Monday, December 19, 2016
EDITOR, The Tribune.
2016 is, mercifully, drawing to a close and we who are privileged to leap into 2017 will be witnesses to history even as it continues to unfold. This year was a challenging one for many of us. The economy, while improving, is still not ticking on four cylinders. Crime is trending down but still too high.
Many families have ‘lost’ homes due to any number of factors. The political directorate, across the board, is still grappling with issues which are no brainers but they lack the will power: capital punishment and Crown Land come readily to mind. It has long been my unshakeable position that we have not advanced, as individuals or a people, to our full potential. 2017 must be different.
It does not really matter now because within a matter of days, 2016 will be history. What matters is that we have a badly splintered opposition led by claimants and delusional pretenders to non-existent thrones who are practitioners of political deception. A few short weeks ago, the FNM was said to be united with the public embrace between Dr Minnis and his female Brutus.
Rollins, that political prostitute of the highest order (next to Renward ‘LOI’ Wells) was singing the praises and hosannas of Minnis in July. This is now December and Rollins, clearly is still shell shocked from that back handed slap rendered by his now ‘leader’. This public jockeying for political power is so clear that it is no longer funny. Rollins, like an old rag doll, is being toted towards getting shafted, soon.
A man who was unable to win re-election for a safe seat back in 2012, despite his bogus and nauseating claim to have “talents which were not being utilised”, has now been jettisoned into the Senate as Leader of Opposition Business. What a beautiful title, even if it really means nothing except a bone thrown to him by his latest leader. Is this the same individual who wants to become Prime Minister? My God, what a pathetic crew of misfits! They are all a gang of selfish prima donnas.
They all want to be Kings; Queens and, of course, Knaves. Thrones are being created in their collective imagination even as you read this article. Edison Key (I hope that he’s recovered medically and out of hospital) said the other day that Minnis offered him the Consulate in Miami in return for stepping aside in South Abaco. Key said that only a “knave” would have done that to him.
Mind you, at the rate Dr No is going now it is highly unlikely that he will ever become Prime Minister of our wonderful nation. Minnis and his crew have withdrawn the FNM’s nomination from Loretta for Long Island. One lil jokey fellow, long a sycophant of Dr No, despite his protestations to the contrary, is poised to accept that nomination. It is clear that the Minnis led rump FNM is scraping the very bottom of the swamp to come up with credible candidates.
It does not really matter. The PLP will reclaim Long Island in 2017. That island has played around with the FNM for far too long and has gotten nothing except shaving cream. Loretta was no different. Jimmy Knowles, God bless his soul, tried but he was shackled by political realities. Long Island, however, has been neglected for too long by successive governments. The residents there are Bahamians just like the rest of us and they deserve better in 2017.
The game of Thrones has begun and the political deceivers are now crawling and creeping out of the wood works. The juveniles in the opposition forces are incapable of leadership on a national scale. In fact, they all seem to be cannibals’ man eaters and giant slayers of old. The job is, therefore, left to the great Progressive Liberal Party to get on with the business of the people.
The PM and his administration is to be commended and congratulated on finally securing a deep pocket and internationally recognised buyer for Baha Mar. Some complain about “the timing” but who gives a rat’s foot? It is always better late than never, especially for the thousands of unemployed Bahamians who have been waiting, with bated breath, for this development to open up.
We are about the business of the people while the rest of them are jonsing for thrones and dealing with political deception. In January, 2017 expect to see us roll out more progressive national public policy initiatives. They talk about “shock and awe” well they have not seen anything yet. Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and, please, anticipate, a Happy New Year. To God then, in all things, be the glory.
December 18, 2016.
themessenger says...
It would surely be a mercy if both Daily's would refrain from printing your drivel.
There is one small truth to be found however "It has long been my unshakeable position that we have not advanced, as individuals or a people" I can't argue with that.
For you of all people to label someone "political prostitute of the highest order" is laughable,
after all who has a nose browner than yours?
The Game of Thrones has indeed begun and the great political deceivers, the PLP's that you now so slavishly support, time of honoring and enriching themselves at the Bahamian peoples expense will soon be over.
The PM and his administration have indeed succeeded in securing, for their own bottomless pockets, a deep pocketed buyer for Baha Mar and as for the "the thousands of unemployed Bahamians who have been waiting, with bated breath, for this development to open up'' they must have been overjoyed at the sight of hundreds of Chinese sneaking into the country like Nicodemus in the night obviously with the blessing of the PM and our Honorable Minister of Immigration.
As to rolling out more "progressive" National Public Policy Initiatives, prepare yourself for your thieving Band of Brothers to be rolled out in 2017.
To God then, in all things, be The Glory.
Posted 19 December 2016, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal
Emac says...
LOL..What a rebuttal!
Posted 19 December 2016, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal
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