QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’


Tribune Business Editor


Freeport will “suffer tremendously” if the Immigration Department’s actions over Bruno Rufa and the Coral Beach condominium complex spark a second homeowner “exodus”, a QC warned yesterday.

Fred Smith QC, the Callenders & Co attorney and partner, was speaking out after one of Mr Rufa’s fellow directors on the Coral Beach Board, Nanci Salvisburg, also saw her application for a homeowner’s card declined by Immigration.

Mr Smith said the refusal came two days before the Immigration Department sent a letter to the Coral Beach Association, seeking to reassure all homeowners that they would not be victimised as a result of its ongoing court battle with Mr Rufa.

The letter, dated February 1 and seen by Tribune Business, says the Immigration Department was responding to concerns raised by Coral Beach residents over their “status in the Bahamas as a result of an action taken.... in the matter of Bruno Rufa”.

The letter, signed by Hubert Ferguson on behalf of the director of immigration, said: “Please be advised that the status of Mr Rufa is unrelated to any general concern you may have about your status in the Bahamas.

“Once those who are not Bahamian conform themselves to lawful behaviour, and are of good conduct, the status of those individuals is not in the least at risk.”

The letter concluded by asking that the Immigration Department’s position be conveyed to all members of the Coral Beach Hotel Association.

However, in a letter dated two days’ earlier, February 28, Ms Salvisburg’s attorney, Carey Leonard, was informed by the same Hubert Ferguson, an assistant Immigration director, that her December 21, 2015, request for a homeowner’s card under the International Persons Landholding Act was refused.

No reasons for the rejection were given, but the Department of Immigration, in a February 4, 2016, statement confirmed that the ‘reassurance’ letter had been issued to the Coral Beach Association.

It added: “The Department assures the public that the Rufa matter is not some capricious act, and any attempt to portray it as other than an act permissible in law is pure propaganda.”

Mr Smith, though, told Tribune Business that many of Coral Beach’s 230 foreign owners were “anxious” over both the Rufa court case and Immigration’s rejection of the home owner’s card applications by himself and his partner, Sandra Georgiou.

And Mr Smith, who is Mr Rufa’s attorney, said they had been further “incensed and terrified” by comments by Fred Mitchell, minister of immigration, implying that their support for his client at a Supreme Court hearing was tantamount to “an illegal gathering”, and represented interference in the Bahamas’ internal and judicial affairs.

Warning of the potential consequences, Mr Smith said the growing unease among many of Coral Beach’s foreign condo owners might drive some to leave Freeport and never come back.

“Freeport’s economy will suffer tremendously if there is an exodus of second homeowners,” Mr Smith told Tribune Business.

“Immigration has written to the Board of Directors saying there is nothing to be afraid of, but two days before they refused Nanci Salvisburg’s home owners card application. Immigration’s actions speak louder than words.

“I call on the Government to stop terrorising this important economic engine of Freeport,” Mr Smith added, suggesting that Immigration was sending a message that foreign second home owners “have no rights in the Bahamas” where it was concerned.

“There are numerous half-empty condos and development projects in Freeport, and this type of treatment is likely to scare away interest by foreigners in Freeport, and foreign direct investment,” Mr Smith said.

“I beg the Government not to continue to break Freeport, as this little golden goose which once laid the golden eggs is half-way dead.”

Mr Smith said many foreign Coral Beach homeowners had been coming to Freeport for decades - some for 40 years - and helped to create employment for Bahamians by spending their money on local services and products.

“The economic impact has been very strong and very positive,” he added. “A community like Coral Beach supports hundreds of Bahamians in their livelihoods, and puts millions into the Freeport economy each year, and have done so for decades.

“This is the kind of second home owner economic impact that we need throughout the Bahamas, in stark contrast to these gated anchor project communities.”

The Judicial Review action challenging the Immigration Board’s refusal to issue Mr Rufa and his partner, Sandra Georgiou, with a Home Owner Resident Card, claimed that the “renaissance” of the Coral Beach complex under his presidency had resulted in a direct annual $1 million contribution to Freeport’s economy.

“The influx of residents and their guests injects millions of dollars into the Freeport economy annually,” the Judicial Review application alleged.

“In addition, Coral Beach Management Company itself, in staff and services spends directly over $1 million annually. This does not take into account the monies spent by owners in ongoing renovations, repairs and upgrades to their units.”


TruePeople says...

QUOTE - “Once those who are not Bahamian conform themselves to lawful behaviour, and are of good conduct, the status of those individuals is not in the least at risk.”

Obvious lie. 'lawful behaviour' has to be backed up with 'good conduct' to allow enough vagueness for open interpretation, like for example " implying that their support for his client at a Supreme Court hearing was tantamount to “an illegal gathering”,"

Then the unspecific 'status'.... what 'status'? I wish these fools in immigration would shoot themselves instead of shooting our country and economy in the foot

Posted 12 February 2016, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

There is no country in the world that allows visitors have acted as they did, insulting the government. If they are not happy with this government that they stay in their country, it is absolutely disgusting. They are invited, they must accept the laws of the Bahamas, nobody force them to come here !! Go Home !!
Mr Smith using them to make a lot of money Coral Beach Hotel is a Gold Mine for him !!!!

Posted 12 February 2016, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Poor attitude sunnyday we rely on foreigners as a large part of our economy, they are essentially what supports us. Without tourism and foreign visitors who reside here, we simple cannot eat. Please remove your disgusting statement.

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

This is not because that you are an investor that you have Blanc Check ! Some are nasty and they should not be in our country !! They are coming with a plan to abusing the Bahamas !! Like those ones ! Rufa is not an Investor !! He is an Oppressor !!! And Fred Smith should not using CB money without Owners approval . The entire story is a Circus !

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

the thing is they are not visitors, they are residents, with that they have certain rights. due process etc. are rights that reach back longer than you can think of and actually helped your ancestors to get rid of the chains. claiming a fair trial is not insulting the government. Vouching for the "other team" is neither a sin nor violating the law. No one threw a rock in the court room. You have a not so sunny, but rather little mind, sunnyday.

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:31 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

I would like to know what are the intentions of F Smith and Rufa by throwing this rock in the Media !! Influencing people ,the court ? It seems that you have no idea of what's going on in CB . If this matter has to go in court , than let it be , but quietly , unfortunately those articles directed by F Smith are not going on this way .

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Where was the voice of the QC during the “exodus” of owners after Bruno Rufa and his thugs took over the Condo Association back in 2005. Many owners left , never to return, because of victimization. Mr. Smith should protect the interest of the owners by resigning as council for Bruno Rufa or resigning as council for the condo Association. This is a conflict of interest. No approval was given by the owners to pay Bruno Rufa's legal fees.
It's sad that the owners of coral beach are being used to protect Mr. Smith's client.

Posted 12 February 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

And who is getting the big money from the Owners at CB ???? Mr Fred Smith of course !! I understand why he is fighting so desperately for B Rufa !!!

Posted 12 February 2016, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I saw this article tweeted on Twitter, advising Canadians not to buy second homes in the Bahamas. There was also a link to Ocean Cay, and the Canadian government warning about buying property in the Bahamas.

Kiss another segment of the economy goodbye.

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Can't say I blame them, our attitude here towards foreigners is disgusting. Just imagine how we can eat without them? We should be the nicest people in the world towards our tourists and foreign residents, but instead, we are a nasty people who provide poor service and an abundance of bad attitude.
Our GDP is approx 8 billion, without foreigners, we'd exhaust all our cash in less than a year just by importing food to eat, then what do we do? Are we all so stupid to think that we can scare away and cut off the hand that feeds us and then what? Build our own cars, make our own clothes, grow our own trees for lumber, grow our own food, raise our own livestock? That will never happen.

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

So you are ready to give a blow job and 4 chickens to "those visitors" who are stealing the jobs from many Bahamians ... this has no sense . We are not talking about all Foreigners , we are talking about an organized group who came to abuse the system in our Country and full their pockets !!! Be Real !!

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

last time I checked, Izzy and the Chinese were willing to give the Bahamians 2200 jobs, and the government decided to f*** it up. Atlantis pays the bills for many Bahamians. Speaking of which, as a foreigner it is very tough to fill your pockets with doing business in the Bahamas, as you cant make money off the local population really, so you compete with the international markets to attract tourists or foreign money to invest. With the costs, the corruption, the bureaucracy in this country almost impossible to make a good living. the pockets that get filled are the ones of the politicians.

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

B. Rufa is dragging down CB Owners and Fred Smith is saying hilarious stories , it seems that they want Coral Beach going bankrupt.... who is the force behind ? Is Mario Donato waiting in the bush? This story is not what Rufa and his lawyer are saying in the media

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker you certainly know better. At no time in history have the Canadian government, or any other government anywhere in world, ever issued anything remotely close amounting to a warning to Canadians about buying homes on any of Bahamaland islands, including Grand Bahama, where it in any way, form or fashion related to potential immigration matters from the government Bahamaland.
Your claim is an "outasight" bold-faced red shirt lie and you damn-well know it.
Comrade Banker, I challenge you to produce evidence whereby such a statement had ever been issued on behalf of the Canadian government?
Comrade Banker, it is you, not the Canadian government, advocating for the ‘Exodus’ of foreigners from our Bahamaland.

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

becks says...

@TalRussel.....l here ya go. Read the article not just the headline

"....... the Canadian government issued an investment advisory on Bahamian real estate transactions, warning that any disputes “could be prolonged and costly to resolve”.


Posted 12 February 2016, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Becks this is not a story about real estate but about a man in this country that the government immigration department feels it has just cause to remove him off the island.
Comrade Banker knows exactly the why and what he posted and so do you.
I can show you an exact kind immigration letter executed under the signature of the late premier "Pop" Symonette - a get and keep your ass out Bahamaland, immigration order.
It happens under all political parties administrations, as it should - and it has nothing to do with a foreigner owning property in Bahamaland, now does it?

Posted 12 February 2016, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

well ignorance and denial wont really sell a single piece of real estate, particularly not if you have to beg Fred to give you a homeowners residence card.

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

And I quote:


*Under the “Laws and Customs” section of the Bahamas Travel Report on the Canadian government’s Foreign Affairs and International Trade website:*

*“Canadians interested in purchasing property or making other investments should seek legal advice from appropriate professionals in Canada and in the Bahamas before making commitments. Disputes arising from such activities could be prolonged and costly to resolve.”*

*This paragraph is causing grave concern to the Bahamian government and private sector players alike as they worry that the country is being characterised as a risky place to do business.*

I'm not a PLP. I don't make sh*t up nor do I lie like the PLP.

The Ocean Cay people complained to the Canadian government and the foreign affairs website, in typical diplomatic language, issued a warning, and poor Fweddie got his knickers in knots.

I also saw the warning reprinted from Industry Canada in a Canadian business magazine in an article on buying land for business ventures and subsidiaries, and I will try to find it and scan it.

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

What you are saying has nothing to do with the Rufa's case and the Owners at CB , let's go back to the subject B.Rufa and the Owners at CB .

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

cooperboy says...

Rufa and his rogues at Coral Beach are running a dynasty and don't want their empire to be closed. Enough is enough. Rufa is the one who was charged with working illegally and this is not the first time. He was caught working before at the old CIBC Bank building on Queen's Highway. The truth is going to be told and Rufa and all his crew of 'Merry men' will be exposed for exactly who they are. Speak the truth a d shame the devil. If you can not abide by the laws of any country then the door swings both ways, in and out. Why fight to remain in a country where you've been caught two times broking the law? What's the 'real' reason behind all of this hulla baloo?

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

cooperboy says...

And so should Bruno and the Board of Directors at Coral Beach. We know the truth who should really resign and it's not the Government.

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Yep, banker, Tal is kinda correct on this one. You should provides links to support what you are saying. But in my mind I know it has to be the truth, because everyone and his uncle shunning the Bahamas these days. Seems people kinda get anti Bahamas when this lot is in power.

Posted 12 February 2016, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

Numerous warnings about property ownership, corruption, and investment in the Bahamas on the Government of Canada website.


Noting they call the Central Bank of the Bahamas a rogue privately run institution! Who'd a thunk?

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

B Rufa is not an investor he bought a unit at CB with his partner Sandra Georgio for 80K , That's it . It's time that all those "Investors at CB" understand the Bahamian Laws ! Like Sandra keep saying at CB , quote : -" If you don't like it here at CB , GO !!". Now it's time for her to GO , if she doesn't like the Government . Those Visitors cannot dictate their laws in the Country like they do at CB . Miss Nancy Salvisburg , if you don't like it ... you can Go too , instead of giving orders to employees , this is called working !!!!! You suppose to give orders to the GM not doing her job !!

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I don't have a horse in the race ......... but no foreigner should be allowed to ill-treat Bahamians in their own country with impunity ...... If Rufa fits that description, then he should understand that in a tangible way

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

He was caught years ago working illegally but was not charged (under FNM). To thanks the Government he did it again and was caught again, how many times the Country will allowed him to disregard the Laws

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

Mr Smith said -“In addition, Coral Beach Management Company itself, in staff and services spends directly over $1 million annually.....But ... this has nothing to do with B.Rufa doing good for CB ... CBM will have to spend this money anyway in expenses ... In fact Rufa is spending money from the Owners for himself . He should resign until this matter is over

Posted 12 February 2016, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I think it is disingenuous and you know it for any one you red bloggers to bring up Comrade Minister Freddy's name and the Canadians online post as if they are one and the same.
Why make this about Freddy who has zero ministerial responsibility real estate transactions?

Posted 12 February 2016, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

"Qc Fears Freeport 2nd Home ‘Exodus’" . you got to be joking.. QC must be overdue for a trip to Tibet. Nobody will leave Coral Beach over Bruno Rufa's departure. Good Riddance....

Posted 12 February 2016, 9:12 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The out spoken QC in my view does not mean the Bahamas and its people well, He is always making trouble for the Bahamas and trying to cast us in a bad light. Now remember Sir Lynden had a removable tax law, on Bahamian land. As far as I am concerned The Bahamas has sold enough of its land. Leave some for Bahamians yet unborn. The QC has his share and he could not care less about the rest.

Posted 13 February 2016, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Contrary to the QC Fears, people are lining up to purchase at Coral Beach. They are just waiting for the permanent departure of Bruno Rufa and his thugs.

Posted 13 February 2016, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

This has nothing to do with racist or xenophobic, This is all about one person, Bruno Rufa, who has squandered his welcome in the Bahamas.

Posted 13 February 2016, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades here it is 2016, and still Freeport is like the three-steps dance. All three steps backwards by those who wish hold steadfast to the 1960’s oligarchy of Wallace Groves & Stafford Sands misguided Hawksbill Act creation.
Bahamalander’s have and will always open our nation’s doors to the many individuals and corporations, not intent on the social re-engineering of our Bahamaland.
Truth is, we Bahamalander’s, wish only to return back to our roots, and neither black nor
white but under a united colours of the rainbow Bahamaland.
Truth is, the much promised Wallace Groves/Stafford Sands Hawksbill Rainbow, has failed far too often, and under all three major governing political parties - to share the beauty of her majestic colors - with all Bahamalander's.
A Grand Bahama guided by the future, not as spectators to the three-steps dance played by the Hawksbill Act's orchestrators.


Posted 13 February 2016, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The ironic bit, is that we could have made a silk purse out of a sow's ear if Freeport had been managed correctly. I see the major success that the Caymans have with Cayman Enterprise City, and the huge investment and jobs in diverse knowledge industries, and then compare it to the "dead" city of Freeport.

It can be saved. They need to throw out Devco and the Port Authority. Then they need to give out free business licences, free residency permits and office space to anyone who wants to come in to start a knowledge-based business.

They need to throw out the profit-motive and private ownership of lands covered by the Hawksbill Treaty, and they need to government and the beneficial owners to stop treating it like a cash cow and treat it like an economic garden, where you provide a suitable environment, plant businesses and reap jobs, revenue, whole new economic sectors and a vibrant community.

Posted 15 February 2016, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker I challenge the Port Authority or the Ministry of Tourism to produce any evidence where there has been a serious and consistent marketing effort to promote Freeport to the world's tourism and business markets at anytime during the past 20 plus years?
It is a fu@@ing disgrace that Freeports economy was engineered and has remained to this very day in 2016, for the financial benefit of a family-owned privately owned corporation.
Even worst is we have a chosen few of our own people who are now treating Freeport's economy as it was engineered as their own damn little island city.
Who knows, maybe it will take a "people's economic revolution" to step forward and do what three governing political parties have been unwilling to do.
The PLP Cabinet can take their apportionment of a Minster for Freeport, over the $2 bridge to perform as the featured act at Atlantis's Joker's Wild Comedy Club.

Posted 15 February 2016, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

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