Frustration at delay to $2bn Andros project


Tribune Staff Reporter

FRUSTRATION is beginning to mount in the community of South Andros as the government continues to delay approval for a proposed $2 billion ten-year project despite the efforts of developers Solar Verde to meet all the “stringent requirements”.

A number of the community’s prominent business owners and residents have compiled a petition and presented it in support of the company’s eco-friendly and self-sustaining scheme.

The five-phase Solar Verde Bahamas project, which includes a marina and retail outlets at Kemp’s Bay, broke ground last May and promises jobs for the locals.

The first phase of the project would expand an existing marina in Kemp’s Bay and extend the nearby Congo Town airport runway to 13,000 feet, which is needed to transport workers, cargo planes and eventually tourists and additional infrastructure upgrades. The marina will be flanked by beaches on both sides, along with retail stores and commercial facilities.

According to Norwood Rahming, a former island administrator, the project is expected to spur the rebirth of South Andros. He said the community of South Andros has been left in the dark on issues pertaining to the major development - a development he said everyone needs to survive.

“Our people are ready. Solar Verde has presented its plans and we are all on board in South Andros. Everything associated with the project has been arranged by a group of people that wants to see Andros recover economically for a long period of time. This project has been put together in a way to ensure that Andros is capable of being self-sufficient for decades to come.

“I don’t know why there is a hold up. Highways, roadways, electrical capabilities, water arrangements - everything is covered in the plans presented by Solar Verde. On the ground in South Andros, as far as we know, this project is the best thing for Andros. We want this because we need this.”

Residents in South Andros said they believe the project would catapult Andros into the realm of being the third city the Bahamas needs.

“Look at Andros; we have sufficient space to fit the entire population of the Bahamas comfortably,” Tracey Knowles, another prominent local business owner told The Tribune. “But, every year we have our people leaving Andros to seek work in Nassau. We just need the infrastructure and jobs, that is what this project is working to offer. I moved here and I wanted to have some form of employment, but there are no jobs here. This project will make the difference.”

According to the developers, the Solar Verde project goes beyond the hotel, airport, marina and golf course. Future phases include bringing factories, industries, trade schools, a college and more.

Rita Grant, CEO of Solar Verde Bahamas, told The Tribune: “We are looking forward with great anticipation to this project coming to life, we have waited for a very long time and we have confirmed backing. We are looking forward to working with the relevant government agencies to facilitate the smooth and swift transition of the necessary funds and documents that are needed to make this project a success for South Andros.

“This is a detailed master plan that was carefully crafted so that we do not lose even one of the special qualities that exist in South Andros. So detailed that it protects the birds, the fishes and the crabs that South Andros is so famous for,” said Mrs Grant, a Bahamian. “This plan incorporates proper drainage systems, sidewalks, a place for persons to pull over if something happens to their vehicles, minor things that may not seem to be important but are. These plans were submitted to the government in 2012.

“It is very important to understand that some persons are suggesting breaking up the project, when they know full well that this will not work. You have to keep in mind that no other group of individuals would spend the money needed to develop the proper infrastructure such as the roads and the lights which essentially makes no sense and is not profitable for the community of South Andros.

“We have created new industry that will bring training on every level, so that not one person between the ages of 18 and 65 in South Andros will be without a job if they want to work.”

The first phase of the project is expected to pump $3.5 million into South Andros’ economy by way of salaries and create around 180 jobs. The Solar Verde developers said they had obtained all the necessary permits and approvals from the government to start the project when they broke ground last year.


TruePeople says...

To bad we will never had a gov't what can make these kind of investments in it's own country, but always has to rely on foreign businesses to come here and take the initiative to do it. Meanwhile, due to gov't foolishness, it's seems to becoming more difficult for foreign businesses to invest in this country.

Why the people of south andros just want sit back and wait for someone to build up their island and give them jobs? Like all they want to do is sit down with they hands out aye? You tellin me Andros people can't develop themselves? start an Andros marketplace / tourist attractions that are ACTUALLY Bahamian?! or do the people of south andros really believe they are that useless?! Is it that they 'can't' start these initiatives or maintain them when they are started, or is it that they believe they can't. Why are we so comfortable waiting for foreign hand outs?!?!

I will never get why people here dislike foreigners and yet sit down and wait to eat food from the hands of foreigners. Not everything is the PLP fault, we as a people contribute to the regression of this country immensely with our disenfranchised mentality

Posted 18 February 2016, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sp1nks says...

Sounds like you're offering to provide the people of South Andros a 2 Billion dollar loan.

I agree with some of your thoughts, but the moment the government (PLP, FNM, DNA, UBP, Democrat, or Republican) announces a 2 billion dollar investment for the southern part of one island, everyone would be up-in-arms. Grand Bahamians already feel neglected and abandoned.

Let these investors spend their money. When they finish, tell them to leave. I know we can't do that, but still.

Posted 18 February 2016, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

You don't need 2 Billion $ to start tourist attractions. Infact many tourist would love the quaint 'island life' vacation experience. All it takes is community and organization. A small loan could start a project that includes cottages that can be rented. The community can come together to set up a local market that tourist who rent cottages can walk around and feel like they are experiencing a 'simpler' life (which is why they go on vacation). Tourist want beaches... it does NOT take 2billion to employ some locals to clean beaches so tourist can sun tan.

Promote local businesses like restaurants and attractions in the area. You can start small and build your customer base. Keep it up, and build upon the laid foundations and soon S Andros will enjoy a larger market share in the tourism industry.

UK, Canada, US didn't sit back and wait for loans to build their countries. This idea that you just throw money at something and it works is part of why Bahamian businesses don't seem to get very far, especially internationally. This is what i meant about is it that we as Bahamians CAN'T do this... or do we BELIEVE that we can't?

Apparently we believe that we can't because we need 2Bill$ out the hands of a foreigner to even move our ass

Posted 19 February 2016, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...


Posted 18 February 2016, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamaland says...

There offer was probably not enough to massage the pockets of the cabinet ministers involved in the approval process...

Posted 18 February 2016, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Why would anybody in their right mind consider investing in a country run by self serving fools. Funny how foreign money ,help etc is so welcome for all the self help projects in the country as long as the donors have no comments, then you are a FOREIGNER.

Posted 18 February 2016, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

To insinuate and suggest outright that delay of the development noted in the article is due to graft in the government is a perfect indication of the magnitude of corruption that exists in our society today. As a man thinks in HIS heart, so is HE. Perhaps this is the method they might employ to get things going?

Posted 19 February 2016, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

ELECTION coming. Hold dry feet to da fire still

Posted 19 February 2016, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

If you look at teh ground breaking picture on the Internet the lady with the shovel is decidedly Chinky.

Posted 19 February 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Anyone ever heard of the PLP past projects ......... Ginn and I-Group????? ....... Why are Androsians and other PLP out-islanders so gullible to empty PLP promises???????????

Posted 19 February 2016, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BTW ........... whatever happened to the Cat Island golf resort???????

Posted 19 February 2016, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

............... any word on the basketball gym His Excellency??????? FOOL

Posted 19 February 2016, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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