Bran compares PLP's 'abuse' of Bahamians to 'a battered wife'


Tribune Staff Reporter

BRANVILLE McCartney has called on Bahamians to "do the right thing" and vote the Christie administration out of office as he compared the PLP's "abuse" of the Bahamian people during its current term in office to that of a "battered wife". 

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) leader also "welcomed" the notion of an early election, saying that the longer the Progressive Liberal Party's reign continues "the worse it becomes for the Bahamas".

"We're being abused by the PLP right now," Mr McCartney said. "Look at where we are as a country. I can almost equate it to a battered wife. We've been abused over and repeatedly, beaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The husband saying after I hit the wife, 'I love you honey, forgive me'.

"Well, that's like the Bahamian people and the PLP and FNM. 'We can abuse you, we don't have to account to you, we'll spend your money, we'll cause your (standard) of living to be decreased. But I love you, give me an opportunity to do it again.' 

"And it will be sad if the Bahamian people at the end of the day said 'yes darling, beat me some more, because I love beating, I love bad treatment'."

Mr McCartney said his party welcomed an early election being called. "We are moving and preparing for the next election. We've been preparing for many years now for the next election, but if the Prime Minister wants to call an early election we certainly welcome it, because the longer this foolishness goes on the worse it becomes for the Bahamas. 

"So we welcome putting to the Bahamian people another slate of candidates. We look forward to it. The earlier the better; the Bahamas can't take much more of this foolishness."

In December, the Free National Movement called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to "submit to the will of the people" and call an early election, insisting that the "ineffective and visionless" leadership of the government has led to the deterioration of the Bahamian society. 

In a statement, the FNM said the country is "rapidly descending into hopelessness and despair as a result of the lacklustre decisions made by Mr Christie and members of his Cabinet". 

At the time, the FNM noted that scores of Bahamians are either unemployed, living in fear of violent crimes or suffering from the imposition of Value Added Tax, all while the nation's leader floats around with no sense of direction or purpose. 


TalRussell says...

Congratulations Green Leader Bran you have been diagnosed as having derangement from common sense syndrome. What is that you may ask? really don't want to know - other than to hint you can only show signs da symptoms, if declared a resident a far away strange universe so different than we own and where seeds can't grow.

Posted 5 February 2016, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

"He's back!"

Posted 5 February 2016, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade SanSouciReader aren't you convinced Bran must have flown earthbound aboard
his green spacecraft, manned by the weirdest crew members imaginable? The Comrade ain't exactly normal in he upstairs political thinking, now is he?

Posted 6 February 2016, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

GodFirst says...

Finaly hes back to talk sense into this country and government


Posted 5 February 2016, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

GodFirst says...

"And it will be sad if the Bahamian people at the end of the day said 'yes darling, beat me some more, because I love beating, I love bad treatment'."


That's exactly what happens at the end of the day lol

Finally DNA is back!!!!!

Posted 6 February 2016, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

leslie miller said it first.

Posted 6 February 2016, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

No Bran ........ get it right for the PLP .......... its like been F&!#*D in the azzzzzzz ...... he has to speak the language that most understand ........ only the Potcake is a self-confessed woman beater ................ but there are many limp wristed fellas in that pack

Posted 6 February 2016, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...


Posted 7 February 2016, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I am paying attention to Bran now!!! I do feel abused by the PLP. They keep sucker punching us!!!!

Posted 8 February 2016, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

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