxpayers prime social housing atop Mount Fitzwilliam? But where will we evict the Dame to?
Do you believe had Grandpa Milo still been Governor-General, that he'd sided with the Seven MP's?


Posted 9 December 2016, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Comrade.....Hahahahaha....Where's the Vodka? You must be drunk 24/7 that you think we're in Russia, Comrade.....are you for real? Hahahahaha. Put your whiskey down old man, give your liver a break, soon you and your PLP crew will be forgotten fossils. I say to you my friends, No PLP, No FNM, No DNA, just two Bahamians that will get things done no matter what they call themselves.Loretta-Butler-Turner for Prime Minister of the Bahamas, the muscles, and the brains.
Branville McCartney Deputy Prime Minister of the Bahamas and Crime Prevention (This guy is pissed, criminals killed his brother and ran him over with his own truck; you do that is Sicily and you'll be planted like a tree........ upside down).
My street senses tells me these two will make a hell of a team, you have nothing to lose at this point, your country is screwed. Stop listening to the bull$hitter$ of your nation who give you free wine and turkey to distract you with drunkenness and after dinner sleep. Do what your body and soul tells you to do, stop allowing puppet clowns like Christie, Bradley, Mitchell.....and let's not forget woman slapper Miller con you into what you should do. Please keep your heads up high my friends, they are terrified that 1,000 people showed up for that march; what a great number that is for the first time. Every one at that march now needs to bring three more people in their name for the second march. And we see and feel the PLP's arrogance by advising the media their going to march on the same day we are. In great numbers all in PLP propaganda gear they say(Oooo....I'm shaking); maybe we'll get to see how good that Chinese made riot gear really is. My friends, bring everyone you know to that second march, make it a party, tell your friends you'll pay for the booze. Do whatever you have too, get them the hell out of bed, go to their jobs and kidnap the hell out of them, but do whatever you have too, get them there! God bless you all, and march against your oppressors the PLP who are showing fear to the pissed off people!

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Tal me thinks you are perhaps frightened that the only way the PLP could retain power is sinking into the swamp of corruption and ineptitude your beloved party has inflicted on this sad land. LBT may be able to make a deal with Bran. You and yours will have to face an election with out a divided opposition. If so you will be slaughtered at the poles.

Posted 10 December 2016, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

You think the GG had a choice hey? The majority of the minority voted to remove Minnis. GG had no choice.

Posted 9 December 2016, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade I am not sure that the GG's decision was wrong but I'm damn sure her decision went against the will of 410 convention delegates where the support for Loretta was tepid at best.They did not like that woman at all.
The GG might not have realized it but for starters, Loretta can kiss Long Island, Freeport & all Grand Bahama, Abaco, Montagu and St. Anne's, good bye..

Posted 9 December 2016, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Tal, you do realise that the matter was only a formality -- Dame Margueritte has no option in the matter. She is merely serving as the Queen's representative in the Bahamas. She has absolutely no say in the matter at all.

How about Dr. Minnis do the "honourable thing" and resign? The vast majority of the elected FNM MPs have declared no confidence in his leadership of the party and of the Opposition -- this should be a clue as to his leadership abilities.

I can tell you one thing -- I have always voted FNM, but if Minnis stands for the Kilarney seat, I will vote independent or not at all. He has done NOTHING for our district and is a whole lot of hot air and can't even speak coherently for the most part. What a delusional loser!

Posted 9 December 2016, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

If you ever wonder if you can support a military coup if it was to ever happen in the Bahamas. There you go. Coup have those oppose and those who support. You are basically saying the hell with the process as long as it gratifies those you support.

Posted 9 December 2016, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

DEDDIE, you'd be far more credible if you could write coherently. You must be Minnis' speech writer!

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

The "Treacherous 7" are all guilty of Treason against our Nation and should be be "locked up" and have their rights of Citizenship revoked so as to ensure the future of our democracy, which would have surely come to an end if this Coup d'état had entailed the manipulation of a military in subverting the Will of the People.

Posted 9 December 2016, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Not a friend of B. Roberts - but this time he was right: Democracy can be messy at times, and most of the times it is for the Good of a Country.

Posted 10 December 2016, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I wish people would stop reporting this asinine move as some big historical accomplishment

Posted 9 December 2016, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

If anyone ain't for they could carry they ask no questions !!!!

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

This is going to be interesting. If is gamble doesn't work then the FNM will burn like a dumpster fire in hell.

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

I don't see why everyone is so upset. This is the way both the PLP and the FNM agreed it should be.

Read the Constitution that they both negotiated and agreed to in 1973.

The GG has followed the wishes that LO and Cecil put in place. No one has tried to change it or even mentioned it.

Because they were silent for the last 45 years one can only conclude that the politicians are happy with our Constitution as it is.

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Everyone is upset because she lost multiple times, cannot accept it, is acting like a spoilt child , is causing total confusion and has turned the country's eyes away from the absolute failur if s government. Who knows what desk they sterling now behind our backs.

Posted 10 December 2016, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"Who knows what *deals* they're concocting now behind our backs"

Posted 10 December 2016, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

ThisisOurs, we are merely outsiders looking in. Politics is not a game for the weak at heart. Minnis could be a two faced person who makes himself look good to the public and behind closed doors he could be a tyrant. But whatever our stance are on this latest move by the seven, we need not use emotions in our reasoning. The hardcore fact is that the majority of the FNMs in the HOA were NOT satisfied with Minnis' performance. Therefore, the majority had a right to oust him out as leader of the opposition. Nothing rebellious about that! They did not break any law! Sure we can argue that what they did was not ethical or wrong etc.... We can debate on this until the cows come home. But we must conclude that they acted within their rights. We must remember that we live in a democracy. Majority rules! The act of removing a leader by a no confidence vote was not put in the constitution to just sit there. It was meant to be carried out whenever members felt it was necessary to do so and they did.

Further, we as Bahamians always complain about how we need change yet we become weak when changes come in a form or fashion that we are not used to. Please look at the world outside of this sandbox and you will see that the whole political climate is changing. I think Bahamians biggest problem is that we look at everything from a religious perspective, This is the reason why we are so backwards as a country.

Posted 10 December 2016, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Listen, I looking for a saviour too. I don't think Minnis will cut it. Even given that I have had it with Loretta's antics

Posted 10 December 2016, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

No one disputes that LBT is a big politician with a big loud mouth, but these qualities alone do not make her suitable for any kind of effective leadership role in Bahamian politics today or tomorrow. LBT's innate political instincts are insufficient in relation to her over-sized ego and grandiose sense of entitlement to one day sit on the high throne of Bahamian politics. But she deserves no coronation by Bahamian voters given that she is clearly unable and/or unwilling to achieve anything substantial in the political arena by well thought out reasoning combined with shear power of political persuasion and popular appeal. Time and time again we have seen her resort to instigating disruption in an effort to compensate for her intellectual limitations and unstable emotions. The last thing we need now is a political leader who is much more similar to Minnis than she would like to think, especially when it comes to holding grudges, having way too many axes to grind and possessing great fondness for the more destructive skullduggery aspects of yesterday's style of politics. LBT must be knocked off of her fleeting momentary high perch for the sake of a better Bahamas tomorrow for all Bahamians.

Posted 10 December 2016, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What he said.

Posted 10 December 2016, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Over sized ego? Grandiose sense of entitlement? This is Ours, pray tell me what P.M. who has ever served in this country, did not have both those attributes, to the A-Bomb level. This sounds like typical woman bashing to me. It's OK for our current P.M. and his minions to act like God Almighty and to ignore even a passing glance to democratic principles, but dare a women put her hat in the ring for leadership, and she's a "loud mouth" incompetent. So Dr. Minnis is what, small of ego? Give me a break.

Posted 10 December 2016, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

The statement was made by Well_mudda_take_sic, not ThisisOurs

Posted 10 December 2016, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

"Tarzan", how in the hell are you ever going to find "Jane" if you don't know which vine in the jungle you should be swinging on ??!!!!

Posted 10 December 2016, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! It is not hearsay that things have just gotten more complicated with the appointment of Loretta as the red party's leader via a Coup de théâtre. It is not just street and islander talk that even before the Coup, Loretta and the other Six-Coup's MP's were completely unacceptable to their own party's core of supporters but they also faced rejection by their constituents....But it has gotten more difficult for the party to remain a serious 2017 General contender, as it certainly will complicate matters going forward when your leader is not only unacceptable to the red party's core members and supporters... but perhaps well on her way to being rejected by the rest of The Bahamaland....including the good constituents of Long Island.
How can your new leader be expected to "unite" a deeply fractured party when she is well versed in the backstabbing art as the chief obstacle to party unity.
Looking back at Loretta's past political resume it may be too much for any red shirt to come to grips with the reality that Her Excellency the Right Honourable Governor-General, hath not installed the long sought-after Joshua but "Joshauna" as your leader. The search for the red party's "Joshua," hath just began.
Certainly it is clear dealing with Loretta that she will soon be as quickly on her way out of the leadership... cause you can expect early-on hear lots more about ‘I’ Loretta and less about "We" The Party.
The Governor-General sure as hell missed the royal boat if she thinks Loretta is really the one to safeguard the red party as the best possible opposition option as the official loyal government-in-waiting.


Posted 10 December 2016, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Hey Comrade Russia........where's my drink, it's not good to drink alone you know; depression will get ya. But don't worry disillusioned friend, the good people of the Bahamas are working on making the PLP an extinct dinosaur so you and others don't have to drink as much to forget about life here. I would put my life on the line that Bahamian women are stronger than the Bahamian men, anyone up for the challenge, and a bet; I have make money in everything a do. Look at that great Bahamian woman in the photo my friend Comrade Russia has supplied for us. "Don't Touch me", God O Mighty, is that my grandmother's spirt it her body, is LTB Sicilian? My beloved Grandmother (God rest her mean ass soul) beat the crap out of a teacher that called me a half breed in 1969; I'm Cuban/Sicilian, she was 100% Sicilian. The reason LTB is bad mouthed by the bull$hitter$ of your nation is because she wasn't able to fulfill all her promises to the people, but who's really at fault here? Who has control over the money, and who are the ones that see her not as an equal, who, you know who. It is by one of God's miracles that she is even allowed in Parliament because she is a woman. But I tell my friends, give her the power and tell me honestly if you think she is going to put up with bull$hitter$ the like's of Christie, Bradley, Mitchell, and woman slapper Miller. I would give Miller any amount of money if he had the balls a real man has to go 15 minutes in the ring with my girl Loretta......I can just see the headlines......."Miller Knocked out in the first 3 minutes".......LOL! God bless you all my Bahamian friends, please don't allow the PLP or anyone to discourage you from your goals. Keep your heads up high towards the heavens, and march against your oppressors the PLP!

Posted 10 December 2016, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Look at that photo....LOL....even the police officer doesn't want to go near Loretta....he's calling for more back up.....LOL.....you go girl!

Posted 10 December 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

The Only Politician on the Horizon that can take on a leadership role after The Christie Empire went down in Flames is LBT. Lets face it, like her or not. She is loud, opinionated, powerful, a Woman, and I'd say the least tainted by the rampant corruption in our land. So not the worst choice. As to Minnis - he found his Brutus, clearly he overdid it a long time ago as Cesar. This is for the best of the Bahamas.

Posted 10 December 2016, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal


The Governor General was correct in her actions as she was simply abiding by the constitutional provisions in place to remove/appoint a Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. The "rebels" correctly followed constitutional procedures in place since 1973.
Had the GG not adhered to their request given they had followed the constitution procedures then there would be a problem of the GG not acting according to the Constitution. But, in this matter all parties acted constitutionally. The system works.
It now becomes an internal FNM matter. And the electorate will have the final say in 2017.

Posted 10 December 2016, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! As for the stopping the decision GG, that was never the point. Still I would be shocked to discover she proceeded to give the royal nod to the Seven-signatories Coup de théâtre, without first conferring with Minnis and The House Speaker Kendal Major.
Certainly it is clear that the GG, was not about to be replacing a weak leader who was already on the way out. Minnis was not the one on his way out and who had been rejected as recently as on July 30, 2016, by a majority of the red party's convention delegates, whose moods at convention delivered a clear message that they didn't want a damn thing further to do with the MP for Long Island. Did the GG, not want to invite Long Islander's up to Mount Fitzwalliam for a GG to constituents chat?
This urgency to make a decision by the GG, makes no royal sense. The business of People's Honourable House of Assembly was not going to come to a sudden halt, had she not installed Loretta as a thorn in the side the red party... to have taken her sweet time to measure twice before she cut Minnis loose as leader.

Posted 10 December 2016, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Everyone said Reagan was going to fail ......... he didnt .......... everyone said that Obama had no chance ......... he won ........... Pindling called Ingraham a 'delivery boy' ..... and he delivered ........... Trump was taken for a joke ......... he won ........ Why do you think that Loretta cannot be a successful Leader????????? .......... yall stop being so shallow-minded

Posted 10 December 2016, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Instinct has long said that LBT is elegant, strong, articulate; a winner who will be a great leader.

Good things are in store for the Bahamas. LBT likely will be the leader who brings them about.

Posted 11 December 2016, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

The law of the land has been followed.

Just as the law of the land was followed with the last referendum.

Now let us see what LBT can do.

Unlike Minnis four years ago she is starting with a number of people against her.

Minnis showed he had no ability to lead other than a small group of old and feeble minded counsel members. Even those who do not like LBT have admitted in their blogs that Minnis was not a leader.

Posted 10 December 2016, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Loretta 7 ......... Minnis 3 .......... Moss 1 ......... Do the Math ....... Who will shape the upcoming election discourse??????? PLP backbenchers 6????

Posted 10 December 2016, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The PLP will shape it by their malfeasance and mismanagement. It ain't hard. BEC, garbage collection, crown land, energy reform, corruption, campaign reform, jobs, Alfred Grey, Chinese, hospital, education. **Loretta does not automatically become a leader because Minnis isn't, she can talk and fight unlike Minnis, she just sucks in different ways**. That analysis is like choosing between Shane , Brave or Dorsett for PM. You're screwed either way, bush crack treasury gone.

Posted 11 December 2016, 6:37 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

I am asking Trib242 to revoke Tal Russell credentials. These are serious damned times and he just Jivin now. He want Minnis cuz they could cut his ass any day and twice on Sunday.

Posted 10 December 2016, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 10 December 2016, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade MonkeeDoo, I'd've bet you better than number's man's odds that you couldn't have named the elusive "official animal" of The Bahamaland, that for generations has captured the hearts, minds and stomachs of many a Bahamalander? A wild animal many consider be mythological cause it is rarely seen in the wild?
MonkeeDoo, give the the correct answer and I'll donate $25 to Loretta's campaign in your name?
............And much thanks the acknowledgment of me being an Credentialed Tribune Blogger.

Posted 10 December 2016, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

CHICKCHARNIE - Bring the $25.00 to Mt. Fitzwilliam at 3:00 PM tomorrow. I will be wearing a Fedora and dark Gucci shades. We can just nod - no talk or anything to close !

Posted 10 December 2016, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade, not even a distant relative species but if I did meet you, I would expect recognize you by the flowers you will carry.

Posted 10 December 2016, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Fedora and dark Gucci shades? So that was you out by the old forward scatter antennas at Delaport Point? Why didn't you say something?

We coulda gone over to Gambier, a few drinks, plot strategy.

Next time maybe. Will be back in Nassau sooner than later.

Posted 11 December 2016, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Whoever takes over The Bahamas next year will not be sitting on a throne ....... He/She must be willing to roll up some sleeves and get down in the trenches and re-write the development plan to save this country ........ it must begin with freeing the colonies (Family Islands) of its master (Nassau) ......... that is the only chance we have of surviving now ....... federalize this country and privatize the management of Nassau City bounded by the Harbour, Nassau Street, Wulff Road and Village Road and set up Local Government to manage the rest of New Providence into four or five Districts ............ The islands must become self-sufficient and develop their own niche economies

Posted 10 December 2016, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

The island with the biggest deficit is New Providence. Fiscal responsibility would solve that.

Posted 10 December 2016, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Good news my friends, my Bahamian friend who lives on the Big island of Hawaii said in an e-mail today that he is going to send me a copy of his electrical bill so the Bahamian people can see how the PLP is ripping them off everyday for the past 40 years. He tells me to keep in mind that Hawaii is the most expensive state for electricity in the USA, and is the most isolated place in distance in the world; you will be able to compare what it should really cost you in price by comparison. I'll paste it as soon as I receive it, he also told me that starting in 2010, every new home being built in the state of Hawaii had to have a solar water heater; it's the law, and can not be disputed. He also told me he put a timer on his refrigerator to cut back on energy cost, the water heater also has a timer, but only is turned on when there is no sun. He told me you people won't believe his bills, even the electric company couldn't believe it he said. But my Bahamian friend is a genus, he works as the airport control tower operator , and thousands of tourist put their lives in his hands everyday; I am proud to call him my friend.....see you soon.

Posted 10 December 2016, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Hawaiians survive off government welfare ........ did he tell you that too?????

Posted 10 December 2016, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Sheeprunner12....Are you a PLP spy, or misinformed? I'm right now texting with him, he says ask him any questions you want about Hawaii. The Hawaiian people work just as hard as anybody else he says, they own their own land and businesses he says. But since they are Hawaiian, and he says you also have to prove you have a certain percentage of Hawaiian blood to qualify in the eyes of the courts. But if you are Hawaiian the tax breaks are unbelievable he says, they pay $1.00 dollar a year on property taxes if it's leased land, any size he says; yes believe it or not,ONE DOLLAR. But if it's Fee Simple land, he says it doesn't matter who you are, you pay regular taxes with great exemptions according to your age. He says when he has more time he'll send his property taxes so you come to your own conclusions. He's leaving in ten more minutes, but says ask him anything you want and I'll relate it to you, now or later.

Posted 10 December 2016, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

Yall who are saying give Loretta a chance. Ok - I agree. Now, how does she get control of the party from Minnis. No time for convention. Any ideas?

Posted 10 December 2016, 8:23 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Loretta and Branville must both show up at the march on January 9th, let the people decide who they want, if it's going to happen, it's going to happen there on that date. And if the rest of them don't show up because they don't want change, FNM, or DNA, they will be left out in the rain if the march continues to overpower all of them; it already has overpowered the PLP. I believe the people have started a fire that now continues to grow, the people have finally realized they are the power. I want you to know I am so proud of you all that went to that march, they try to down play it. But I tell you, there was at least 1,000 or more proud Bahamians at the march and no one can tell me otherwise; that's a hell of a start my friends, and they know it too. Now every person that went to that march needs to bring three more people in their name. And those three people have to also bring three more people in their name. Turn it into a peaceful party, treat them by buying the booze, but get them to come with you. God bless you all my friends, keep your spirts high, and march like Bahamian warrior ants against the oppressing entity known as the PLP.

Posted 10 December 2016, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The miscalculation here is that the people want Loretta or Bran. Loretta wants Loretta.

Posted 11 December 2016, 6:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade ThisIsOurs, the miscalculation being made by others is that a woman who illegally parks her government plated car in a parking space designated exclusively for Disabled Drivers, would have any interest in joining in with the “We March Bahamas” protesters who have promised to stage their march to the People's Honourable House of Assembly on January 9, 2017. It remains a weak possibility even if they allow her "drive the march's route" to the House?

Posted 11 December 2016, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Bull$hit!.......Loretta doesn't trust any on them, would you if you were a woman in a man's world? She is going to take her time making the right choices in who she picks for her administration; and that's what I would do also if I was looked down upon for so many years as she has. I wouldn't trust any of you F er's, where the hell is our $800 Million dollars in VAT Christie?! I sure as hell don't see new roads, I don't see renovated buildings, I don't see manicured landscapes, I don't see smokeless skies, I see litter being picked up! But you know what I see, I see you living of the fat on the land, I see you in $2,000 dollar business suits, I see you wearing gold Rolex watches, I see you driven around town like you were some king of king, guards and all; that's what I see! Where the F is our money you crook?!

Posted 11 December 2016, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

I wish my friend didn't send me his electric bill, because now really pissed! March, march, march, until every PLP member is history! My friend told me he replaced every light bulb in the house with LEDs one at a time, one every month so to afford it. He also says the reason why December is the highest month on the bill is because of the old style X-Mas lights; this year he bought LED X-Mas lights. He's a genus I tell, Mr. Miller, you say Black Bahamians are stupid in this video recording.....https://www.youtube.com/w….... I am a half breed White Cuban/Sicilian and proud to let the World know my best friend is a GENUS black Bahamian....so you go F off! Two and half more weeks here and I'll be living that life with him in Hawaii, thank you Lord. God bless you my friends, I hope this evidence my friend has shared with us gives of strengthen and hope. Keep your heads up high towards the heavens, I'll share with you anything else my friend sends me, and march like army ants against your oppressors the PLP on January 9th!


Posted 10 December 2016, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Instinct has long said LBT is strong, articulate, undaunted, decent; a good leader who likely will work well with many to bring about good developments for the Bahamas.

Congratulations to MP Butler-Turner.

Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasota Key, FL
11 DEC, '16

Posted 11 December 2016, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades in the coming days and weeks as this Coup de théâtre starts to fall apart we bloggers must be on the lookout for bloggers who will just make stuff up. They are masters in the art of Fake Facts. There remains still lots questions to be asked about the unnamed behind the scenes money and political shakers sources pulling the strings of the Seven-players Coup de théâtre. The Seven will attempt to take over the Supreme Council of the red party to install their lapdogs in control over the party's instruments. It will be interesting development to get to watch both Loretta and Minnis, standing up in the House - each proclaiming that they are the one and only true spokesman's or spokeswoman's for the red party? That as we blog it is expected by Loretta that Minnis, will have already cleaned out his personal things from "HER" leader official loyal opposition office - located across from the House. What a tangled, messy, sticky mess the Seven have cast upon the loyal members and supporters red party.

Posted 11 December 2016, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Are you suggesting I'm a FAKE BLOGGER Comrade Russia, please stop letting the whiskey do the talking for you. Go sleep off your hangover first, clear your mind first my friend before you talk. My Bahamian friend is in Hawaii, and I have his back here where he can't defend himself, so you have something to get off your back, meet me somewhere like a man. He was born and raised on Grand Bahama, his family is well known on the island, they own a couple of bed and breakfast businesses. We went to college together in NYC and he is now the control tower operator on the Big Island of Hawaii. He is a genus and a gentleman, he is willing to sharing his personal life with us so we can make a comparison in island living cost and your putting him down; you are 100% PLP, always against their own people, ripping us off in everything you do, your days are numbered my friend. Did you see his electric bill Comrade Russia, do you think that's fake, let me see your evidence of the great work you think the PLP has done. You are just another PLP member who has realized that their time of pillaging is about to end, the cookie jar will soon have a MASTER lock on it.

Posted 11 December 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Oh well!

Posted 11 December 2016, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Wow, you really are high as hell, what other stuff do you take?

Posted 11 December 2016, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Seven Dissident MPs have two things in common ........ their distrust of Minnis and their dislike of the PLP administration ........... that should help them fashion an effective Opposition for the next 4-5 months .......... Beyond that, it is anyone's guess right now ....... I hope for a broader coalition ........... LBT may just be the sacrificial lamb in the bigger political scheme (despite the fact that many Bahamians think that she is overambitious, disloyal and devious)

Posted 11 December 2016, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Let me clarify these words, because their being used to mislead.
(Sacrificial Lamb).....Because the opposition knows LBT is the only treat to them for another 5 years of pillaging the people's money; they need to get rid of her, she is the one you've been waiting for.
(Overambitious).....yes, but on behalf of the Bahamian people. Do you want an unambitious leader like you have now, no you don't, you want someone who has a dream and a goal.; unlike vomit Christie.
(Disloyal and Devious)......Yeah, but against who, the crooks that are robbing you blind. Do the police show loyalty and respect to the thieves they catch, hell no! Everyone who she has disrespected deserved it ten times over.
I love the way you misuse words against your own people, Comrade Russia and Sheeprunner12, did you also help Trump win the election?

Posted 11 December 2016, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade SheepRunner13, you only “think” people have pointed questions for the Seven-Coup de theater MP players?
Begin by not attempting to bypass posing your questions directly to the good people of Long Island. Now, you and I just may have uncovered the reason why Jesus told them…"A wanna-be ‘Joshea’ is honored everywhere except on her own island and among her constituents.”
This is like’s our very own Sunday Tribune Blogger’s Bible Study…But don't let this nonsense of Loretta get's the best your common sense cause it going be a short-live Coup and she is a far cry from God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?
If you after Five-Years, you can't resell your services to the good people of Long Island....what makes you think you will appeal to the broader good people across The Bahamaland?
Fact is, 78.89% Long Islanders will tell you that Minnis has done nothing to assist with the declining support Loretta continues to suffer under on Long Island. She managed to accomplish it all without Minnis's help...and all via her uncontrolled quest to take over the red party. Her one and only ambition since Papa Hubert was run from governing back in 2012.

Posted 11 December 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Your hands must be shaking Comrade Russia, It's "Sheeprunner12", not 13. Maybe you need another shot of whiskey to stop the hands from shaking.

Posted 11 December 2016, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Is Loretta now saying just when the party were showing positive signs of creeping up on the PLP governing party, she decides it's time to bust the leadership of Minnis....Or could it be that "commercial interests" decided that if they didn't start "shooting the messenger Minnis" now, before he could gain even more ground on the PLP, that the execution for such an act of treason against the 410 convention delegates, may become all but impossible. Comrades, you'd be hard pressed justify what and whom are behind the Coup de théâtre?
What is Loretta's opinion on the newly recruited Montagu, Saint Anne's & South Beach red party's candidates?

Posted 11 December 2016, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Comrade Russia, you smoke crack too don't you? You seem to be a good hearted guy, just drunk and high all the time. The Bible is the only thing that will help you quit your human additions you know. Get some help and I promise when your straight you will see the PLP in a different light. I'll even pray in your name as you seek the good Lord's help. I hope God knows who I'm taking about in my prayers when I use the name " Comrade Russia".

Posted 11 December 2016, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

My Bahamian friend just texted me saying he pays no more than $750 a year on House insurance including hurricane, so why is it so expensive in the Bahamas he questions? He says, why if the USA can give it's people in the most isolated place in the world pretty reasonable prices on living, why can't the Bahamas do the same as their only tens of miles away from Florida? I say it's all intentional on the part of the PLP, they go into office as middle classed citizens, and come out millionaires; easy mathematics my friends. He says he's going to e-mail a copy of his insurance policy when he can so Comrade Russia and Sheeprunner12 won't question his honesty.....lol....Not only is my friend a genus, but he also has a hell of a sense of humor, a true Bahamian at heart I say; God bless him. Actually God has blessed him already, he makes ten times what I make, owns two properties in Hawaii, one in Turks and Caicos, is partners is his family's business on Grand Bahama, and owns one property in upscale Westchester Country New York; God has definitely blessed him.

Posted 11 December 2016, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Now that is a real serious question for Bahamians ....... insurance companies in The Bahamas are even worst than the predatory banks

Posted 12 December 2016, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

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