Galanis tells marchers: Priority goes to majority rule celebration


Tribune Chief Reporter

FORMER Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP Philip Galanis yesterday warned organisers of We March Bahamas not to “kid themselves” in attempting to align or equate their campaign narrative to the country’s achievement of Majority Rule.

Taking a stance on the drama unfolding around the historic holiday, Mr Galanis added that it was senseless to “cloud or confuse” the significance of Majority Rule Day with the group’s protest on national issues.

He declared that January 10, 1967, was second only to emancipation from slavery in 1834 and the attainment of Independence in 1973, all of which were sacrosanct.

“I think primacy or preference ought to be given to organisers of Majority Rule Day, because it is like a day unlike any other day in Bahamian history,” Mr Galanis told The Tribune.

“And also the We March people, while I fully respect their rights to protest, congregate and march as much as they wish, they can do that any other place or day other than what is being planned.”

Mr Galanis was responding to questions on the announcement by We March organisers that they will lead a march in downtown Nassau and occupy areas surrounding Rawson and Parliament Squares despite having their request for a permit rejected by the Cabinet Office.

In a post on Facebook this week, lead organiser Ranard Henfield revealed that the Cabinet Office on Wednesday rejected the group’s application to protest in Rawson and Parliaments Squares because the “event conflicts with another event” already booked for that date. The group has titled its march and demonstration, “United People Day”.

Mr Henfield, in a press statement yesterday, termed the latest development a petty, borderline desperate attempt to subvert the democratic expression of the people. Calling on supporters to wear all black and bring placards, Mr Henfield said the We March event will begin at 10am at a location to be announced on January 9.

“From there, we will peacefully proceed to Bay Street where we will silently occupy the areas surrounding Rawson and Parliament Squares to advance the people’s demands for progress and herald the inevitable tsunami of change that is coming to sweep over this Bahamaland,” Mr Henfield said. “The We March movement increasingly strikes fear in the hearts of those who seek to maintain the status quo as they slowly awake to the realisation that they have no weapon strong enough to hold back a ‘freedom movement’ that has been born of the people and is energised by a commitment to unity rather than division.”

He continued: “We will stand up for our rights and this 50th anniversary of Majority Rule will witness a ‘United People’ march without fear of petty politics and political mischief as we demand better governance by the people we put in power. We ask the Church, the business community, the police, the opposition parties and candidates along with the members of Parliament who place the Bahamian people above party politics to stand with the Bahamian people on January 10 as we exercise our constitutional rights.”

The group’s first demonstration on November 25 - ‘Black Friday’ - saw just over 1,000 protesters march from Arawak Cay to Rawson Square singing the Bahamian national anthem and chanting things like “the power of the people is better than the people in power”. A large group also occupied Rawson Square for 12 hours as part of the protest, with scores of people remaining until the end.

Given that the Black Friday march was also billed as a silent protest, it is unlikely that demonstrators will be able to occupy the surrounding areas without clashing with ongoing celebrations.

Mr Galanis said he understood that We March organisers strategically chose the holiday in a bid to draw the most attention to their cause, but felt that their efforts would seem more transparent and successful if they rescheduled the event for a different day.

“They should be respectful of that day; that’s symptomatic of a level of disrespect that is inexcusable,” Mr Galanis said. “It seems to me they are attempting this, on a day that should be cherished, for their own personal selfish political ends. I would say they should not be disrespectful. We should be respectful of each other’s right to disagree and the method of protesting things we don’t agree with.”

After parliamentary elections ended in a tie between the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the ruling United Bahamian Party led by Sir Roland Symonette with 18 seats apiece, one Labour MP, Randol Fawkes, sided with the PLP to enable majority rule for the first time in Bahamian history.

While January 10 ushered in the country’s first black premier, later Prime Minister, Sir Lynden Pindling, the political movement began more than two decades prior with the agitation by labourers for equal pay for equal work known as the Burma Road Riots, and incensed by the Women’s Suffrage movement and the 16-day General Strike of 1958. It is also inextricably linked to the formation of the first national political party, the PLP, in 1953.

Yesterday, Mr Galanis also hit out at attempts by march organisers to characterise the commemorative events planned by the government as partisan, or a propaganda exercise for the governing PLP.

“It should not be a partisan celebration,” Mr Galanis said, “it’s a celebration of the country where black and white came together. We all should celebrate, and that has to take precedence over any other march. What they are doing has absolutely nothing to do with Majority Rule, it’s senseless to cloud or confuse the issue.”

Mr Galanis said: “A lot of people don’t have appreciation and significance of this day, it was really the culmination of a long fought battle. Let’s not confuse the issue and let’s not kid ourselves while they have legitimate concerns in the public domain, as opposed to what they’re attempting to achieve.”

An official from the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture advised that a full listing of events planned to commemorate Majority Rule will be released today.


blkisleboy says...

But i thought thats what the black friday march is all about? So that the majority can rule.

Posted 30 December 2016, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

This F-ing ex-PLP fat ass needs to worry more about losing a chin or two before he continues wasting his time insulting the intelligence of the Bahamian people in the media. Just another proof of evidence that these crooked MF-ers stick together even after office, the PLP's corruption retirement plan must be a hell of a good one!

Posted 31 December 2016, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

"Emancipation from slavery in 1834" Where the F**K is my baseball bat! You MF-ing hypocrite triple chin fat ass! You and your greedy PLP bastards have been oppressing your own people with your MF-ing greed since day one of Independence! Your basically asking them, no, your basically trying to force them in celebrate the day of their second bondage into slavery; where the F**K is my baseball bat, I feel like playing baseball to release stress! All you dumb MF-ing PLP F-ups might as well keep your big F-ing loud mouths shut at this point, you are just adding gas to the F-ing rising fire that is going to burn the F**K out of you on Jan.10th!

Posted 31 December 2016, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

The people will decide will decide if the march is appropriate, if they show up then there's your answer...

Posted 30 December 2016, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. . .this man. . .Majority rule day was the task where the people "took by force" the government back from Bradley Roberts and the UBP. . .NOW BRADLEY ROBERTS AND THE PLP TRYING TO STOP THE PEOPLE FROM TAKING THEIR GOVERNMENT BACK FROM THE PLP WHO HAS BECOME UBP II!


Posted 30 December 2016, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

What's so great about a majority of educated people deciding what to do? Would you want to use a bank run by these grass roots people? Would you want to buy a car from a dealership run by these grass roots people? So, why would you celebrate these grass roots D average people deciding what happens to all your taxes, land, currency and services. Makes no sense if you ask me. One thing I would celebrate is the Best Rule Day. If we were ruled by the best people for the job: smartest, honest, honorable. That would be something worth celebrating.

Posted 30 December 2016, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

They have proven inept. . .that educated group have. . .they had 50+ years to proof the pudding. . .then it shows how "good" is your sense. . .yoon making much sense there fella!! Your "rappin" on the D average grass roots as unworthy of any mention. . .when it was your elite who had the "reigns" of power and social engineering for the society and yall ended up with a junk bond, sub par, D-average educated masses, crime ridden nation. . .and you have the "brass" or lacks the cognitive processing skills to say that the masses are not worthy to think themselves out of a wet paper sack! Analyze your reasoning skills in that post above and you will see where the poor functioning of this nation is found. . .you elite!! Lol!

Posted 3 January 2017, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

It is sad that the organization (PLP) that professes to be the protector of this hope, is today the source of much inequality, intolerance, and a violator of economic and social justice.

The all-important elements of the creation of a free, modern, democratic state is lost.
So, the struggle continues for many young freedom and justice loving people. Young Bahamians who see the hopes, of a vibrant future Bahamas to create families and a home, is once again seeming to be a distant dream. Threatened by todays oligarchy who has forgotten the hopes and aspirations of the Majority Rule Movement.

Posted 30 December 2016, 7 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Galanis at one time in the past stood up to SLOP tyranny ......... now he is reinforcing tyranny ........... he should be ashamed of himself ............ Fawkes was the real hero of MRD (he truly represented the common people) .......... the PLP of today is nothing like the original PLP

Posted 30 December 2016, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

He speaks as if this day has been celebrated since 67. They are running scared.

Posted 31 December 2016, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Most Bahamians in our business community over the age of 55 can probably recollect quite well the circumstances under which Galanis was forced to resign in disgrace as the managing partner of the Bahamas branch of the international accounting company now known as Ernst & Young or simply E&Y. There are former customers of E&Y with ties to the State of Arizona that to this day would still love to get their hands on Galanis. In an effort to protect E&Y's international and local business reputation, the global headquarters of E&Y, and the other partners of E&Y in the Bahamas at the time, had to provide the wrongful deeds of Galanis with much secrecy cover. Of course one of the so called "Dissident Seven" knows all about the serious integrity and character issues of Galanis. Because of the secrecy cover, Galanis has been allowed to continue practicing as a licensed public accountant, much to the embarrassment of many of the more senior members of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants. Why he thinks he has a valuable public voice today is not too dissimilar from why someone like Ortland Bodie (Jr.) still thinks he has a valuable public voice, or Rodney Moncur for that matter.

Posted 31 December 2016, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

geoffrey53 says...

Mr. Galanis I think that thou dost protest too much.

Posted 31 December 2016, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

geoffrey53 says...

Mr. Galanis perhaps that thou dost protest too much.

Posted 31 December 2016, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...


Posted 1 January 2017, 2:39 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Good my Bahamian friend, but don't show up alone to the MARCH, bring a friend or family member, and tell them to do the same. Supply the booze turn them on and make it a peaceful party as they supply the body count(Themselves). The more people show up the more power you give yourselves. I would also bring a beach towel, it can be used to cover your eyes, nose and mouth if they decide to tear gas the crowd. Don't react with violence at all cost, this is how they want to discredit the march. All you have to do is lay down on the ground, marchers side by side face down with the beach towel covering your eyes, nose, and mouth; all the RBPF can do at this point is kick you. Now imagine that sight especially in the media, peaceful marchers on the ground protecting themselves from the tear gas as the police kick them when their down and not fighting back; trust me, the World will come to your aid after witnessing an oppressing sight like that! Also four PLP members will be dressed like the rest of you, they will start trouble by challenging the RBPF, or other PLP members supporting their majority rule march. What they want to happen is for the rest of the crowd to come to their aid and join the fight, YOU MUST NOT FIGHT, you have to stay peaceful at all cost, or the March will be discredited. If you see any WE MARCH BAHAMAS member trying to start a fight, those will be the PLP members, don't beat them, just ask them to leave peacefully. The PLP is going to do whatever it has too to keep you in their power, they are depredate and scared to death knowing their hold of power is over! Happy New Year and MARCH united like fire ants on a mission!…

Posted 1 January 2017, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sengli02 says...

That is why Donald Trump got elected. People are sick and tired of the status quo. The Bahamian people need to vote the rift rats out of office.

Posted 1 January 2017, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Unfortunately the existing "well fed" riff raff is likely to be replaced by a new bunch of "hungry greedy" riff raff. Lest we forget, a Bahamian voter today can still be "bought" for less than $100 and Red China is prepared to spend more than $1,000 per voter if need be to ensure the outcome they want to the next general election.

Posted 1 January 2017, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Bahamians have set a new standard .......... pay me to register to vote, then pay me to vote as well ....... this 2017 election will cost the politicians at least $100 million

Posted 1 January 2017, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Ha. This man was the Ernst Young managing partner. He was fired because of impropriety (committing fraud) and the parent company EY USA paid a $3,000,000 (three million dollar) fine because of what he did. The fine was a settlement to make the Department of Justice criminal charges go away against the company.

*Ernst & Young (Bahamas), its former Managing Partner, Philip Galanis; and a current partner, Paul Clarke, are being sued in the United States for their role in an alleged $9.95 million investment fraud.*

*The complaint, which was filed on November 30, 2000 at the U. S. District Court for the District of Arizona, relates to the same events that led to Galanis being fired from Ernst & Young in 1997.*…

This snake should go and hide his head in shame instead of blathering to the newspaper. His ethics and lack of moral compass are reflected in the entire PLP organisation. The PLP is nothing but organised crime -- a rackets ring and Galanis is part of it.

Posted 2 January 2017, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Good work Banker,
The Bahamian people need to use the internet more often to find out about these F-ing thieves for themselves as you are doing Banker; thank you for sharing the information. Now try to find some dirt on LBT, because I can't seem to except for a handicap parking violation. Find out if she was ever involved in any government business deals that money went missing on she shift. Stealing is the most important thing we need to find out about these people running for office; if they steal you can't trust anything they represent. Also, I keep receiving texts and e-mails about information that four PLP members dressed in WE MARCH BAHAMAS T-shirts wearing their famous expensive PLP sunglasses will be starting trouble at the next march. The information is telling me that they will try to start a fight with the RBPF or their PLP members marching at the majority rule march as to coach the crowd to join them; DO NOT FIGHT! This is what they want, for you to show violence and giving them the chance to discredit the march as the World watches. At all cost, stay peaceful, any WE MARCH BAHAMAS member caught trying to start a fight, those will be the PLP spies. God bless you my friends, eight more days and you will set yourselves free from the bondage of the PLP.
"Emancipation from the oppression of the PLP", on January 10th. 2017!

Posted 2 January 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

LBT hasn't had a hand on levers of power. She is an embalmer, a mortician, a stiff-stuffer. Hasn't had the opportunity to drain the public purse.

Posted 3 January 2017, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Sometimes I wonder who is the moron, the politicians or the Bahamian people?

Posted 3 January 2017, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

We March should protest in front of Christie's house. If I am here on the 10th, that is where I will be... right in front of his security camera with my sign. Bernadette, if you are home, please come out and say hi. It will be nice to catch up.

Posted 3 January 2017, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Majority Rule? What a joke! The PLP is all about MINORITY rule.

Posted 3 January 2017, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

So banker you can't find any dirt on her either, I thought so. All you can do is assume she will steal if given the chance, thinking like that will never help your country move forward. What MAN would you like to see as next PM?

Posted 3 January 2017, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

And you certainly agree with LBT's "excellent" judgement in making that big mouth billy-goat a senator!

Posted 4 January 2017, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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