Gray invites Rollins to meet him 'in the right place'


Tribune Staff Reporter

MEMBER of Parliament for MICAL V Alfred Gray told Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins to “go to hell in a wastebasket” last night after Dr Rollins accused Mr Gray of abusing his power by “interfering with the judiciary” last year.

In a heated exchange, Dr Rollins accused Mr Gray of “berating a judge” and said the government should have removed Mr Gray from the Cabinet while the matter was being investigated.

In response, Mr Gray said he wished he could “meet Dr Rollins in the right place” and said the Ft Charlotte MP could join him outside “whenever he is ready”.

Dr Rollins was referring to the decision of the Attorney General’s Office not to bring charges against Mr Gray after accusations were made that he used his Cabinet position to interfere in a judicial matter.

“When you have a sitting magistrate who has made a decision or rendered a verdict and a member of the executive is able to pick up a phone and berate him and tell him to release the person who had been sentenced and sent to prison, what you are doing is interfering with the judicial process,” Dr Rollins said. “Those were allegations made against this administration and the member for MICAL and that is an example of how the executive does not respect the separation of powers and if it did, it would not be berating the judiciary for the decisions that they make when in actuality the failure of the matters is at the feet of the executive.”

“How can you have a member of the executive remain in the executive while they are deciding on a fate of his own in relation to charges of judicial interference? The least that he should have done was to ask to be removed from the Cabinet until such time as that matter is dealt with... if the member for MICAL was going to be the subject of a decision that could render him the subject of a court matter, clearly he ought not to have remained a sitting member of the Cabinet.”

Mr Gray in turn accused Dr Rollins of using him to “sing for his supper” as a new member of the Free National Movement. He then said Dr Rollins “lost his senses” after he was slapped by Long Island MP Loretta Butler Turner in 2013. Dr Rollins was a member of the Progressive Liberal Party at the time.

“I am not going to let the member for Fort Charlotte, who is singing for his supper, discredit me,” Mr Gray said. “He wants to show the FNM he is worthy of joining them and I understand what he was trying to do, but do not use me to do it, Mr Speaker.

“This matter was looked into by the police, they found no evidence to support the allegation. I never berated anybody, never sought to do anything illegal,” Mr Gray said.

“See, Mr Speaker, they did not get the result they wanted, blame the police, not me. I never investigated anything. You did not like what the police found, that’s your problem. Mr Speaker, I don’t want to be drawn into anything. See when women slap you down and get away with it, it turns your head upside down, it turns you into a fool.

“But I want the member for Fort Charlotte to know tonight, I do not have an axe to grind and I know he has lost a little of his senses because of the heavy weight slap. Don’t mess with me. Mr Speaker, I am not going to sit here and allow this member to besmirch me, something the police looked into and didn’t find anything, I must live with his criticism for the rest of my life - he could go to hell Mr Speaker, in a waste basket.”

He then said: “ . . . I want to meet him at the right place, join me whenever you ready.”

House Speaker Kendall Major then urged Dr Rollins to “move on” as the matter had been “fully adjudicated” and it would be “unparliamentary to try to introduce a matter that has been fully vetted.”

Dr Rollins dropped the issue, but not before saying he “respects women” and “would never hit a woman.”

He also said he was not embarrassed by the slap.

Last year, police launched an investigation into whether Mr Gray abused his power by contacting Mayaguana administrator Zephaniah Newbold about a young man convicted on the island, Mr Gray’s constituent, and sentenced to prison. Mr Newbold has said he released the man without bail after having a conversation with Mr Gray and alleged that he felt “threatened.”

Mr Gray confirmed that he did contact the island administrator, but strongly denied that he attempted to sway the course of justice.

During the investigation, Mr Gray resigned from his position as minister of local government but remained minister of agriculture and marine resources.

Last May, the AG’s office decided not to pursue legal action against Mr Gray citing a conflicting “nature of evidence” as reason to not “institute criminal proceedings” against any person connected to the matter.


TruePeople says...

Gray should be removed immediately, and quite honestly his comments about meeting Rollins in the 'right place' / 'outside' should be considered not only a verbal threat but also assault, and another charge of assault based on the tort of what he intends to do to Mr. Rollin's 'outside'.

Charge him, send him to FoxHill and make him get his mind right. His interference of justice last year is a known fact. Charge him for that too, obstruction of justice, hell give him accessory to the crime as well, as he was accessory after the fact.

QUOTE - Mr Gray in turn accused Dr Rollins of using him to “sing for his supper” as a new member of the Free National Movement. He then said Dr Rollins “lost his senses” after he was slapped by Long Island MP Loretta Butler Turner in 2013.

How is that commentary appropriate Gray?! It's not!!! Gray acting worse than a jungalis B*** , and yet hold's power in Gov't???! My God, Freddy in the HOA and now Gray wit his fool. My GOD! This is worse than shame! it's f*** disgusting! Gray need to carry his azz to FoxHill where he belongs, on permanent shift to empty out the crap buckets. That is more than he deserves!!

Posted 25 February 2016, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

cant wait to see how Rollins beats up Gray outside. Gray deserves to be lock up for his role with BAMSI, let alone Gray-gate.

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Alfred Gray is a National disgrace. How can the Bahamas progress as a Nation when we populate our top ministerial offices with persons like him, Leslie Miller, Shane Gibson etc? Is this the best we have to offer our people? The truth is that the country's best forward thinkers and leaders would never taint themselves by becoming politicians. So we have to suffer the likes of the afore-mentioned, pseudo ministers who would never cut it in a first world country. How many of our political leaders enter the political arena in order to better the country? How many are attracted so that they might enjoy the benefit of underhand deals, free loans and a quick route to a brand new gated house out West? No answer required!

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Three words sum up Gray: Corrupt, braindead thug!

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Well since he has also invited the Bahamian people to meet him outside (since remember, these MPs represent us, not themselves and the seats they occupy are ours, not theirs) then shall we, while there, bet on just how badly Rollins would beat this crook's posterior? Betting is legal now, yes? Or can we only do so with Sebass, Flowers or the other guy?

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Why should people go to the police and the courts to resolve conflict when violent aggression is evidently the way by which this Parliamentarian would resolve his conflicts.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Great example right? then they turn round and blame the crime problem on the Bahamian Family. Maybe they should extrapolate that to the national scale and see how blameless they look then

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Gray is the perfect example of the PLPs' crime plan...

Posted 25 February 2016, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

From what I understand, Gray will NOT be running for his seat in 2017. Therefore the PLP is using him as an attack dog/mouthpiece as he does not have to worry about VOTES. Watch and see how this gutter scum will be on the attack and saying things that no MP who wants to be re=elected would say. Just like he admitted that the PLP panders to crony's and is a corrupt organization that only looks out for it's supporters to the detriment of ALL other Bahamians.

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

I thought like Perry- he changed his mind.

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades there upstairs in the Honourable House of Assembly did stood ups to argue from the government side, the embattled former Minster Local Island Affairs V. Alfred.
Facing off at him from the opposite isle was the reds Shadow Minister Dr. Andre, milking his new play minister role for all its worth.
Unfortunately, all the campaign posters money can buy nailed to lamp polls will not make either of these two man’s appealing to voters – regardless of which constituencies they are assigned to contest the 2017 General.
Both these man’s would be as appealing to voters as a toothache. Actually the toothache would be more tolerable than to suffer through them being elected to the House
from 2017 – 2022.

Posted 25 February 2016, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Sigh ... another conversation about Gray and the PLP parrot immediately has a Pavlovian response of "Red Shirts". PLP Polly want a cracker?

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Butler Turner did give Rollins a big Slap. without any warning. did you folks her to resign?and when the Bare foot bandit who break into store and had a gun and did serious crimes in the Bahamas who interfered with the Justice system.? and who investigated the matter? I know the difference the poor black boy from a family Island deserves no chance. Mr: Gray's matter was investigated. and he was found not guilty. Rollins had no reason to bring it up.

Posted 25 February 2016, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Don't waste your breath Bro, Birdie used to spouting from both ends, mouth and ass interchangeable...............

Posted 25 February 2016, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

I only see shit talk, so i ein know if she know how to speak out she mouth

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

ikaliki is that the best you can do.? you have to try much harder than that how about it? try

Posted 25 February 2016, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Once again you are totally incorrect and have no idea about what you speak of. Ignorance is bliss. Keep your head buried in the sand as if you pull it out and get a clue it might explode.

Posted 25 February 2016, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Head in the sand with azz up ready to get raped by di whole PLP gang

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

"SWOOSH", that is the sound of the point of this article going right over Birdie's head as usual.

Posted 25 February 2016, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Alfred Grey vs Andre Rollins who you putting your money on. Andre prove he could take licks (the slap that was heard around the world). Gray tends to have too much mouth. Just knock his glasses off and he done lost.

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

But Gray does have a large closet full of money. And his driver has some of it.

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

No banks, i think that was Vincent Peet!!

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I stand corrected.

Posted 26 February 2016, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Alfred Gray cleverly mentioned that he has sons to do physical battle for him. He said he went above and beyond to be a good father to his children and provide for them so when it comes them defending and protecting him they will not let him down . Watch out Andre.

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I did write the truth, It is apparent you folks can not handle the truth. instead of addressing the facts. you folks just cuss, and cuss. any fool can do that and they do. It is alleged that Butler Turner cusses a lot right across the house floor. This is what I have been told. I do not know how true this is.. but you all should know,

Posted 25 February 2016, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

What "truth", Birdie? The one where you have your head in the sand and parrot whatever your PLP massas tell you? Get a grip, Birdie, or you'll be headed up to Sandilands with the rest of this PLP circus!

Posted 25 February 2016, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Gray, Miller, Gibson, Fred, Brave, Perry, Fitzgerald epitomizes the PLP. A shitty organization with frowzy habits!

Posted 25 February 2016, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Jamaica Votes 2016: Live stream of the 2016 General Election Results


Posted 25 February 2016, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

**Good men have once again been misused to hide dirty dealings. We do not know what the police found. The AG DECIDED NOT TO PROSECUTE. That is completely different from someone being found innocent of charges** Frowzy habits indeed

Posted 26 February 2016, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

stislez says...

***“See, Mr Speaker, they did not get the result they wanted, blame the police, not me. I never investigated anything. You did not like what the police found, that’s your problem. Mr Speaker, I don’t want to be drawn into anything. See when women slap you down and get away with it, it turns your head upside down, it turns you into a fool."***

Dis negro a str8 G! So wa he tryna say is, i did infact do the dirt what you accuse me of but the POLICE een find no evidence so une gat no case lmfao! Den jah man imply that when a woman hit a man she should be dealt with accordingly lmfao!

Posted 26 February 2016, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Stislez.. you've made a valid point... what Mr. Gray implies that, we men, rather than exercising self control and discipline of faculty, if a woman should hit, slap or kick a male... we ought to slam the shit out of her.

According to Mr. Gray, this would be the better course than allow yourself to be ridiculed as "slapped up your head by a woman". The only thing about this, the men will be cited for 'violence against women'.

On the point, WHERE IS THE CRISIS CENTER NOW???????????. Or is it only the Member of Parliament for Tall Pines, Mr. Leslie Miller, who is allowed to beat women???

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 26 February 2016, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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