Mitchell’s tactics

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I see now that Fred Mitchell is trying to intimidate into silence anyone who opposes his random behaviour or questions his wild ego.

The latest incident is the gathering of second-homeowners at the recent court appearance of Canadian Bruno Rufa.

The homeowners got together, apparently to show their support for a neighbour who, by most accounts, has been harassed needlessly by the Department of Immigration, to the extent of being illegally deported last year.

Now on the website, which, I am told, just happens to be used as a promotional tool for the ego that is Fred Mitchell, we have a comment that these people are acting outside of their rights as non-Bahamians by coming to court and making some comments to the media outside.

Threatening investors in our country for a peaceful show of support? Are there no depths that he is not willing to sink to?

Maybe they’ll want to use the new Chinese-donated riot gear on them next.

Get a grip, man! It’s an embarrassment.



February 4, 2016.


MonkeeDoo says...

Mitchel must be relieved of his position. He is an embarrasment to this country.

Posted 5 February 2016, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

they will sink as low as they need to to feed their egos and the bottom lines.

Posted 8 February 2016, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

He is such a nasty, petty, arrogant little snit!!! (with the h)

Posted 8 February 2016, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Fred Mitchell is a saint compared to Bruno Rufa

Posted 8 February 2016, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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