Minnis: FNM will produce 1,000 entrepreneurs a year


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, during a rally Wednesday night, promised that when he is prime minister he will produce a minimum of 1,000 entrepreneurs a year.

“Imagine each one (of those entrepreneurs) hiring a minimum of two individuals, which equates to 3,000 jobs per year,” he said.

Although the best received parts of his speech from the crowd of several hundred were attacks on the “rebel seven” parliamentarians who ousted him last week as leader of the Official Opposition, Dr Minnis discussed policies as well, including his frequent promise to create inner-city tax free zones.

“Why should it be easier for a foreigner to get your Crown land than you who deserve it? We will fix the Crown land system. You will receive your Crown land,” Dr Minnis said.

“We will ensure that taxi and bus license plates are given to those who deserve it - no more leasing, no more economic slavery. Why should politicians or cronies own these plates yet have no taxis or buses, and for you, our young people, to pay them $4,000 per week? This must stop.

“We will (also) introduce anti-corruption legislation with an independent director of public prosecutions with no oversight by the attorney general. Only the director will be able to issue a nolle prosequi.”

The FNM also unveiled its energy plans Wednesday night.

Dr Minnis said the party would end notorious blackouts, however he did not elaborate.

Meanwhile, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells said the FNM would “spark a comprehensive energy revolution the likes of which has never before been seen”.

He said thousands of jobs will be created, “countless” businesses will spring up, the country’s carbon footprint will be reduced and “Bahamians will spend less money for energy”.

Mr Wells said a FNM government would create a National Infrastructure Fund funded in part by the government but mainly by Bahamians and foreigners.

An energy council will be appointed to implement new energy policies, he said, adding that the government will grant incentives and tax concessions to “publicly traded alternative energy companies that offer services in the areas of assembly, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy sources, as well as provide energy audits, to encourage the development of a robust renewable energy sector”.

Despite the policy focus, most speakers during the FNM’s rally attacked the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

At times, some, like former FNM Senator Frederick McAlpine, attacked the “rebel seven”.

“The FNM isn’t going to let anybody believe they could literally slap us as they may be accustomed to, or bully us like children on a playground while trying to hijack the organisation that they have no legacy in,” he said in a likely reference to Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner and other dissident MPs. “Now in all fairness, they have legacy in a national apolitical party but this isn’t the one. Now the crew who attempted to hijack the organisation are well within their means constitutionally to do what they’ve done in the Parliament. You can speak until the cow jump over the moon, just remember when you speak, you don’t speak on behalf of the Free National Movement.”


Naughtydread says...

Pipe dreams

Posted 16 December 2016, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

LOL - Want to give us an insight into how that's going to work Minnis? Or do politicians just get to declare anything they want now without any real plan?

"Free KFC and Guiness for everyone!"


Posted 16 December 2016, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Rhetoric says...

Some bold initiatives

He has put daylight between him and all other parties
Here ends the notions of the FNM having no plan
Here ends the notions of the FNM expecting people to vote for them to get back at the PLP

Some bold initiatives

Posted 16 December 2016, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

How about supporting the many entrepreneurs already out there? How about cutting red tape and making it easier to do business?

Honestly, every time Minnis opens his mouth, it's clear that nobody is home in that thick head of his. Dr. Minnis, who exactly is going to pay for your idiotic scheme?

Posted 16 December 2016, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

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