Police look at devices to secure prisoners in transport


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Royal Bahamas Police Force is “looking into new devices to use” for transporting prisoners to and from the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services, Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade said yesterday.

His statement came one week after 26-year-old murder convict Ormand Leon managed to slip off his handcuffs and jump from a police bus, which was on its way to prison on February 2.

Mr Greenslade encouraged Leon to turn himself in because “nothing good will happen” if police continue to chase him. He also refuted claims that somehow police officers not performing their duties may have led to the escape.

“What I recognise now is we are going to have to look at different devices because the traditional devices we have used have sometimes let us down,” he said at police headquarters. “But this escape was not a question of whether the officers are capable, but it’s when you tell me I am going to prison for an extended period or I am going to be sentenced to death, that person then says ‘boy this is final’ and their head kicks in and that person becomes animalistic.

“So we second guess, we do an investigation to determine could we have done things better and in my view the answer is yes, but I don’t want us to lose focus on the issue which is the young man that has escaped and escaped into a community where people have seen him.

“We know because some of them have called us, they have accommodated him and hid him. We are still looking for him and we are all armed and capable believe me when I tell you that. He needs to turn himself in, nothing good will come out of it if he doesn’t turn himself in. “He escaped, we aren’t upset with him, we just want to give him a ride home. We want to bring a bad man to justice before he reoffends.”

Mr Greenslade also said law enforcement has to look into ways of improving restraints.

“So what I have is a handcuff that would have been used in that occasion. I know I have to have a handcuff that is different, that would not allow a repeat of that. If I say anymore, I will tell a bad boy how to take his handcuffs off because what I want to know as a commissioner is how he would have gotten those handcuffs off but after doing an analysis of the device I understand how that can happen but let me tell you, I fixed that already.”

Leon is described as a brown-skinned male, of slim build, who is said to be about 5ft 9in to 5ft 11in. Police said he frequents Moore Avenue, Homestead Street and Miami Street. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

Police urged members of the public not to approach him but instead to call 919 or Crime Stoppers at 328-TIPS (8477) if he is seen.

Moments before the escape, Leon was told by Justice Bernard Turner that he would learn on February 16 what sentence would be imposed on him for the July 10, 2011 murder of Fransisco Hanna.

Leon is facing up to 60 years imprisonment for the Wilson Tract shooting.

Hanna was shot twice in the chest and three times in his right arm. He died of his injuries at the scene.


asiseeit says...

How about the police put some thought into reducing or eliminating the level of noise and harassment ordinary Bahamians put up with during the transfer of prisoners. Why the blaring sirens? Why the ungodly speed? Why are law abiding Bahamians run off the road because of the transfer of prisoners? Why must we listen to your ungodly loud sirens? The transfer of prisoners is blatant harassment of law abiding citizens on the road and in their homes. If any Bahamian was to conduct themselves in the manner the police do in the transfer of prisoners, they would be arrested and before the courts. Maybe the police can start to lead by example and follow the law as it relates to public nuisance noise and driving in a dangerous manner!

Posted 11 February 2016, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

why do they have to do it during rush hour traffic every day of the week?

Posted 12 February 2016, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

What do you do when a police officer is willing to look the other way while the criminal walks free???????????

Posted 11 February 2016, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Also why not get with the times and use VIDEO like they do in the states. Or maybe move the courts by the prison. Rocket science I know but maybe just maybe, these would reduce the danger, noise, escapes, and harassment of the general public.

Posted 11 February 2016, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Do not move the courts near the prison. There is a lack of space in that already congested part of the island. Video link would be the way to go with no one having to be up and down through the streets of New Providence. Do the authorities realize that this rushing up and down in traffic actually just calls more attention to the prisoners on the bus? They're already looking for attention (good or bad) so now everyone is sitting in traffic while they get preferential treatment to speed right by. Crime doesn't pay? Hmmmmm.

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Do you know how big that prison compound is ....... and what percent is being used?????? ................ maybe 30% at most ..... lots of space for several courts I think

Posted 12 February 2016, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

am glad they looking. its a start. with both eyes open?

Posted 11 February 2016, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

they is also still looking for this guy... so prob they gone keep looking

Posted 11 February 2016, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

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