Loretta slams Parliamentary Commissioner for turning away women registering to vote


Deputy Chief Reporter


OPPOSITION Leader Loretta Butler-Turner has strongly rebuked Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlyn Hall for defending his department's right to turn away women registering to vote with "half their breasts out", insisting the practice is “nonsensical", "wrongheaded" and borders on illegal.

She further demanded that the Parliamentary Commissioner explain the provision in law governing the enforcement of a dress code being used to hamper and obstruct the democratic right of a citizen to freely register to vote.

This, Mrs Butler-Turner said in a statement on Friday, is “highly arbitrary, undemocratic and may be illegal”.

The stinging critique was sparked by Mr Hall’s defence of his staff on Thursday not to process people because of their clothing, telling The Tribune that women registering to vote with “half their breasts out” is not permitted. He suggested that the dress code, which is enforced in the Public Service, is applied to people seeking to register to vote.

While the Parliamentary Elections Act makes no mention of guidelines for attire, Mr Hall on Thursday suggested that people may have been turned away and pointed to the public service having a “dress code” for how people are to present themselves in public.

Mrs Butler-Turner said: “The increasing number of incidents of voters being turned away from registering to vote, reportedly because of supposedly inappropriate attire, is of deep concern. Some of these reports were described in one of the dailies this morning.

“The Parliamentary Commissioner needs to explain exactly what provision(s) of the law(s) governing registering to vote are being used to hamper and obstruct the democratic right of citizens to freely register to vote.

“The suggestion that the dress code for the Public Service should be applied to those registering to vote is nonsensical and wrongheaded.

“The decision by certain staff of the Parliamentary Registration Department to block the right of various citizens to vote because of their attire is highly arbitrary, undemocratic and may be illegal.

“That a citizen has had to return multiple times to register because of the personal views of a staff member of the Department is an affront to those who have taken the time out to participate in one of our more important democratic exercises.

“The staff of the Department is not supposed to be fashion police.”

The Long Island MP said the government should be encouraging voter registration rather than hampering it because of arbitrary reasons, especially with registration performing sluggishly.

The Bahamas prides itself on open access to voting by those who meet the requirements of voting, which does not include a specific dress code solely at the discretion and whim of staff members of the Department, Mrs Butler-Turner said.

“What other fashion, clothing or aesthetic choices will individual staff members evoke to deny registration to voters? By example, might various religious or other symbols on a registrant's clothing be used as an excuse to deny registration?

“The antiquated process for registering to vote, which still includes handwriting various material, highlights the need for the Parliamentary Registration Department to become computerised and to move into the 21st century.

“The hardworking staff of the Department, who do their jobs properly should be commended. They deserve our commendation. They also deserve better working conditions at the headquarters for the Department, which urgently needs to be refurbished and the parking lot repaved.

“Improved technology and facilities for voters, and staff of the Department, will demonstrate greater respect for our democratic heritage, citizenry and the Public Service,” she said.

On Thursday, a pregnant woman who did not want to be identified, told The Tribune she was told by registration officials at the Elizabeth Estates Post Office that she would not be allowed to register to vote on separate occasions because of what she was wearing at the time.

On her second attempt she went into the post office wearing an ankle length maxi dress, but was still not permitted to begin the process.

Returning for a third try, the expectant mother wore a jacket and was still told that she was too bare, so she had to put on a scarf in order to be registered.

In response, Mr Hall said: “This has been around not just under my administration but other previous ones where we ask people to dress in decency and in order. So if my people feel that someone is not properly dressed for the photograph, we ask them to kindly put on the proper attire. That’s not out of order. It’s trying to help them. So it’s not to be rude, it’s too make sure that things are done in decency and in order.”

To encourage Bahamians to register, Mr Hall added that the government plans to open more evening stations on January 1 in various constituencies.

“We have additional manpower to go into the constituencies from 5pm to 9pm. So we hope that might be a stimulus to encourage people to come out to present themselves to register. You must also remember that this is a voluntary process. We cannot force people to vote. It is a voluntary thing. You come forward and present your documents to fulfil the law,” he said.

Sidney Collie, the FNM Chairman, said Bahamians being turned away and disenfranchised from registering to vote was disgraceful. "The fact that women are being turned away because of how they are dressed is unethical and very possibly illegal," he said in a statement. “This is disturbing and the Government owes this country and the women being disenfranchised an apology.

“The Free National Movement wants a free and fair election next year that is free of any suspicious activities and that all eligible Bahamians are registered to vote.”


John says...

Restate: The parliamentary department is either too prude, too gay or too not into having Bahamians register to vote.

Posted 30 December 2016, 7:06 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Why doesn't everyone just wear a WE MARCH T-shirt or all Black clothing for vote registration? Not only will it be a back in your face slap to the government for their stupid dress code requirement, but will also show them that the people have united, telling those corrupt MF-ing a$$holes you are the power, not them. Also, be careful that the march, I heard through the grape vine that the PLP will be starting trouble on your behalf as to mislead the crowd. That's all I can say because my more will informed information was previously deleted for my own safety; thanks for that Tribune242, God bless you and the Bahamian people.

Posted 31 December 2016, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Fighting for women. That's weird #rodneymoncur

Posted 31 December 2016, 3:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Mr Hall seems ill qualified for the post. Nothing to do with his professional qualifications, but his judgement and decision making seem to be slightly off. There also seems to be a religious bias to his rule , he uses term "decency and in order", and that's fine, I believe in that. But if that were truly a reason to be denied and having been through one referendum before, shouldn't he have mentioned it in at least ONE of the public relations interviews he's done?

This is the third time he's made a big boo boo over what should not be a very difficult task, it's hard work, lots of it, but not intricate. His inability to call the referendum results, the very odd manner in which he called the reporting to an end, the expired passport/no expired passport turn around and now this. He appears to be the perfect plant for a do as I say call from an Alfred Grey style politician.

Posted 31 December 2016, 3:41 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hehe, I wonder if Mrs Butler Turner would have been turned away in that outfit she has on in the photo. That would be funny.

Posted 31 December 2016, 3:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 31 December 2016, 3:46 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Bahamian women were always proud of their "brestesses". It's hot so they put lil powder between them to keep from sweating so take the dam pics and stop clowning rotfl

Posted 31 December 2016, 6:58 a.m. Suggest removal

MassExodus says...

Next thing they will be turning people away for not saying a public 'good morning' when entering the building. Give me a f'ing break! Hijacking democracy at it's core. These people should be charged with impeding democracy.

This is what happens when you put uneducated ppl in important roles. Down right ignorant/corrupt one of the two if not both!

Posted 31 December 2016, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

LBT should pay Sherlyn Hall a visit for the sole purpose of giving the left or right side of his face one humongous "boob slap" that hopefully would knock some sense into him.

Posted 31 December 2016, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Very bad decision by The Speaker to have forwarded the letter to the Governor General signed by MP's Loretta and her Six-Coup de Prounce on Minnis, MP's.
Why should Loretta automatically claim the status of official opposition leader, especially since the Seven MP's do not represent any political party's core membership. Either you have the support of a party or you sit just like the other opposition party in the House of Assembly, cause there are no requirements that The Speaker be obligated to recognize an offical opposition.
The Speaker, knows he's ducking-out as to why Loretta is the leader official opposition "Chaos Mission" in the House.

Posted 31 December 2016, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Comrade Russia, just the fact the you keep talking and showing your dislike for LBT, can't find any real dirt on her but a one time parking violation(I admit I've done it once in my life while in a hurry; Lord forgive me) is enough proof for all Bahamians that she is the right choice for PM; and it's killing you that she might just get there....LOL! And you know the best part Comrade Russia, I'm enjoying the fact that it's driving you crazy and at the same time your drinking more and more because of it....LOL! You now what would be even funnier too my Russian friend, if she does become PM, does the best job anyone's ever done, the country is great again, but your dead of cirrhosis of the liver and die never enjoying the greatness; think about that. You think about that for a moment while I laugh my ass off thinking about you and your Swiss cheese liver......LOL!


Posted 31 December 2016, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

LBT is right on this one .......... you should be able to re-register to vote online once you have been issued a valid Bahamian passport and your initial voter's card ......... this out-dated nonsense every 5 years is a real turnoff to the U-50 voters

Posted 31 December 2016, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Goodbyebahamas, here we are and it's beginning to sound like anyone who dares to point out the obvious faults of the Seven-Coup MP's, must have some personal dislike for their leader. The problem with Loretta is not personal but because I cannot respect anyone who makes it to the Starters Line, then she ducks out the leadership race on the very people who pledged their support for her to lead the red party. It's times like this I'm convinced that the MP for Long Island is too flawed to be taken as a serious contender for any office, much less the office of the nation's Prime Minister.
Comrade, how can you take someone seriously when she left 410 red party delegates and the entire population of Long Island, shaking their heads... thinking... Whew, what a disappointing turn-off, the member for Long Island, turned out be.
Loretta has lots explaining still left to do, and she damn well knows it too! Maybe she fooled The Speaker of the House and the Governor General but not the good people of Long Island, the very people who knows her the damn bestest cause the are not stupid people.

Posted 31 December 2016, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

TalRussell, I sense I hit a nerve with you with the drunken liver cartoon, I had no choice, I finally got you to talk to me; you do have to admit it is F-ing funny...lol. Honestly friend, don't you think with time running out on the Bahamas that their is no time to waste, the only place she is going to be able to make change is in that PM's chair; how can she do that if everyone wants her in Long Island? Another thing, forget she is a woman, I can sense that's part of the problem with you and most Bahamian men, but we don't need a F-ing P**Y or C**K in office right now, we need a F-ing Brain who is the most honest out of the whole F-ing bunch of rotten apples; she looks the reddest to me, and haven't found a worm so far. None of the MP's PLP, FNM, DNA, or anyone can do a F-ing thing without the approved money the PM who is director of finance by the way gives them. So how can anyone do anything without his finical approval when he can't even explain where all the people's money has gone to or spent on; buy the way Happy New Year.

Posted 31 December 2016, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...


Posted 3 January 2017, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Maybe I live under a rock or something, but I have never seen a Bahamian woman dressed with half her breast out..

Posted 3 January 2017, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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