Rufa case prompts alarm

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I write this letter to you as a 25-year resident of Lyford Cay to express concern and trepidation regarding the treatment of second home owners Bruno Rufa, his partner Sandra Georgiou, and neighbour, Nanci Salvisburg.

For so many years I have felt safe, secure and contented in my Bahamian home but these recent developments in Grand Bahama have unsettled me in a way that I have to share.

I have seen nothing in the news to indicate that Mr Rufa has been convicted of any crime, in fact, quite the contrary. The only established fact is that he was deported on grounds that a judge later said were insufficient and therefore that the deportation was without a lawful basis.

In the case of Nanci Salvisburg, I have again seen nothing in the news to suggest that she has committed any crime, nor been charged with one. In an almost laughable but actually quite sinister turn, her denial of a homeowner’s resident card apparently came just a few days before Immigration wrote to the owners at the Freeport condominium complex where she lived to assure them that – notwithstanding what has happened to the President of their Board, Mr Rufa - they would not be targets of victimisation.

Apparently we second homeowners and investors in this country that we love will be OK so long as we “conform ourselves to lawful behaviour and are of good conduct”. But all of this is meaningless if someone can be treated like and considered a criminal whether they have been convicted of any crime or not!

So for what reason are these two individuals being targeted, we wonder? Could it be that they have gotten under the skin of someone who has connections at the Department of Immigration? The Department keeps seeking to “assure” the public that its actions are no “capricious act” but how can we be assured when we have been told nothing of what he has really done?

So no, we are not assured in the slightest. Not at all. What we are, ever more, is troubled that this present PLP government is taking the Bahamas towards some sort of Banana Republic. What else can we think when all we hear is the government out there seeking to entice investors to the country, smiling with foreign developers, only to then treat them like chewing gum on their shoe when there might be political points to be scored – or so they think.

In the same vein, just as it is devastating to see the turn that this Minister is taking with respect to law-abiding second home owners, who bring so much to The Bahamas, who have made it our home, and so desperately want it to do well, it was appalling that a man who spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars trying to develop The Bahamas was spoken to and treated in the way that he was by the Minister of Immigration, Fred Mitchell.

Whatever the ultimate cause of the quagmire that is now Baha Mar, the way the Minister reacted to the events was uncalled for and yet another example of the sort of erratic and capricious action that I, and others I speak to on these issues, now fear.

I have always encouraged friends and associates to visit us and invest in The Bahamas. Today I often feel as though I might be giving them the wrong advice if I did this. Besides the growing challenge of crime and violence, to tell anyone to bring their money to a country whose Immigration Minister is apparently so keen to make a name for himself by such damaging and whimsical behaviour seems increasingly ill-advised, if, that is, I plan to stay on good terms with those I am advising.

For, ultimately, who knows which of us will be next? The only genuine reassurance would be to see the Department truly act in good faith towards law-abiding second home owners. I, and many I know, live in hope.


Lyford Cay,

February 17, 2016.


Economist says...

I have had potential investors say that they are not going to invest at the moment until they see if a new government will come to power.

They mention immigration as the number one problem followed by government interference in Baha Mar and the failure to extend the Hawksbill Creek Agreement.

Thank you for letting people know that non-Bahamians are concerned.

A concerned Resident is a good resident. Thank you.

Posted 18 February 2016, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

QC Smith is transforming the Truth ! He is creating another Circus about the situation at Coral Beach. Like B Rufa, Nanci salvisburg is not an innocent person, they are taking jobs from Bahamians , they are working at Coral Beach ! Her husband David Salvisburg was a Director in charge of the Legal Committee with responsability for evicting people. No compassion was given to an 82 years old diabetic Lady who was evicted from her unit and left in the streets. Many Owners were forced to sell their unit and leave the Bahamas never to return because they were deemed UNDESIRABLES by B.Rufa and His BOD . At this time, Coral Beach had a MASSIVE EXODUS under Rufa 's dictatorship. B Rufa and his BOD are in Court for Oppression of the Minority .
The Maintenance Supervisor was made redundant and replaced by Board Members. D. Salvisburg became in charge . He was working without a work permit. Nanci Salvisburg took over the position after her husband died , she is working without a work permit .They are not regular Law abiding visitors who just want to enjoy the Bahamas .To get a Resident Card, Nanci and B. Rufa should first off all respect the Bahamian Laws. They are dragging down all the CB Owners with their actions .

Posted 19 February 2016, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

So, this may be all good and right what you are saying. why is this not prosecuted? if Mr. and Ms. Salvisburg have a record of criminal conviction, that would obviously warrant a different approach. But "not liking" is not a standard to apply laws and deny or grant rights to persons. This is the problem in this country. We all the laws we need, we even regulate drones, and no one in the government gives a damn about following the laws.

Posted 19 February 2016, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

They are not Residents, they are Visitors ant they are not Investor they are Retired people who do not fallow the Bahamian Law ! B.Rufa and Nanci Salvisburg have nothing to do with Decent People

Posted 19 February 2016, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Rufa and his rogues at Coral Beach are running a dynasty and don't want their empire to be closed. Enough is enough. Rufa is the one who was charged with working illegally and this is not the first time. He was caught working before at the old CIBC Bank building on Queen's Highway. The truth is going to be told and Rufa and all his crew of 'Merry men' will be exposed for exactly who they are. Speak the truth a d shame the devil. If you can not abide by the laws of any country then the door swings both ways, in and out. Why fight to remain in a country where you've been caught two times broking the law? What's the 'real' reason behind all of this hulla baloo?

Posted 19 February 2016, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

that's not the problem, the problem is that the Government does not follow the law. If the Government acts outside the scope of law it results in uncertainty for all others concerned. The immigration laws foresee a clear conduct and procedure, and there is no reason why that procedure should not have been followed. The outcome will be the outcome, if Rufa and Co have broken the law, then there will be consequences, such as deportation.

Posted 19 February 2016, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

According to your letter you have been a resident of Lyford Cay for twenty five years.
The PLP Governmet has not and will not take the Bahamas to a Banana Republic. Troubled
in Lyford Cay your letter sounds a lot , like the Out spoken QC. It is very possible that you are both one and the same or are you just one of his disciples? Bahamians love the Bahamas. and we pray that God will continue to bless the Bahamas Because we believe that with Jesus Christ in the vesele we can weather the storm..

Posted 19 February 2016, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

If Fred Smith is representing this Rufa guy .......... you can bet it has something to do with the other Fweddy

Posted 19 February 2016, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Sheeprunner12, you hit the nail right on the head.. Rufa is just a puppet with his hands in the condo association's money till, feeding the ego of Fred Smith and his fight against the Government. Maybe if Fred Smith apologize to the Country for his Auschwitz statement, Bruno Rufa may get a bye for the second time. This could save the Condo association and the country thousands of dollars in legal fees. But we all know egos and apologies don't mix, especially if you are being paid handsomely.

Posted 21 February 2016, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

We need to keep our eye on the rulings by the courts. Generally, and I say generally, what they rule is the way we should behave.

Bluesky you seem to have a beef with Rufa. That is fine and good, but if the court says that his deportation was not proper, then it is not proper and no amount of your personal feelings can change the fact that he should be able to stay.

All the court has said is tat if you want to remove someone do it properly under the law and not underhanded and illegally. Government must respect the law.

Posted 20 February 2016, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Economist, unfortunately this Bruno Rufa matter will end up before the privy council, that's the only way to determine if the court made the proper ruling.

Posted 21 February 2016, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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