More nonsense from Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Just when it looked like FNM Leader Hubert Minnis may have exhausted his propensity for foolishness he comes up with more of the silly stuff. His latest nonsense is his continued coddling of Senator Lanisha Rolle after her unprecedented and savage attack on the FNM’s sitting Members of Parliament.

Asserting that the good Senator “may have made a mistake” Minnis attempts to excuse her on the basis of her youth.

In the first place, this was no “mistake” as in a slip of the lip. And there is no “may have” about it. It was in fact a deliberate, calculated and public assault on the MPs. It was clearly designed to discredit them with their constituents and with the wider public.

Secondly, Senator Rolle is not a student fresh out of high school. She is at least 30 years old because the Constitution says you have to be at least that to serve in the Senate. Furthermore, she is an educated professional – a lawyer no less.

But the thing that amazes me most is Dr Minnis’ primitive lack of a sense of justice and fair play. His people can attack his critics openly and viciously without restraint, but it is wrong for those so aggrieved to respond publicly, even wrong for them to demand a public apology for a public affront. Incredible.



February 9, 2016.


mangogirl01 says...

Its pathetic at this point! Minnis needs a good PR firm and Senator Rolle has an arrogant air about her, she needs to sit small!

Posted 10 February 2016, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

He actually insulted her in his defence of her, by likening her unto one of his children. if she was a male he would never have made that kind of analogy, but if you know this man, you know his views on gender and race.

Posted 10 February 2016, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

I wonder if Minnis reads the Newspapers daily?

Posted 11 February 2016, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Excellent letter from JADE and accurately reflects the feelings of many potential FNM voters. Minnis needs to decide NOW whether he is a PATRIOT or just another power hungry politician. If he is the former he will volunteer to step down in place of a stronger party leader.

Posted 11 February 2016, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

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