VIDEO: Tourists ‘leave Straw Market in droves’ after row between compliance officers, police, vendors


Tribune Staff Reporter

SCORES of tourists reportedly left the Nassau Straw Market in droves yesterday after chaos erupted when police and Straw Market Authority compliance officers flooded the cultural centre over issues involving vendors, The Tribune was told.

According to one straw vendor, who did not want to be named, despite there being three cruise ships in the harbour yesterday, the Straw Market was empty after the incident as tourists were afraid to enter the market believing “we are a bunch of criminals”.

“The compliance officers from the Straw Market Authority brought the police in the market to make vendors move items from off the floor around the booths, saying if the items can’t fit in the booth then they can’t be there at all,” the vendor explained.

“So the vendors got upset about it. There was shouting and confusion all over the place. We had tourists leave the market thinking we are a bunch of criminals and carrying on with illegal operations in here. Three boats in the harbour and no money making in this market right now.”

The Tribune attempted to contact Straw Market Authority officials yesterday for comment, however calls were not returned up to press time.


Godson says...

Sadly so, but have you registered yet to vote in the next general election? If not, GET POLITICAL and be part of the positive change - get registered and encourage others to do so as well.

'GET POLITICAL', as apart from 'GETTING into the POLITICS'. By registering and GETTING POLITICAL, you are empowered to make a choice; with politics, the choice is already made for you and don't necessarily have to be a positive choice.

'GETTING POLITICAL' does not mean that you are an adherent and follower of any 'party'. It is a statement that you deiced to retain the power of choice to yourself.

LET'S GET POLITICAL campaign encourages and promotes your empowerment. EMPOWER YOURSELF!!! REGISTER TODAY!!!

Godson "Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 3 February 2016, 7:01 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Yes Godson, register by all means, but who to vote for?? The choices available at the moment vary from shitty to shabby.

Posted 3 February 2016, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Messenger, we may or may not have a far way to go before the next general election. However, and notwithstanding all this commotion that's going on in the FNM, I hold that this election, unlike those since 1992, will be the most important and strategic election to steer Our Country into the future. With this said, as much of the voting populace must participate so that there would be a sense of proprietorship with the result.

Messenger, I believe that as we go on and come nearer the point of decision, we'll all begin see our way forward as to who would and could lead Our Beloved Bahamas. But to be caught off guard, as the case may be for those unsuspecting, will forfeit us all of a true conclusion as to what is 'The Collective Decision'.

Messenger, when that time comes, Godson Andrew Johnson, aka Nicodemus, will be voting for and in the interest of the greater good for The Bahamas, not myself. My personal care is my Father's responsibility. He'll guide me in this regard. I suggest to you that you also put this ideal to the fore of your decision making process.

This election is going to be the most significant one in a long time. Bernie Sanders (USA democratic candidate) was right, a high voter turnout will be more decisive; and as such, it will allow the silent demographics of silent but eligible voters to be fully expressed along with everyone else. In which, we can then go forward in unity and address the issues we are facing, not only appropriately, but with the full support of the entire electoral population. This is important Messenger for nation building, the support of its citizens.

I have not set out to promote 'politics' but 'political' empowerment.
Thanks Messenger.

Posted 3 February 2016, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

that's a Classic. Fighting over nothing and losing all the clients. and then complaining for the rest of the year.

Posted 3 February 2016, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

The Straw Market needs some serious cleaning up. Not just the garbage and sour smells, but also the vendors and their behaviour too. Yes, there are some very nice vendors there, but the majority are pushy, aggressive and nasty. If they can't police themselves, then they should expect to be policed until they are brought into line.

And if they can't conform to the rule after 3 warnings, then they should be made to leave. The tourists deserve better, and this behaviour only serves to drive the visitors out of the market. These people seem to have little sense in their own welfare!

Posted 3 February 2016, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

I completely support the police and the compliance officers in this. The behaviour of the vendors is unacceptable at best and you can tell by the attitude of the person shooting the attached video that they have no respect for law and order. The rule is simple - if your goods don't fit in your stall then remove them. Come down hard on these vendors who basically pay nothing to have a space to sell products that aren't even Bahamian (most of the items). The taxpayers pay for this - if they don't adhere, kick them out. Enough is Enough!

Posted 3 February 2016, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Straw vendors are usually PLP loyalist so I've heard.

Posted 3 February 2016, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


Posted 3 February 2016, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Straw market should be better than this, This is a first hand experience Tourist will return to their countries with.... I've heard tourist telling me they scared after visiting the straw market (which they were expecting to be a quaint marketplace)…
Mixtape downloadable @

Posted 3 February 2016, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Disgrace to the highest level....They need to get people in the market who's going to adhere to the rules and regulation. For far to long the mass majority of these vendors have bought nothing but embarrassment to this country. lawlessness smh

Posted 3 February 2016, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

They seem to be fresh out of the bush across the pond.

Posted 4 February 2016, 5:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's amazing that we haven't figured this out. If you were travelling to another country, what would you want to purchase? What would you want to see? Where is the native artwork, pottery, singing and dancing, where is the multiple choice of performances that I can go to right in the downtown area? One 10 minute Junkanoo rush is insufficient. Tourists want woodwork, art, pottery and native shows. There are 10,000 of them per day. No they don't have lots off money, they spent most of it paying for room and board, they have a few dollars left to spend on a memory, give them a quality product for their dollar. Ten dollars from 10,000 people in one day is $100,000 dollars per day. **Put these other vendors in a T-shirt and cheap souvenir market and get some real artisans in the straw market, anything else is false advertisement**.

Posted 4 February 2016, 5:54 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...


Posted 4 February 2016, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

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