Four more MPs call for public apology by senator


Tribune Staff Reporter

DESPITE Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ request to keep party problems internal, four more FNM parliamentarians are now calling for Senator Lanisha Rolle to publicly apologise for criticism levelled at members of the party.

In a joint statement yesterday, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman; Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn; North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly and Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner joined Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant in his demand for an apology.

The group said the “unprovoked and extreme” remarks made by Senator Rolle nearly two weeks ago left many FNM supporters “dismayed”.

The MPs said FNM supporters throughout the country “are waiting to see if Dr Minnis and Senator Rolle will act in an appropriate, collegial and responsible manner on this matter of principle and proper conduct by the Official Opposition.”

The statement also said: “In her last public statement, the senator said she stood by her remarks and would not apologise. We sincerely hope that she will have a change of heart and do the right thing in the greater interest of the FNM.

“If Senator Rolle refuses to publicly apologise, our leader Dr Hubert Minnis should insist that she does and he should specifically repudiate her unprovoked attack on sitting FNM members of Parliament.”

Earlier this month Senator Rolle called in to 96.9 FM talk show “The Conversation” with host Shenique Miller to scold members of the FNM whom she thought did not support Dr Minnis as leader.

“Some sitting MPs are, and let’s call it what it is, they are jealous, some are envious of the favour Dr Minnis has with the masses and they are in positions of power,” she said.

“The fact is that Dr Minnis has the majority of support of the party and that is about 492 councillors and thousands of voters, versus one, two, three or four persons who are holding seats for now, until the people say otherwise.”

She also said that the electorate would not support Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, who lost her bid to become FNM leader in 2014, as prime minister.

“The country in my opinion will not support Loretta Butler as leader over (Prime Minister) Perry Christie,” Mrs Rolle said previously.

The group said the forum in which Senator Rolle made her comments makes the need for a public apology even more evident.

“It is not sufficient to offer general statements and principles,” the statement added.

“It is incumbent upon Dr Minnis to insist that the senator publicly apologise for her comments, which, we repeat, were made in a public forum, and for which she should publicly apologise.”

Last Tuesday, in an effort to move public focus away from Senator Rolle’s comments and any rift it may have exacerbated, Dr Minnis released a statement calling for unity and urged party members to keep issues internal.

However, Dr Minnis did not specifically address Mrs Rolle or her statements, nor did he condemn her remarks.

Dr Minnis instead used the opportunity to state that there “are no irreconcilable differences that the FNM family members face, and it is my hope and prayer that this will become very clear to those who wish to see this PLP led government gone.”

The next day, Mr Grant released a statement that said “he can no longer remain silent” while being publicly attacked by his “junior parliamentary colleague.”

Last Wednesday, Mr Grant demanded that Senator Lanisha Rolle apologise for her “unprovoked attack” on him and colleagues, as “it is the proper thing to do.” He later told The Tribune that Mrs Rolle has apologised in private for her comments.

Her remarks have put tensions within the FNM back in the spotlight.

Last week, Frank Watson, who served as deputy prime minister in the first Ingraham administration, labelled the decision to appoint Mrs Rolle to the Senate last year as one of Dr Minnis’ “tragic mistakes.”

On the other side of the spectrum, one of the party’s founding fathers, Maurice Moore has come out in support of Senator Rolle and her comments.

Mrs Rolle could not be contacted yesterday. When contacted, Dr Minnis declined comment.


TruePeople says...

And another true true Bahamian is calling for the whole a yinna ego driven MPs to shut the hell up, if not for our sake, for ya OWN!!!!

Minnis dun say keep yall beefin in house. Yall musse what erryone to see yall for the pack a mongrel dog yall is aye... Fightin ova bones.

None of yall calling for apologies deserves to retain your seat. All yall need to go. Yall only proving further that yall are not suitable to be in positions of power and leadership in this country. Yall have no respect for freedom of speech, point of view, or even the damn truth.

Yall is just shame to the country, but yall feel like yall have to prove just how pathetic yall really are

QUOTE - "The group said the “unprovoked and extreme” remarks made by Senator Rolle nearly two weeks ago left many FNM supporters “dismayed”."

AND - By yall not taking the high road and being mature (and listening to ya damn leader: Minnis) yall are further convincing the electorate that the FNM isn't even a party anymore beyond the name FNM. none of these party memebers appear to be on the same team or behind the same leader.

Rolle push a button, and leave the rest to yall. nah yall just proving her point

Posted 1 February 2016, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Congratulations to Perry Christie on 5 more years. You have not deserved it, you never should have been PM to begin with you are so lousy but congrats on 5 more years....

FNM is just too stupid to win this time.....

Posted 1 February 2016, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

....overblown egos, out of control emotions, lust for power and denial of one's time gone. What a horrible combination to exact any leadership offer to a nation in crisis. Pathetic.

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Senators in The Bahamas serve NO real purpose to our democracy ............. We need to make this an elected position, ONE per island ......... if it is to serve any purpose and clout. This Rolle situation is a perfect example of what happens when lackeys are given some official position in government................... but the same happens on the PLP side as well (Keith Bell)

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

This is a pretty good idea sheeprunner12. All for it.

Posted 1 February 2016, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

But the idea of the Senate is to have the best of the best debating our laws. We would lose that if it were an elected post. Clearly this principle was misused with the appointment of Ms Rolle among others. She has no business being there. The Senate would have been an ideal place for someone like a Sir Lynden or a Henry Bostwick. But nothing works in this country the way it was meant to, every single system is corrupted for personal gain and cronyism.

Posted 1 February 2016, 7:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Your comment is so troubling. We wouldn't be losing anything we don't have. if it is supposed to be as you say- "the best of the best debating our laws" maybe we should be VOTING on senators after putting them through vigorous public DEBATES- have them prove their capability rather than conferring a salary on unqualified people who we wouldn't want representing the country farther than the dock- This Hope And Pray model is worthless. and Bahamians don't have time to support the "idea of the Senate" because it is as you say It IS corrupted by personal gain and cronyism, exactly what caused this situation in the first place- we need a political structure that functions in the best interest of the people. time for us to have these politicians prove their love for this country.

Posted 1 February 2016, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

The problem with people voting in senators is the people voted in the PLP............

Posted 2 February 2016, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

A house divided against itself cannot stand. Carry on smartly, then. That way you assure this crock of a Government another terms in office.

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I wish these politicians would do as they put Bahamians first. Whenever they get their little thin feelings hurt, they want to put everything aside and get some sort of satisfaction.

We don't care!! Get over yourselves and start running this d------ country!!!!!!

Start by being an effective opposition!!!!!

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is much bigger than the characters here ......... this is about the rot in the political system that governs us............ we need serious basic changes

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Look up pathetic in any dictionary and what will you find? The FNM

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM is not pathetic ................ it is democratic as compared to the PLP. But Bahamians love the "strong, charismatic" leader ........ aka dictator

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

It is democratic compared to the PLP eh? Explain how in the functioning of their parties, the two are any different today. Both have leaders who have stacked their central councils to prevent losing their spots, both employed corrupt methods to be in the positions they are now in. Both are focused primarily on self and not country. Both are a let down to the nation at this stage.

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

FNM = PLP (give or take 1 or 2 fools)

Posted 2 February 2016, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Why apologise when it is only lip service, when one does not mean what they are saying. The woman said what she means and means what she said. What do they really want? an apology in Rawson Square. But that is the FNM for you. Vision less and pompous.

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

On this point you are right. They do not care about an apology from her because they do not care about her or anything she says or thinks. She is nobody to them, and only became a useful somebody when she decided to shoot her mouth off; making herself Minnis' whipping girl.

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

She apparently did apologies (in private) these bey dem want her to kiss dey azz in front of everyone and say "my option doesn't matter, the FNM cannot be anything but perfect"

Posted 2 February 2016, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 1 February 2016, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

In the words of Donald Trump, "OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL"; he was referring to the USA but this is also the case in The Bahamas; hence, this is the reason for us all to become more POLITICAL in order to stop this downfall of Our Beloved Country.

All of what we are saying in our posts, in fact, goes to emphasizes THE NEED FOR ALL OF US BAHAMIANS TO GET POLITICAL. All eligible Bahamians need to register as soon as possible. That is the only we can be a part of change for a positive difference.


PLEASE GO AND REGISTER A.S.A.P and do more by encouraging others to do so as well. - Thank you.

Godson Nicodemus Johnson

Posted 2 February 2016, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

They want Senator Rolle to apologize publicly for speaking her mind about the disrespect of her leader in the public domain. They make this request publicly and by in large challenge their own leader in the public domain. Either these guys are PLP moles or they have intentions of forming their own party very soon. Any other scenario simply does not make much sense.

Posted 2 February 2016, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

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