Wednesday, February 17, 2016
EDITOR, The Tribune.
The mole or secret agent within the FNM who is sympathetic to Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner’s cause was behind the leakage of a confidential email authored by Butler-Turner that was forwarded to FNM Chair Michael Pintard. The mole evidently was intending to further sully FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ leadership image by having another internal squabble between the Minnis and Butler-Turner camps publicised by The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian.
While both publications gave Pintard an opportunity to correct any misconceptions Butler-Tuner and her people may have been harbouring concerning a planned FNM executive meeting in Long Island, the story emblazoned on the front pages of the aforementioned newspaper publications made Minnis look bad in the eyes of those who already have their negative presuppositions of him made up.
Evidently, Butler-Turner was and maybe still is irate over rumoured reports that Minnis and Co are plotting to have her jettisoned from Long Island in order to make room for current Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins, who is reported to have familial ties to that island. Pintard has denied this rumour. His word is good enough for me.
Apparently, it is not good enough for some members of the Butler-Turner camp, even though running FNM upstart Rollins in Long Island in lieu of Butler-Turner does not make one bit of common sense, especially given the fact that there already exists within the party a powder keg situation. That the Butler-Turner faction would even entertain such notions displays a dangerous level of naïveté within that camp.
How could Minnis possibly explain to Long Islanders that he is sacking their incumbent MP in order to run a candidate who was a PLP 12 months ago? I cannot believe that FNMs can be that gullible. I think the time has come for Butler-Turner to stop taking advice from whomever is giving it to her.
There are some FNMs who believe that the Long Island MP may have forwarded the scathing email to the press in order to reprimand Minnis, notwithstanding her statement to a newspaper that it is not appropriate to discuss FNM internal matters in the press.
While some will continue to chide Minnis for not consulting Butler-Turner of the planned meeting, I cannot imagine that the former would be so blatantly insouciant and happy-go-lucky in not inviting the latter to the said meeting, seeing that it will be held in her constituency. Such an oversight would give the Butler-Turner faction more fodder to chew on. It would also cause further deterioration to an already volatile, strained relationship between Minnis and Butler-Turner.
The fact that Butler-Turner was not consulted before the leakage of the email underscores the tenuous relationship between her and Minnis. It reveals a lack of communication between the two. The leakage of the email does not help matters at all. All things considered, it has the potential of obstructing any amelioration attempt that can be realistically salvaged at this juncture.
Evidently, there is an unscrupulous mole within the FNM who is attempting to further undermine Minnis with this latest saga and is only interested in creating mischief. If it is their aim at obstructing the FNM with Minnis at the helm, then so far they have done a good job.
Freeport, Grand Bahama,
February 16, 2016.
butlers says...
Openness and honesty at ALL levels is all we ask for.
Posted 17 February 2016, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal
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